import logging from typing import List from maya import cmds from maya.api.OpenMaya import MDagModifier, MFnDagNode, MFnMesh, MPoint from ..config.mesh import Mesh from ..const.naming import ( BLEND_SHAPE_GROUP_PREFIX, BLEND_SHAPE_NAME_POSTFIX, BLEND_SHAPE_NAMING, DERIVED_MESH_NAME, MESH_NAME, ) from ..const.printing import BLEND_SHAPE_PRINT_RANGE from ..model.dna import DNA from ..model.geometry import Point3 from ..model.mesh import Mesh as MayaMeshModel from ..util.maya_util import Maya from ..util.mesh_neutral import MeshNeutral class MeshBlendShape: """ A utility class used for interacting with blend shapes """ @staticmethod def create_all_derived_meshes( config: Mesh, dna: DNA, data: MayaMeshModel, fn_mesh: MFnMesh, dag_modifier: MDagModifier, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool, ) -> None: """ Builds all the derived meshes using the provided mesh and the blend shapes data of the DNA. @type config: Mesh @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA. @type data: MayaMeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods. @type fn_mesh: MFnMesh @param fn_mesh: Used for creating and manipulating maya mesh objects. @type dag_modifier: MDagModifier @param dag_modifier: Used for manipulating maya objects. @type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it """"building derived meshes...") group: str = empty=True, name=f"{BLEND_SHAPE_GROUP_PREFIX}{dna.get_mesh_name(config.mesh_index)}", ) data.derived_mesh_names = [] blend_shapes = dna.get_blend_shapes(config.mesh_index) for blend_shape_target_index, blend_shape in enumerate(blend_shapes): if (blend_shape_target_index + 1) % BLEND_SHAPE_PRINT_RANGE == 0:"\t{blend_shape_target_index + 1} / {len(blend_shapes)}") MeshBlendShape._create_derived_mesh( config, dna, data, blend_shape_target_index,, group, fn_mesh, dag_modifier, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name, ) if len(blend_shapes) % BLEND_SHAPE_PRINT_RANGE != 0:"\t{len(blend_shapes)} / {len(blend_shapes)}") cmds.setAttr(f"{group}.visibility", 0) @staticmethod def _create_derived_mesh( config: Mesh, dna: DNA, data: MayaMeshModel, blend_shape_target_index: int, blend_shape_channel: int, group: str, fn_mesh: MFnMesh, dag_modifier: MDagModifier, add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool, ) -> None: """ Builds a single derived mesh using the provided mesh and the blend shape data of the DNA. @type config: Mesh @param config: Mesh configuration from the DNA. @type data: MayaMeshModel @param data: An object that stores values that get passed around different methods. @type blend_shape_target_index: int @param blend_shape_target_index: Used for getting a delta value representing the value change concerning the blend shape. @type blend_shape_channel: int @param blend_shape_channel: Used for getting the blend shape name from the DNA. @type group: str @param group: The transform the new meshes will be added to. @type fn_mesh: MFnMesh @param fn_mesh: Used for creating and manipulating maya mesh objects. @type dag_modifier: MDagModifier @param dag_modifier: Used for manipulating maya objects. @type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool @param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mash name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it """ new_vert_layout = MeshNeutral.get_vertex_positions_from_dna_vertex_positions( config=config, data=data ) zipped_deltas = dna.get_blend_shape_target_deltas_with_vertex_id( config.mesh_index, blend_shape_target_index ) for zipped_delta in zipped_deltas: delta: Point3 = zipped_delta[1] new_vert_layout[zipped_delta[0]] += MPoint( config.linear_modifier * delta.x, config.linear_modifier * delta.y, config.linear_modifier * delta.z, ) new_mesh = fn_mesh.create( new_vert_layout, data.polygon_faces, data.polygon_connects ) derived_name = dna.get_blend_shape_name(blend_shape_channel) name = ( f"{dna.geometry.meshes[config.mesh_index].name}__{derived_name}" if add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name else derived_name ) dag_modifier.renameNode(new_mesh, name) dag_modifier.doIt() dag = MFnDagNode(Maya.get_element(group)) dag.addChild(new_mesh) data.derived_mesh_names.append(name) @staticmethod def create_blend_shape_node( mesh_name: str, derived_mesh_names: List[str], rename: bool = False ) -> None: """ Creates a blend shape node. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh. @type derived_mesh_names: List[str] @param derived_mesh_names: List of the names that will end up as blend shapes added to the mesh. @type rename: bool @param rename: A flag representing if the name should be changed to a blend shape naming convention. """ nodes = [] for derived_mesh_name in derived_mesh_names: if rename: name = BLEND_SHAPE_NAMING.replace(MESH_NAME, mesh_name).replace( DERIVED_MESH_NAME, derived_mesh_name ) else: name = derived_mesh_name nodes.append(name), replace=True), add=True) cmds.blendShape(name=f"{mesh_name}{BLEND_SHAPE_NAME_POSTFIX}") cmds.delete(f"{BLEND_SHAPE_GROUP_PREFIX}{mesh_name}")