import logging from typing import List, Tuple, Union from maya import cmds, mel from maya.api.OpenMaya import MFnMesh, MGlobal from maya.api.OpenMayaAnim import MFnSkinCluster from ..util.error import DNAViewerError from ..util.maya_util import Maya class MayaSkinWeights: """ A class used for reading and storing skin weight related data needed for adding skin clusters """ no_of_influences: int skinning_method: int joints: List[str] vertices_info: List[List[Union[int, float]]] @staticmethod def create(skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster, mesh_name: str) -> "MayaSkinWeights": """ Creates a new instance of the class object. @type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: Functionalities of maya skin clusters @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh """ skin_weights = MayaSkinWeights() skin_weights.no_of_influences = cmds.skinCluster(, q=True, mi=True ) skin_weights.skinning_method = cmds.skinCluster(, q=True, sm=True ) skin_weights.joints = MayaSkinWeights.get_skin_cluster_influence(skin_cluster) skin_weights.vertices_info = MayaSkinWeights.get_skin_weights_for_mesh_name( skin_cluster, mesh_name ) return skin_weights @staticmethod def get_skin_cluster_influence( skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster, ) -> List[str]: """ Gets a list of joint names that are influences to the skin cluster. @type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: The functionalities of a maya skin cluster object @rtype: List[str] @returns: The list if names of the joints that influence the skin cluster """ influences: List[str] = cmds.skinCluster(, q=True, inf=True) if influences and not isinstance(influences[0], str): influences = [ for obj in influences] return influences @staticmethod def get_skin_weights_for_mesh_name( skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster, mesh_name: str, ) -> List[List[Union[int, float]]]: """ Gets the skin weights concerning the given mesh. @type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: The functionalities of a maya skin cluster object @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh @rtype: List[List[Union[int, float]]] @returns: A list of list of weight indices and the weight values """ mesh = Maya.get_element(mesh_name) components = MGlobal.getSelectionListByName(f"{mesh_name}.vtx[*]").getComponent( 0 )[1] weights_data, chunk = skin_cluster.getWeights(mesh, components) iterator = [ weights_data[i : i + chunk] for i in range(0, len(weights_data), chunk) ] vertices_info = [] for weights in iterator: vertex_weights: List[float] = [] vertices_info.append(vertex_weights) for i, weight in enumerate(weights): if weight: vertex_weights.append(i) vertex_weights.append(weight) return vertices_info class SkinWeightsMaya: """ A class used for setting and interacting with skin weights in maya. """ def get_skin_weights_data(self, mesh_name: str) -> Tuple[MFnMesh, MFnSkinCluster]: """ Gets the maya objects that manipulate the mesh node and the skin cluster for a given mesh name. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh @rtype: Tuple[MFnMesh, MFnSkinCluster] @returns: The maya object that manipulate the mesh node and the skin cluster for a given mesh name. """ skin_cluster = None skin_cluster_name = mel.eval(f"findRelatedSkinCluster {mesh_name}") if skin_cluster_name: skin_cluster = MFnSkinCluster(Maya.get_element(skin_cluster_name)) mesh_node = MFnMesh(Maya.get_element(mesh_name)) if not skin_cluster: raise DNAViewerError(f"Unable to find skin for given mesh: {mesh_name}") return mesh_node, skin_cluster def get_skin_weights_from_scene(self, mesh_name: str) -> MayaSkinWeights: """ Gets the instance of this class filled with data from the scene for a given mesh name. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name @rtype: MayaSkinWeights @returns: An instance of this class with the data from the scene """ _, skin_cluster = self.get_skin_weights_data(mesh_name) skin_weights = MayaSkinWeights.create(skin_cluster, mesh_name) return skin_weights def get_file_joint_mappings( self, skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights, skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster ) -> List[int]: """ Returns a list of object indices representing the influences concerning the joint names specified in the skin weight model. @type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The instance of the model storing data about skin weights @type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: An object for working with functions concerning a skin cluster in maya @rtype: List[int] @returns: a list of indices representing the influences concerning the given joints """ file_joint_mapping: List[int] = [] for joint_name in skin_weights.joints: file_joint_mapping.append( skin_cluster.indexForInfluenceObject(Maya.get_element(joint_name)) ) return file_joint_mapping def set_skin_weights_to_scene( self, mesh_name: str, skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights ) -> None: """ Sets the skin weights to the scene. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name @type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The object containing data that need to be set to the scene. """ mesh_node, skin_cluster = self.get_skin_weights_data(mesh_name) file_joint_mapping = self.get_file_joint_mappings(skin_weights, skin_cluster) self.import_skin_weights( skin_cluster, mesh_node, skin_weights, file_joint_mapping )"Set skin weights ended.") def import_skin_weights( self, skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster, mesh_node: MFnMesh, skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights, file_joint_mapping: List[int], ) -> None: """ Imports the skin weights to the scene using the joint mapping and the data provided in the model containing the weights. @type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: An object for working with functions concerning a skin cluster in maya @type mesh_node: MFnMesh @param mesh_node: An object for working with functions concerning meshes in maya @type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The instance of the model storing data about skin weights @type file_joint_mapping: List[int] @param file_joint_mapping: a list of indices representing the influences concerning joints """ temp_str = f"{}.wl[" for vtx_id in range(cmds.polyEvaluate(, vertex=True)): vtx_info = skin_weights.vertices_info[vtx_id] vtx_str = f"{temp_str}{str(vtx_id)}].w[" cmds.setAttr(f"{vtx_str}0]", 0.0) for i in range(0, len(vtx_info), 2): cmds.setAttr( f"{vtx_str}{str(file_joint_mapping[int(vtx_info[i])])}]", vtx_info[i + 1], )