dna_viewer.config package
dna_viewer.config.aas module
- class dna_viewer.config.aas.AdditionalAssemblyScript(path: typing.Optional[str] = None, module_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, method: str = 'run_after_assemble', parameter: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any] = <factory>)[source]
A class used to represent the additional assembly script config
- @type path
- Type
- @param path
- Type
The location of the script file
- @type module_name
- Type
- @param module_name
- Type
The module name to be used
- @type method
- Type
- @param method
- Type
The method that should be called
- @type parameter
- Type
Dict[Any, Any]
- @param parameter
- Type
The parameters that will be passed as the method arguments
- method: str = 'run_after_assemble'
- module_name: Optional[str] = None
- parameter: Dict[Any, Any]
- path: Optional[str] = None
dna_viewer.config.analog_gui module
- class dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui(gui_path: Optional[str] = None, facial_root_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_C_FacialRoot', left_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_L_Eye', right_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_R_Eye', central_driver_name: str = 'LOC_C_eyeDriver', left_eye_driver_name: str = 'LOC_L_eyeDriver', right_eye_driver_name: str = 'LOC_R_eyeDriver', left_eye_aim_up_name: str = 'LOC_L_eyeAimUp', right_eye_aim_up_name: str = 'LOC_R_eyeAimUp', central_aim: str = 'GRP_C_eyesAim', le_aim: str = 'GRP_L_eyeAim', re_aim: str = 'GRP_R_eyeAim')[source]
A class used to represent the analog gui config
- @type gui_path
- Type
- @param gui_path
- Type
The location of the gui file
- @type facial_root_joint_name
- Type
- @param facial_root_joint_name
- Type
The name of the facial root joint
- @type left_eye_joint_name
- Type
- @param left_eye_joint_name
- Type
The name of the left eye joint
- @type right_eye_joint_name
- Type
- @param right_eye_joint_name
- Type
The name of the right eye joint
- @type central_driver_name
- Type
- @param central_driver_name
- Type
The name of the central driver
- @type left_eye_driver_name
- Type
- @param left_eye_driver_name
- Type
The name of the left eye driver
- @type right_eye_driver_name
- Type
- @param right_eye_driver_name
- Type
The name of the right eye driver
- @type central_aim
- Type
- @param central_aim
- Type
The name of the central aim
- @type le_aim
- Type
- @param le_aim
- Type
The name of the left eye aim
- @type re_aim
- Type
- @param re_aim
- Type
The name of the right eye aim
- central_aim: str = 'GRP_C_eyesAim'
- central_driver_name: str = 'LOC_C_eyeDriver'
- facial_root_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_C_FacialRoot'
- gui_path: str = None
- le_aim: str = 'GRP_L_eyeAim'
- left_eye_aim_up_name: str = 'LOC_L_eyeAimUp'
- left_eye_driver_name: str = 'LOC_L_eyeDriver'
- left_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_L_Eye'
- re_aim: str = 'GRP_R_eyeAim'
- right_eye_aim_up_name: str = 'LOC_R_eyeAimUp'
- right_eye_driver_name: str = 'LOC_R_eyeDriver'
- right_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_R_Eye'
- with_central_aim(name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the central aim name
@type name: str @param name: The value to set the central aim name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_central_driver_name(driver_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the central driver name
@type driver_name: str @param driver_name: The value to set the central driver name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_facial_root_joint_name(joint_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the facial root joint name
@type joint_name: str @param joint_name: The value to set the facial root joint name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_gui_path(gui_path: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the gui path
@type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The location of the gui file
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_left_eye_aim(name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the left eye aim name
@type name: str @param name: The value to set the left eye aim name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_left_eye_aim_up_name(name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the left eye aim up name
@type name: str @param name: The value to set the left eye aim up name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_left_eye_driver_name(driver_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the left eye driver name
@type driver_name: str @param driver_name: The value to set the left eye driver name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_left_eye_joint_name(joint_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the left eye joint name
@type joint_name: str @param joint_name: The value to set the left eye joint name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_right_eye_aim(name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the right eye aim name
@type name: str @param name: The value to set the central aim name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_right_eye_aim_up_name(name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the right eye aim up name
@type name: str @param name: The value to set the right eye aim up name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_right_eye_driver_name(driver_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set right eye driver name
@type driver_name: str @param driver_name: The value to set the left eye driver name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_right_eye_joint_name(joint_name: str) dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui [source]
Set the right eye joint name
@type joint_name: str @param joint_name: The value to set the right eye joint name to
@rtype: AnalogGui @returns: The instance of the changed object
dna_viewer.config.character module
- class dna_viewer.config.character.BuildOptions(add_joints: bool = False, add_normals: bool = False, add_blend_shapes: bool = False, add_skin: bool = False, add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False, add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False, add_key_frames: bool = False, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool = False)[source]
A class used to represent the build options we want to apply while building the character
- @type add_joints
- Type
- @param add_joints
- Type
A flag representing whether joints should be added
- @type add_normals
- Type
- @param add_normals
- Type
A flag representing whether normals should be added
- @type add_blend_shapes
- Type
- @param add_blend_shapes
- Type
A flag representing whether blend shapes should be added
- @type add_skin
- Type
- @param add_skin
- Type
A flag representing whether skin should be added
- @type add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint
- Type
- @param add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint
- Type
A flag representing whether control attributes should be added to the root joint
- @type add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint
- Type
- @param add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint
- Type
A flag representing whether animated map attributes should be added to the root joint
- @type add_key_frames
- Type
- @param add_key_frames
- Type
A flag representing whether key frames should be added
- @type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name
- Type
- @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name
- Type
A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it
- add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False
- add_blend_shapes: bool = False
- add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = False
- add_joints: bool = False
- add_key_frames: bool = False
- add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool = False
- add_normals: bool = False
- add_skin: bool = False
- class dna_viewer.config.character.Character(dna: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA] = None, options: dna_viewer.config.character.BuildOptions = <factory>, modifiers: dna_viewer.config.character.SpaceModifiers = <factory>, meshes: typing.List[int] = <factory>, rig_logic_config: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic] = None, gui_options: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui] = None, analog_gui_options: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui] = None, create_character_node: bool = True, create_display_layers: bool = True, aas: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.config.aas.AdditionalAssemblyScript] = None)[source]
A class used to represent the character config
- @type dna
- Type
- @param dna
- Type
Instance of DNA object
- @type options
- Type
- @param options
- Type
The configuration containing the build options
- @type modifiers
- Type
- @param modifiers
- Type
The configuration containing space modifiers for the character
- @type meshes
- Type
- @param meshes
- Type
The list of mesh ids that need to be processed
- @type rig_logic_config
- Type
- @param rig_logic_config
- Type
The rig logic configuration file containing naming patterns
- @type gui_options
- Type
- @param gui_options
- Type
The configuration containing the gui options
- @type analog_gui_options
- Type
- @param analog_gui_options
- Type
The configuration containing the analog gui options
- @type create_character_node
- Type
- @param create_character_node
- Type
A flag representing whether the character should be parented to a character transform node in the scene hierarchy
- @type create_display_layers
- Type
- @param create_display_layers
- Type
A flag representing whether the created meshes should be assigned to a display layer
- @type aas
- @param aas
- Type
The configuration containing the additional assembly script options
- aas: dna_viewer.config.aas.AdditionalAssemblyScript = None
- analog_gui_options: dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui = None
- create_character_node: bool = True
- create_display_layers: bool = True
- dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA = None
- gui_options: dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui = None
- meshes: List[int]
- modifiers: dna_viewer.config.character.SpaceModifiers
- rig_logic_config: dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic = None
- with_add_meshes_to_display_layers(value: bool) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if the created meshes should be put in their corresponding display layer
@type value: bool @param value: The flag that represents if the created meshes should be put in their corresponding display layer
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_additional_assembly_script(aas_config: dna_viewer.config.aas.AdditionalAssemblyScript) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the additional assembly script configuration
@type aas_config: AdditionalAssemblyScript @param aas_config: The configuration containing the additional assembly script options
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_analog_gui(analog_gui_config: dna_viewer.config.analog_gui.AnalogGui) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the analog gui configuration
@type analog_gui_config: AnalogGui @param analog_gui_config: The configuration containing the analog gui options
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_analog_gui_path(analog_gui_path: Optional[str] = None) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the analog gui path
@type analog_gui_path: Optional[str] @param analog_gui_path: The configuration containing the analog gui options
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_angle_modifier(modifier: float) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the angle modifier
@type modifier: float @param modifier: The value of the angle modifier
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if animated map attributes should be added on the root joint
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_blend_shapes() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if blend shapes should be created
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_character_node(value: bool) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if the result character rig should be parented to a character transform
@type value: bool @param value: The flag that represents if the result character rig should be parented to a character transform
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if control attributes should be added on the root joint
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_dna(dna: dna_viewer.model.dna.DNA) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the DNA file path
@type dna: DNA @param dna: The location of the DNA file
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_gui(gui: dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the gui configuration
@type gui: Gui @param gui: The gui configuration file
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_gui_path(gui_path: str) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the gui path
@type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The location of the gui file
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_joints() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if joints should be created
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_key_frames() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if key frames should be added
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_linear_modifier(modifier: float) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the linear modifier
@type modifier: float @param modifier: The value of the linear modifier
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_meshes(meshes: List[int]) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the meshes that need to be processed
@type meshes: List[int] @param meshes: The list of mesh ids that need to be processed
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_normals() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if normals should be created
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_rig_logic(rig_logic_node_config: Optional[dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic] = None) dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the rig logic configuration
@type rig_logic_node_config: RigLogic @param rig_logic_node_config: The rig logic configuration file containing naming patterns
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_skin() dna_viewer.config.character.Character [source]
Set the flag that represents if skin should be created
@rtype: Character @returns: The instance of the changed object
- class dna_viewer.config.character.SpaceModifiers(linear_modifier: Optional[float] = None, angle_modifier: Optional[float] = None)[source]
A class used to represent the character config
- @type linear_modifier
- Type
- @param linear_modifier
- Type
The linear modifier that needs to be applied to the character
- @type angle_modifier
- Type
- @param angle_modifier
- Type
The angle modifier that needs to be applied to the character
- angle_modifier: float = None
- linear_modifier: float = None
dna_viewer.config.gui module
- class dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui(gui_path: Optional[str] = None, left_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_L_Eye', eye_gui_name: str = 'CTRL_C_eye', gui_translate_x: float = 10)[source]
A class used to represent the gui config
- @type gui_path
- Type
- @param gui_path
- Type
The location of the gui file
- @type left_eye_joint_name
- Type
- @param left_eye_joint_name
- Type
The name of the left eye joint
- @type eye_gui_name
- Type
- @param eye_gui_name
- Type
The name of the control in the gui
- @type gui_translate_x
- Type
- @param gui_translate_x
- Type
Represents the value that the gui should be additionally translated on the X axis
- eye_gui_name: str = 'CTRL_C_eye'
- gui_path: str = None
- gui_translate_x: float = 10
- left_eye_joint_name: str = 'FACIAL_L_Eye'
- with_eye_gui_name_name(name: str) dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui [source]
Set name of the eye element in the gui
@type name: str @param name: The name of the element in the gui
@rtype: Gui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_gui_path(gui_path: str) dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui [source]
Set the gui path
@type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The location of the gui file
@rtype: Gui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_gui_translate_x(value: float) dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui [source]
Set the value the gui should be additionally translated on the X axis
@type value: float @param value: The value the gui should be translated on the X axis
@rtype: Gui @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_left_eye_joint_name(name: str) dna_viewer.config.gui.Gui [source]
Set name of the left eye joint
@type name: str @param name: The name of the joint
@rtype: Gui @returns: The instance of the changed object
dna_viewer.config.mesh module
- class dna_viewer.config.mesh.Mesh(mesh_index: Optional[int] = None, linear_modifier: Optional[float] = None)[source]
A class used to represent the mesh configuration
- @type mesh_index
- Type
- @param mesh_index
- Type
The index of the mesh
- @type linear_modifier
- Type
- @param linear_modifier
- Type
The linear modifier that needs to be applied to the character
- linear_modifier: Optional[float] = None
- mesh_index: Optional[int] = None
dna_viewer.config.rig_logic module
- class dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic(command: str = 'createEmbeddedNodeRL4', name: str = '', dna_file_path: str = '', control_naming: str = '<objName>.<attrName>', joint_naming: str = '<objName>.<attrName>', blend_shape_naming: str = '<objName>_blendShapes.<attrName>', animated_map_naming: str = 'FRM_WMmultipliers.<objName>_<attrName>')[source]
A class used to represent the rig logic naming configuration
- @type command
- Type
- @param command
- Type
The command used to start creating the rig logic using the plugin
- @type name
- Type
- @param name
- Type
The name of the rig logic node
- @type dna_file_path
- Type
- @param dna_file_path
- Type
The location of the DNA file
- @type control_naming
- Type
- @param control_naming
- Type
The naming pattern of controls
- @type joint_naming
- Type
- @param joint_naming
- Type
The naming pattern of joints
- @type blend_shape_naming
- Type
- @param blend_shape_naming
- Type
The naming pattern of blend shapes
- @type animated_map_naming
- Type
- @param animated_map_naming
- Type
The naming pattern of animated maps
- animated_map_naming: str = 'FRM_WMmultipliers.<objName>_<attrName>'
- blend_shape_naming: str = '<objName>_blendShapes.<attrName>'
- command: str = 'createEmbeddedNodeRL4'
- control_naming: str = '<objName>.<attrName>'
- dna_file_path: str = ''
- joint_naming: str = '<objName>.<attrName>'
- name: str = ''
- with_animated_map_naming(animated_map_naming: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the naming pattern of animated maps
@type animated_map_naming: str @param animated_map_naming: The naming pattern of animated maps
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_blend_shape_naming(blend_shape_naming: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the naming pattern of blend shapes
@type blend_shape_naming: str @param blend_shape_naming: The naming pattern of blend shapes
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_control_naming(control_naming: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the naming pattern of controls
@type control_naming: str @param control_naming: The naming pattern of controls
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_dna_file_path(dna_file_path: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the location of the DNA file
@type dna_file_path: str @param dna_file_path: The location of the DNA file
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_joint_naming(joint_naming: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the naming pattern of joints
@type joint_naming: str @param joint_naming: The naming pattern of joints
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_name(name: str) dna_viewer.config.rig_logic.RigLogic [source]
Set the name of the rig logic node
@type name: str @param name: The name of the rig logic node
@rtype: RigLogic @returns: The instance of the changed object
dna_viewer.config.scene module
- class dna_viewer.config.scene.SaveOptions(name: Optional[str] = None, extension: Optional[str] = None, destination_path: str = 'C:\\source\\MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration_clean\\docs\\sphinx\\source')[source]
A class used to represent the save options
- @type name
- Type
- @param name
- Type
The name of the scene
- @type extension
- Type
- @param extension
- Type
The extension
- @type destination_path
- Type
- @param destination_path
- Type
The location where the scene should be saved, if no value provided it defaults to the current working directory
- destination_path: str = 'C:\\source\\MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration_clean\\docs\\sphinx\\source'
- extension: str = None
- name: str = None
- class dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene(dna_path: typing.Optional[str] = None, characters: typing.List[dna_viewer.config.character.Character] = <factory>, units: dna_viewer.config.units.Unit = <factory>, create_new_scene: bool = True, save_options: typing.Optional[dna_viewer.config.scene.SaveOptions] = None)[source]
A class used to represent the scene config
- @type dna_path
- Type
- @param dna_path
- Type
The location of the DNA file
- @type characters
- Type
- @param characters
- Type
The list of character configuration objects that need to be processed for the scene
- @type units
- Type
- @param units
- Type
The configuration containing the units for the scene
- @type create_new_scene
- Type
- @param create_new_scene
- Type
A flag representing whether a new should be created when the build process starts
- @type save_options
- Type
- @param save_options
- Type
A flag representing whether the created meshes should be assigned to a display layer
- characters: List[dna_viewer.config.character.Character]
- create_new_scene: bool = True
- dna_path: str = None
- save_options: Optional[dna_viewer.config.scene.SaveOptions] = None
- units: dna_viewer.config.units.Unit
- with_angle_unit(unit: dna_viewer.config.units.AngleUnit) dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene [source]
Set the angle unit for the scene
@type unit: str @param unit: The angle unit name
@rtype: Scene @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_character(character: dna_viewer.config.character.Character) dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene [source]
Adds a character to the list of characters that need to be processed
@type character: Character @param character: The character configuration object
@rtype: Scene @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_create_new_scene(create_new_scene: bool) dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene [source]
Set the flag representing whether a new should be created when the build process starts
@type create_new_scene: bool @param create_new_scene: The flag representing whether a new should be created when the build process starts
@rtype: Scene @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_linear_unit(unit: dna_viewer.config.units.LinearUnit) dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene [source]
Set the linear unit for the scene
@type unit: str @param unit: The linear unit name
@rtype: Scene @returns: The instance of the changed object
- with_scene_file_path(name: str = 'untitled_scene', extension: str = 'mb', destination_path: Optional[str] = None) dna_viewer.config.scene.Scene [source]
Set the scene save configuration
@type name: str @param name: The name of the scene
@type extension: str @param extension: The extension
@type destination_path: str @param destination_path: The location where the scene should be saved
@rtype: Scene @returns: The instance of the changed object