virtual void | clearMeshes ()=0 |
| Delete all meshes. More...
virtual void | deleteMesh (std::uint16_t meshIndex)=0 |
| Delete the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | setVertexPositions (std::uint16_t meshIndex, const Position *positions, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| List of vertex positions. More...
virtual void | setVertexTextureCoordinates (std::uint16_t meshIndex, const TextureCoordinate *textureCoordinates, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| List of vertex texture coordinates. More...
virtual void | setVertexNormals (std::uint16_t meshIndex, const Normal *normals, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| List of vertex normals. More...
virtual void | setVertexLayouts (std::uint16_t meshIndex, const VertexLayout *layouts, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| List of vertex layouts the belong to the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | clearFaceVertexLayoutIndices (std::uint16_t meshIndex)=0 |
| Delete all lists of vertex layout indices for the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | setFaceVertexLayoutIndices (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint32_t faceIndex, const std::uint32_t *layoutIndices, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| Vertex layout indices that belong to the specified face. More...
virtual void | setMaximumInfluencePerVertex (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint16_t maxInfluenceCount)=0 |
virtual void | clearSkinWeights (std::uint16_t meshIndex)=0 |
| Delete all skin weights for the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | setSkinWeightsValues (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint32_t vertexIndex, const float *weights, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| List of skin weights influencing the referenced vertex. More...
virtual void | setSkinWeightsJointIndices (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint32_t vertexIndex, const std::uint16_t *jointIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| List of joint indices associated with each skin weight for the specified vertex. More...
virtual void | clearBlendShapeTargets (std::uint16_t meshIndex)=0 |
| Delete all blend shape targets for the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | setBlendShapeChannelIndex (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint16_t blendShapeTargetIndex, std::uint16_t blendShapeChannelIndex)=0 |
| The matching blend shape channel index of the specified blend shape target. More...
virtual void | setBlendShapeTargetDeltas (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint16_t blendShapeTargetIndex, const Delta *deltas, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| List of deltas for each affected vertex. More...
virtual void | setBlendShapeTargetVertexIndices (std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint16_t blendShapeTargetIndex, const std::uint32_t *vertexIndices, std::uint32_t count)=0 |
| Vertex position indices affected by the specified blend shape target. More...
virtual void | clearGUIControlNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored GUI control names. More...
virtual void | setGUIControlName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified GUI control. More...
virtual void | clearRawControlNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored raw control names. More...
virtual void | setRawControlName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified raw control. More...
virtual void | clearJointNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored joint names. More...
virtual void | setJointName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified joint. More...
virtual void | clearJointIndices ()=0 |
| Delete all stored joint indices. More...
virtual void | setJointIndices (std::uint16_t index, const std::uint16_t *jointIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| Store a list of joint indices onto a specified index. More...
virtual void | clearLODJointMappings ()=0 |
| Delete all stored LOD to joint list index mapping entries. More...
virtual void | setLODJointMapping (std::uint16_t lod, std::uint16_t index)=0 |
| Set which joints belong to which level of detail. More...
virtual void | clearBlendShapeChannelNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored blend shape channel names. More...
virtual void | setBlendShapeChannelName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified blend shape channel. More...
virtual void | clearBlendShapeChannelIndices ()=0 |
| Delete all stored blend shape channel indices. More...
virtual void | setBlendShapeChannelIndices (std::uint16_t index, const std::uint16_t *blendShapeChannelIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| Store a list of blend shape channel name indices onto a specified index. More...
virtual void | clearLODBlendShapeChannelMappings ()=0 |
| Delete all stored LOD to blend shape channel list index mapping entries. More...
virtual void | setLODBlendShapeChannelMapping (std::uint16_t lod, std::uint16_t index)=0 |
| Set which blend shape channels belong to which level of detail. More...
virtual void | clearAnimatedMapNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored animated map names. More...
virtual void | setAnimatedMapName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified animated map. More...
virtual void | clearAnimatedMapIndices ()=0 |
| Delete all stored animated map indices. More...
virtual void | setAnimatedMapIndices (std::uint16_t index, const std::uint16_t *animatedMapIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| Store a list of animated map name indices onto a specified index. More...
virtual void | clearLODAnimatedMapMappings ()=0 |
| Delete all stored LOD to animated map list index mapping entries. More...
virtual void | setLODAnimatedMapMapping (std::uint16_t lod, std::uint16_t index)=0 |
| Set which animated maps belong to which level of detail. More...
virtual void | clearMeshNames ()=0 |
| Delete all stored mesh names. More...
virtual void | setMeshName (std::uint16_t index, const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the specified mesh. More...
virtual void | clearMeshIndices ()=0 |
| Delete all stored mesh indices. More...
virtual void | setMeshIndices (std::uint16_t index, const std::uint16_t *meshIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| Store a list of mesh name indices onto a specified index. More...
virtual void | clearLODMeshMappings ()=0 |
| Delete all stored LOD to mesh list index mapping entries. More...
virtual void | setLODMeshMapping (std::uint16_t lod, std::uint16_t index)=0 |
| Set which meshes belong to which level of detail. More...
virtual void | clearMeshBlendShapeChannelMappings ()=0 |
| Delete all stored mesh to blend shape channel mapping entries. More...
virtual void | setMeshBlendShapeChannelMapping (std::uint32_t index, std::uint16_t meshIndex, std::uint16_t blendShapeChannelIndex)=0 |
| Associate a blend shape channel with it's mesh. More...
virtual void | setJointHierarchy (const std::uint16_t *jointIndices, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
| A simple array describing the parent-child relationships between joints. More...
virtual void | setNeutralJointTranslations (const Vector3 *translations, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
virtual void | setNeutralJointRotations (const Vector3 *rotations, std::uint16_t count)=0 |
virtual void | setName (const char *name)=0 |
virtual void | setArchetype (Archetype archetype)=0 |
virtual void | setGender (Gender gender)=0 |
virtual void | setAge (std::uint16_t age)=0 |
virtual void | clearMetaData ()=0 |
| Empties the metadata storage, delete all key-value pairs. More...
virtual void | setMetaData (const char *key, const char *value)=0 |
| Associate the metadata value with the given key. More...
virtual void | setTranslationUnit (TranslationUnit unit)=0 |
virtual void | setRotationUnit (RotationUnit unit)=0 |
virtual void | setCoordinateSystem (CoordinateSystem system)=0 |
virtual void | setLODCount (std::uint16_t lodCount)=0 |
| Available levels of detail (e.g. 6 which means the following levels are available: [0,1,2,3,4,5], where 0 is the LOD with the highest details, and 5 is the LOD with lowest details). More...
virtual void | setDBMaxLOD (std::uint16_t lod)=0 |
| The maximum level of detail stored in the DNA data for this character. More...
virtual void | setDBComplexity (const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the input control interface used to drive this character rig. More...
virtual void | setDBName (const char *name)=0 |
| Name of the database from which the character originates. More...
Write-only accessors for the geometry data associated with a rig.
- Warning
- Implementors should inherit from Writer itself and not this class.
- See also
- Writer