dna_viewer.util package
dna_viewer.util.additional_assembly_script module
- class dna_viewer.util.additional_assembly_script.AdditionalAssemblyScript[source]
A utility class used for running python scripts
- static run_additional_assembly_script(config: dna_viewer.config.character.Character) None [source]
Runs the additional assembly script using the provided character configuration.
@type config: Character @param config: The character configuration object with the needed settings for running the additional assembly script
- static run_script(module_name: str, path: str, method: str, parameter: Optional[Any] = None) None [source]
Runs the additional assembly script using the provided parameters.
@type module_name: str @param module_name: The module name that gets loaded
@type path: str @param path: The path where the additional assembly script is located
@type method: str @param method: The name of the method that gets called
@type parameter: Any @param parameter: The parameters that get passed in the method (defaults to None)
dna_viewer.util.assemble module
- dna_viewer.util.assemble.assemble_rig(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, analog_gui_path: str, gui_path: Optional[str] = None, gui: Optional[dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui] = None, aas_path: Optional[str] = None, aas_fn: str = 'run_after_assemble', aas_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, with_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False, with_key_frames: bool = False, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool = True) dna_viewer.builder.scene.SceneResult [source]
Used for assembling the rig with the following parameters
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA
@type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The file location of the gui
@type gui: Gui @param gui: The gui configuration, this can be used instead of gui_path for finer control
@type analog_gui_path: str @param analog_gui_path: The file location of the analog gui
@type aas_path: str @param aas_path: The file location of the additional assembly script
@type aas_fn: str @param aas_fn: The method name called from the additional assembly script (default is “run_after_assemble”)
@type aas_params: str @param aas_params: The parameters dictionary that will get passed to the provided method name called from the additional assembly script (default is None)
@type with_attributes_on_root_joint: bool @param with_attributes_on_root_joint: A flag used for adding attributes on the root joint (default is False)
@type with_key_frames: bool @param with_key_frames: A flag used for adding key frames (default is False)
@type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it
@rtype: SceneResult @returns: A SceneResult object representing the info about the finished build process
dna_viewer.util.character_creator module
- class dna_viewer.util.character_creator.CharacterCreator(config: dna_viewer.config.character.Character, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA)[source]
A class used for creating the character in the maya scene
- @type config
- Type
- @param config
- Type
The character configuration containing build options
- @type dna
- Type
- @param dna
- Type
The DNA object read from the DNA file
- @type character_name
- Type
- @param character_name
- Type
The name of the character
- @type meshes
- Type
Dict[int, List[MObject]]
- @param meshes
- Type
A mapping of lod number to a list of meshes created for that lod
- add_analog_gui(add_to_character_node: bool = False) None [source]
Adds an analog gui according to the specified analog gui options. If none is specified no analog gui will be added.
@type add_to_character_node: bool @param add_to_character_node: A flag that specifies if the imported analog gui should be parented to the character node transform (default value is None).
- add_gui() None [source]
Adds a gui according to the specified gui options. If none is specified no gui will be added.
- add_joints() List[dna_viewer.model.joint.Joint] [source]
Reads and adds the joints to the scene, also returns a list model objects of joints that were added.
@rtype: List[JointModel] @returns: The list containing model objects representing the joints that were added to the scene.
- add_joints_to_character() None [source]
Starts adding the joints the character, if the character configuration options have add_joints set to False, this step will be skipped.
- add_key_frames() None [source]
Adds a starting key frame to the facial root joint if joints are added and the add_key_frames option is set to True.
- add_mesh_to_display_layer(mesh_name: str, lod: int) None [source]
Add the mesh with the given name to an already created display layer.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh that should be added to a display layer.
@type lod: int @param lod: The lod value, this is needed for determining the name of the display layer that the mesh should be added to.
- add_rig_logic_node() None [source]
Creates and adds a rig logic node specified in the character configuration.
- attach_mesh_to_lod(mesh_name: str, lod: int) None [source]
Attaches the mesh called mesh_name to a given lod.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh that needs to be attached to a lod holder object.
@type lod: str @param lod: The name of the mesh that should be added to a display layer.
- create_animated_map_attributes() None [source]
Creates animated map attributes on the root joint from the animated map names.
- create_attribute_on_joint(names: List[str]) None [source]
Create attributes from a provided list of names on the facial root joint.
@type names: List[str] @param names: List of names that are added as attributes to the facial root joint.
- create_character_meshes() None [source]
Builds the meshes of the character. If specified in the character options they get parented to a created character node transform, otherwise the meshes get put to the root level of the scene.
- create_character_node() None [source]
Creates a Maya transform which will hold the character, if the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped.
- create_ctrl_attributes_on_joint() None [source]
Creates control attributes on the root joint from the raw control names.
- create_geometry_node() None [source]
Creates a Maya transform which will hold the geometry of the character. If the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped.
- create_lod_node(lod: int, obj_name: str) None [source]
Creates a Maya transform which will hold the meshes of the character for a given lod.
@type lod: str @param lod: The lod number.
@type obj_name: str @param obj_name: The full path name of the object in the scene, if it is not found a new lod holder will be created.
- create_meshes(lod: int, meshes_per_lod: List[int]) List[OpenMaya.MObject] [source]
Builds the meshes from the provided mesh ids and then attaches them to a given lod if specified in the character configuration.
@type lod: int @param lod: The lod number representing the display layer the meshes to the display layer.
@type meshes_per_lod: List[int] @param meshes_per_lod: List of mesh indices that are being built.
@rtype: List[MObject] @returns: The list of maya objects that represent the meshes added to the scene.
- create_rig_node() None [source]
Creates a Maya transform which will hold the rig of the character. If the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped.
- get_mesh_node_fullpath_on_root(mesh_name: str) str [source]
Gets the full path in the scene of a mesh.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh thats path is needed.
@rtype: str @returns: The full path of the mesh object in the scene
- import_gui(gui_path: str, group_name: str, add_to_character_node: bool = False) None [source]
Imports a gui using the provided parameters.
@type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The path of the gui file that needs to be imported.
@type group_name: str @param group_name: The name of the transform that holds the imported asset.
@type add_to_character_node: bool @param add_to_character_node: A flag representing if the gui holder should be attached to the character node or be on the root of the scene (default value is False)
dna_viewer.util.conversion module
- class dna_viewer.util.conversion.Conversion[source]
A utility class containing methods for converting and calculating units
- static calculate_angle_modifier(unit: dna_viewer.config.units.AngleUnit, dna_unit: Optional[dna_viewer.config.units.AngleUnit] = None) float [source]
A method used for calculating the value (angle modifier) which the angles will be multiplied with. If the chosen unit is not the same as the one from the DNA file a multiplier will be calculated. Otherwise, it returns 1.
@type unit: AngleUnit @param unit: Can be degree and radian.
@type dna_unit: AngleUnit @param dna_unit: The angle unit specified in the DNA file (default value is None).
@rtype: float @returns: A multiplier needed for conversion between different units.
- static calculate_linear_modifier(unit: dna_viewer.config.units.LinearUnit, dna_unit: Optional[dna_viewer.config.units.LinearUnit] = None) float [source]
A method used for calculating the value (linear modifier) which the transforms will be multiplied with. If the chosen unit is not the same as the one from the DNA file a multiplier will be calculated. Otherwise it returns 1.
@type unit: LinearUnit @param unit: Can be m (meter) and cm (centimeter).
@type dna_unit: LinearUnit @param dna_unit: The linear unit specified in the DNA file (default value is None).
@rtype: float @returns: A multiplier needed for conversion between different units.
dna_viewer.util.error module
dna_viewer.util.import_util module
- class dna_viewer.util.import_util.Import[source]
A utility class containing methods for reading outside python files.
- static source_py_file(name: str, path: str) Optional[module] [source]
Used for loading a python file, used for additional assembly script.
@type name: str @param name: The name of the module.
@type path: str @param path: The path of the python file.
@rtype: Optional[ModuleType] @returns: The loaded module.
dna_viewer.util.maya_util module
- class dna_viewer.util.maya_util.Maya[source]
A utility class used for interfacing with maya transforms
- static get_element(name: str) Union[OpenMaya.MDagPath, OpenMaya.MFnDagNode] [source]
gets the Union[MDagPath, MFnDagNode] object of the element with the given name
@type name: str @param name: The name of the element to be retrieved
@rtype: Union[MDagPath, MFnDagNode] @returns: A OpenMaya object representing the given element
- static get_transform(name: str) OpenMaya.MFnTransform [source]
gets the transform of the element with the given name
@type element: str @param element: The element name that we want the transform of
@rtype: MFnTransform @returns: A MFnTransform object representing the given elements transform
- static get_translation(element: str, space: int = 2) OpenMaya.MVector [source]
gets the translation of the element with the given name
@type element: str @param element: The element name that we want the translation of
@type space: str @param space: A string value representing the translation space (default is “world”)
@rtype: MVector @returns: A MVector object representing the given elements translation
- static set_translation(element: str, translation: OpenMaya.MVector, space: int = 2) None [source]
sets the translation of the element with the given name
@type element: str @param element: The element name that we want to set the translation of
@type translation: MVector @param translation: The new translation value
@type space: str @param space: A string value representing the translation space (default is “object”)
dna_viewer.util.mesh module
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.build_meshes(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, options: Optional[dna_viewer.config.character.BuildOptions] = None, group_by_lod: bool = False, mesh_list: Optional[List[int]] = None, lod_list: Optional[List[int]] = None, create_new_scene: bool = False) List[str] [source]
Starts the mesh building process with the provided parameters.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA
@type options: BuildOptions @param options: The build options used in the build process
@type group_by_lod: bool @param group_by_lod: Represents if the created meshes should be added to a holding transform representing the lod
@type mesh_list: List[int] @param mesh_list: List of mesh indices that should be added.
@type lod_list: List[int] @param lod_list: List of lods from which all containing meshes should be added.
@type create_new_scene: bool @param create_new_scene: Represents if a new scene should be created in the build process.
@rtype: List[str] @returns: The list of full paths of the created meshes in the maya scene
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.create_build_options(add_joints: bool = False, add_blend_shapes: bool = False, add_skin: bool = False, add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False, add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool = False, add_key_frames: bool = False) dna_viewer.config.character.BuildOptions [source]
Creates the build options object used in the character building process.
@type add_joints: bool @param add_joints: Represents if joints should be added
@type add_blend_shapes: bool @param add_blend_shapes: Represents if blend shapes should be added
@type add_skin: bool @param add_skin: Represents if skin should be added
@type add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool @param add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: Represents if gui control attributes should be added on the root joint
@type add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool @param add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: Represents if animated map attributes should be added on the root joint
@type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it
@type add_key_frames: bool @param add_key_frames: A flag representing whether key frames should be added
@rtype: BuildOptions @returns: The created build options object
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.get_mesh_index(mesh_name: str, lod: int, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) Optional[int] [source]
Gets a mesh index with the given search string, returns the first one if multiple are found.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The string that is searched for in the meshes
@type lod: int @param lod: The lod in which the mesh names will be searched for the result
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.get_mesh_indices_containing_string(mesh_name_part: str, lod: int, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) List[int] [source]
Gets the mesh indices containing a search string.
@type mesh_name_part: str @param mesh_name_part: The string that is searched for in the meshes
@type lod: int @param lod: The lod in which the mesh names will be searched for the result
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA
@rtype: List[int] @returns: The list of mesh indices which contain the mesh_name_part in their name
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.get_mesh_lods(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) List[List[int]] [source]
Gets the list of list of mesh indices grouped by the lod number.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
@rtype: List[List[int]] @returns: The list of list of mesh indices grouped by the lod number
- dna_viewer.util.mesh.get_mesh_names(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) List[str] [source]
Gets the list of mesh names contained in the DNA file.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA
@rtype: List[str] @returns: The list of mesh names contained in the DNA file
dna_viewer.util.mesh_blend_shape module
- class dna_viewer.util.mesh_blend_shape.MeshBlendShape[source]
A utility class used for interacting with blend shapes
- static create_all_derived_meshes(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh, fn_mesh: OpenMaya.MFnMesh, dag_modifier: OpenMaya.MDagModifier, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool) None [source]
Builds all the derived meshes using the provided mesh and the blend shapes data of the DNA.
@type config: Mesh @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MayaMeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@type fn_mesh: MFnMesh @param fn_mesh: Used for creating and manipulating maya mesh objects.
@type dag_modifier: MDagModifier @param dag_modifier: Used for manipulating maya objects.
@type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it
- static create_blend_shape_node(mesh_name: str, derived_mesh_names: List[str], rename: bool = False) None [source]
Creates a blend shape node.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh.
@type derived_mesh_names: List[str] @param derived_mesh_names: List of the names that will end up as blend shapes added to the mesh.
@type rename: bool @param rename: A flag representing if the name should be changed to a blend shape naming convention.
dna_viewer.util.mesh_helper module
- dna_viewer.util.mesh_helper.print_mesh_indices_containing_string(mesh_name_part: str, lod: int, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) None [source]
Prints the mesh indices that contain a search string.
@type mesh_name_part: str @param mesh_name_part: The search string.
@type lod: int @param lod: The lod where the search will be done.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
- dna_viewer.util.mesh_helper.print_meshes(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) None [source]
Prints the mesh names grouped by lod.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
dna_viewer.util.mesh_neutral module
- class dna_viewer.util.mesh_neutral.MeshNeutral[source]
A utility class used for creating and interacting with meshes
- static add_texture_coordinates(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh, fn_mesh: OpenMaya.MFnMesh) None [source]
Method for adding texture coordinates.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@type fn_mesh: MFnMesh @params fn_mesh: Object used for manipulating maya mesh objects.
- static create_mesh_object(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh) Tuple[OpenMaya.MFnMesh, OpenMaya.MObject] [source]
Gets a list of points that represent the vertex positions.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@rtype: Tuple[MFnMesh, MObject] @returns: Maya objects representing maya mesh functions and the created maya mesh object.
- static get_texture_data(mesh_index: int, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) Tuple[List[float], List[float], List[int]] [source]
Gets the data needed for the creation of textures.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The mesh index
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
@rtype: Tuple[List[float], List[float], List[int]] @returns: The tuple containing the list of texture coordinate Us, the list of texture coordinate Vs and the list of texture coordinate indices.
- static get_vertex_positions_from_dna_vertex_positions(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh) List[OpenMaya.MPoint] [source]
Gets a list of points that represent the vertex positions.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@rtype: List[MPoint] @returns: List of maya point objects.
- static prepare_mesh(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh) None [source]
Gets a list of points that represent the vertex positions.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
- static rename_mesh(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, mesh_object: OpenMaya.MObject) OpenMaya.MDagModifier [source]
Renames the initial mesh object that was created to the name from the configuration.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type mesh_object: MObject @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@rtype: Tuple[MDagModifier] @returns: Maya object representing the dag modifier.
dna_viewer.util.mesh_normals module
- class dna_viewer.util.mesh_normals.MeshNormals[source]
A utility class used for adding normals to a mesh
- static add_normals(config: dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh, dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, data: dna_viewer.model.mesh.Mesh, fn_mesh: OpenMaya.MFnMesh, space: Optional[OpenMaya.MSpace] = 2) None [source]
Adds normals to the mesh node.
@type config: MeshConfig @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA.
@type data: MeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods.
@type fn_mesh: MFnMesh @params fn_mesh: Object used for manipulating maya mesh objects.
@type space: Optional[space] @params space: The maya space used for setting the face vertex normals (defaults to MSpace.kObject)
dna_viewer.util.mesh_skin module
- class dna_viewer.util.mesh_skin.MeshSkin[source]
A utility class used for interacting and adding skin clusters to a mesh
- static add_skin_cluster(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, mesh_index: int, mesh_name: str, joint_names: List[str]) None [source]
Creates a skin cluster object.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The index of the mesh.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name that is used for skin cluster naming.
@type joints: List[Joint] @param joints: List of joints used for adding the skin cluster.
- static prepare_joints(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, mesh_index: int) Tuple[List[int], List[str]] [source]
Gets the joint indices and names needed for the given mesh.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The index of the mesh.
@type joints: List[Joint] @param joints: List of all joints from which some of them are selected as a result.
@rtype: Tuple[List[int], List[str]] @returns: The tuple containing the list of joint indices and the list of joint names.
- static set_skin_weights(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, mesh_index: int, mesh_name: str, joint_ids: List[int]) None [source]
Sets the skin weights attributes.
@type dna: DNA @param dna: Instance of DNA.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The index of the mesh.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name that is used for getting the skin cluster name.
@type joint_ids: List[int] @param joint_ids: List of joint indices used for setting the skin weight attribute.
dna_viewer.util.reader module
- class dna_viewer.util.reader.Reader[source]
A utility class used for reading DNA files
- static create_stream_reader(dna_path: str) dna.BinaryStreamReader [source]
Creates a stream reader needed for reading values from the DNA file.
@type dna_path: str @param dna_path: The path of the DNA file
@rtype: dna.BinaryStreamReader @returns: The stream reader needed for reading values from the DNA file
dna_viewer.util.reference module
- class dna_viewer.util.reference.Reference[source]
A class used for storing and retrieving geometry readers.
- geometry_readers: Dict[str, List[dna_viewer.reader.geometry.Geometry]] = {}
- static get_geometry_reader(mesh_index: int, dna_path: Optional[str] = None) dna_viewer.reader.geometry.Geometry [source]
Gets a Geometry reader for a given mesh index and a dna_file path.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The mesh index
@type dna_path: str @param dna_path: The path of the DNA file
@rtype: Geometry @returns: A stored geometry reader for the given mesh index and DNA
- static set_geometry_reader(dna_path: str, geometry_reader: dna_viewer.reader.geometry.Geometry) None [source]
Adds a mapping value of a geometry reader to the DNA file path.
@type dna_path: str @param dna_path: The path of the DNA file
@type geometry_reader: Geometry @param geometry_reader: The geometry reader that should be added to the mapping.
- dna_viewer.util.reference.get_geometry_reader(mesh_index: int, dna_path: Optional[str] = None) dna_viewer.reader.geometry.Geometry [source]
Gets a Geometry reader for a given mesh index and a dna_file path.
@type mesh_index: int @param mesh_index: The mesh index
@type dna_path: str @param dna_path: The path of the DNA file
@rtype: Geometry @returns: A geometry reader stored in the Reference class object for the given mesh index and DNA
- dna_viewer.util.reference.set_geometry_reader(dna_path: str, geometry_reader: dna_viewer.reader.geometry.Geometry) None [source]
Adds a new geometry reader to the the references mapped to the DNA file path.
@type dna_path: str @param dna_path: The path of the DNA file
@type geometry_reader: Geometry @param geometry_reader: The geometry stream reader
dna_viewer.util.rig_logic module
- class dna_viewer.util.rig_logic.RigLogic[source]
A utility class for adding rig logic to the character
- static add_rig_logic(config: dna_viewer.config.character.Character, character_name: str) None [source]
Adds a rig logic node if the option is specified in the character configuration.
@type config: Character @param config: The character configuration.
@type character_name: str @param character_name: The name of the character.
dna_viewer.util.scene_builder module
- class dna_viewer.util.scene_builder.SceneBuilder[source]
A utility class containing methods needed for building the maya scene
- static add_display_layers(display_layers_needed: List[int]) None [source]
Creates a display layer for each value of the given list if it does not exist
@type display_layers_needed: List[int] @param display_layers_needed: A list of lod numbers that need a display layer created for them
- static save_scene(save_options: dna_viewer.config.scene.SaveOptions) None [source]
Saves the scene if save options are provided.
@type save_options: SaveOptions @param save_options: The part configuration concerning how the scene should be saved
- static set_units(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA, units: dna_viewer.config.units.Unit) None [source]
Sets the linear and angle units of the scene if provided as a parameter, otherwise defaults the values provided in the DNA file.
@type units: Unit @param units: The configuration that contains the linear and the angle unit.
dna_viewer.util.shader module
dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya module
- class dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights[source]
A class used for reading and storing skin weight related data needed for adding skin clusters
- static create(skin_cluster: OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster, mesh_name: str) dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights [source]
Creates a new instance of the class object.
@type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: Functionalities of maya skin clusters
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh
- static get_skin_cluster_influence(skin_cluster: OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster) List[str] [source]
Gets a list of joint names that are influences to the skin cluster.
@type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: The functionalities of a maya skin cluster object
@rtype: List[str] @returns: The list if names of the joints that influence the skin cluster
- static get_skin_weights_for_mesh_name(skin_cluster: OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster, mesh_name: str) List[List[Union[int, float]]] [source]
Gets the skin weights concerning the given mesh.
@type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: The functionalities of a maya skin cluster object
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh
@rtype: List[List[Union[int, float]]] @returns: A list of list of weight indices and the weight values
- joints: List[str]
- no_of_influences: int
- skinning_method: int
- vertices_info: List[List[Union[int, float]]]
- class dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.SkinWeightsMaya[source]
A class used for setting and interacting with skin weights in maya.
- get_file_joint_mappings(skin_weights: dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights, skin_cluster: OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster) List[int] [source]
Returns a list of object indices representing the influences concerning the joint names specified in the skin weight model.
@type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The instance of the model storing data about skin weights
@type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: An object for working with functions concerning a skin cluster in maya
@rtype: List[int] @returns: a list of indices representing the influences concerning the given joints
- get_skin_weights_data(mesh_name: str) Tuple[OpenMaya.MFnMesh, OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster] [source]
Gets the maya objects that manipulate the mesh node and the skin cluster for a given mesh name.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh
@rtype: Tuple[MFnMesh, MFnSkinCluster] @returns: The maya object that manipulate the mesh node and the skin cluster for a given mesh name.
- get_skin_weights_from_scene(mesh_name: str) dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights [source]
Gets the instance of this class filled with data from the scene for a given mesh name.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name
@rtype: MayaSkinWeights @returns: An instance of this class with the data from the scene
- import_skin_weights(skin_cluster: OpenMayaAnim.MFnSkinCluster, mesh_node: OpenMaya.MFnMesh, skin_weights: dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights, file_joint_mapping: List[int]) None [source]
Imports the skin weights to the scene using the joint mapping and the data provided in the model containing the weights.
@type skin_cluster: MFnSkinCluster @param skin_cluster: An object for working with functions concerning a skin cluster in maya
@type mesh_node: MFnMesh @param mesh_node: An object for working with functions concerning meshes in maya
@type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The instance of the model storing data about skin weights
@type file_joint_mapping: List[int] @param file_joint_mapping: a list of indices representing the influences concerning joints
- set_skin_weights_to_scene(mesh_name: str, skin_weights: dna_viewer.util.skin_weights_maya.MayaSkinWeights) None [source]
Sets the skin weights to the scene.
@type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh name
@type skin_weights: MayaSkinWeights @param skin_weights: The object containing data that need to be set to the scene.