2025-01-15 03:07:36 +08:00

169 lines
6.0 KiB

import maya.cmds as cmds
import sys
def onMayaDroppedPythonFile(*args):
#Let's you batch import:
def FileBatchImport(*args):
if CheckForBonusTools:
multipleFilters = 'All native importable files (*.3ds *.abc *.ass *.at *.catpart *.dae *.fbx *.igs *.iges *.jt *.ma *.mb *.obj *.prt *.sat *.step *.stp *.wire);; Maya binary (*.mb);; Maya Ascii (*.ma);; WIRE_ATF (*.wire);; Obj (*.obj);; FBX (*.fbx);; DAE_FBX (*.dae);; Alembic Cache (*.abc);; Atom (*.atom);; Step (*.stp *.step);; IGES_ATF (*.igs *.iges);; ASS (*.ass);; 3DS Max (*.3ds);; CATIAV5_ATF (*.catpart);; JT_ATF (*.jt);; SAT_ATF (*.sat);; NX_ATF (*.prt)'
multipleFilters = 'All native importable files (*.abc *.ass *.at *.catpart *.dae *.fbx *.igs *.iges *.jt *.ma *.mb *.obj *.prt *.sat *.step *.stp *.wire);; Maya binary (*.mb);; Maya Ascii (*.ma);; WIRE_ATF (*.wire);; Obj (*.obj);; FBX (*.fbx);; DAE_FBX (*.dae);; Alembic Cache (*.abc);; Atom (*.atom);; Step (*.stp *.step);; IGES_ATF (*.igs *.iges);; ASS (*.ass);; 3DS Max (*.3ds);; CATIAV5_ATF (*.catpart);; JT_ATF (*.jt);; SAT_ATF (*.sat);; NX_ATF (*.prt)'
files = cmds.fileDialog2(caption = 'Choose files to import', ds = 2, fileMode = 4, okCaption = 'Import', fileFilter = multipleFilters, hideNameEdit = False)
if files == None or files[0] == None or len(files) < 0:
sys.exit('You or something else canceled the selection of a directory. Did you only see empty folders? Make sure you have the requiered permissions for the folder.\n')
for x in files:
if any(y in x for y in ['.ma', '.MA']):
fileType = 'mayaAscii'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.mb', '.MB']):
fileType = 'mayaBinary'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.wire', '.WIRE']):
fileType = 'WIRE_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.obj', '.OBJ']):
fileType = 'OBJ'
options = 'mo=0'
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.fbx', '.FBX']):
fileType = 'FBX'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.dae', '.DAE']):
fileType = 'DAE_FBX'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.abc', '.ABC']):
fileType = 'Alembic'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.atom', '.ATOM', '.at', '.AT']):
fileType = 'atomImport'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in ['.step', '.STEP', '.stp', '.STP']):
fileType = 'STEP_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['igs.', '.IGS', '.iges', '.IGES']):
fileType = 'IGES_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.ass', '.ASS']):
fileType = 'ASS'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.3ds', '.3DS']):
fileType = '3ds'
options = ''
if CheckForBonusTools:
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.catpart', '.CATPART']):
fileType = 'CATIAV5_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.jt', '.JT']):
fileType = 'JT_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.sat', '.SAT']):
fileType = 'SAT_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
if any(y in x for y in['.prt', '.PRT']):
fileType = 'NX_ATF'
options = ''
ImportFiles(fileType, x, options)
def CheckForBonusTools(*args):
for x in sys.path:
if 'MayaBonusTools' in x:
return True
return False
def LoadPlugin(plugin, *args):
if not cmds.pluginInfo(plugin, query = True, loaded = True):
sys.stdout.write('Plugin "' + plugin + '" loaded.\n')
cmds.warning('Could not find "' + plugin + '" plugin or could not load it. Open the Plugin Manager and make sure Maya recognized the plugin and try again.\n')
def ImportFiles(fileType, file, options, *args):
namespace = file.split('/')
namespace = namespace[-1].split('.')
namespace = namespace[0]
cmds.file(str(file), i = True, type = fileType, ignoreVersion = True, mergeNamespacesOnClash = False, namespace = namespace, options = options)
sys.stdout.write('Imported "' + str(file) + '".\n')
sys.stdout.write('Either the directory path or the file name have some special characters.\n')
sys.stdout.write('The names will be changed.\n')
cmds.file(file, i = True, type = fileType, ignoreVersion = True, mergeNamespacesOnClash = False, namespace = namespace, options = options)
sys.stdout.write('Imported "' + file + '".\n')
cmds.warning('Could not import ' + file + '. Maybe you dont have the requiered permissions to the folder.\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not cmds.about(batch = True):