python("import sys"); string $selected[] = `ls -selection`; global proc performExtractDeltas() { string $sel[] = `ls -sl -tr`; string $shapes[]; for ($s in $sel) { $shapes = `listRelatives -s $s`; for ($sh in $shapes) { if (`nodeType $sh` != "mesh") { error "The selected geometry is no polygon object!"; } } } if (size($sel) == 2) { $shapes = `listRelatives -s $sel[0]`; string $skin[] = `listConnections -type "skinCluster" $shapes[0]`; if (!`size($skin)`) { error "The first selected object is not bound to a skin cluster!"; } } else { error "Please select two polygonal objects!"; } extractDeltas -s $sel[0] -c $sel[1]; } performExtractDeltas(); select -r $selected[1]; python("import importlib"); python("sys.path.append('c:/Arts and Spells/Scripts')"); python("import bsIndex"); python("importlib.reload(bsIndex)"); python("bsIndex.calc()"); //delete;