Source code for dna_viewer.util.conversion

from math import pi

from ..config.units import AngleUnit, LinearUnit
from ..util.error import DNAViewerError

[docs]class Conversion: """ A utility class containing methods for converting and calculating units """
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_linear_modifier( unit: LinearUnit, dna_unit: LinearUnit = None ) -> float: """ A method used for calculating the value (linear modifier) which the transforms will be multiplied with. If the chosen unit is not the same as the one from the DNA file a multiplier will be calculated. Otherwise it returns 1. @type unit: LinearUnit @param unit: Can be m (meter) and cm (centimeter). @type dna_unit: LinearUnit @param dna_unit: The linear unit specified in the DNA file (default value is None). @rtype: float @returns: A multiplier needed for conversion between different units. """ if dna_unit is None: return 1 if unit != dna_unit: if unit == LinearUnit.m: return 0.01 if unit == return 100 return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_angle_modifier(unit: AngleUnit, dna_unit: AngleUnit = None) -> float: """ A method used for calculating the value (angle modifier) which the angles will be multiplied with. If the chosen unit is not the same as the one from the DNA file a multiplier will be calculated. Otherwise, it returns 1. @type unit: AngleUnit @param unit: Can be degree and radian. @type dna_unit: AngleUnit @param dna_unit: The angle unit specified in the DNA file (default value is None). @rtype: float @returns: A multiplier needed for conversion between different units. """ if dna_unit is None: return 1 if unit != dna_unit: if unit == return 180 / pi if unit == AngleUnit.radian: return pi / 180 return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def get_linear_unit_from_int(value: int) -> LinearUnit: """ Returns an enum from an int value. 0 -> cm 1 -> m @type value: int @param value: The value that the enum is mapped to. @rtype: LinearUnit @returns: or LinearUnit.m """ if value == 0: return if value == 1: return LinearUnit.m raise DNAViewerError(f"Unknown linear unit set in DNA file! value {value}")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_angle_unit_from_int(value: int) -> AngleUnit: """ Returns an enum from an int value. 0 -> degree 1 -> radian @type value: int @param value: The value that the enum is mapped to. @rtype: AngleUnit @returns: or AngleUnit.radian """ if value == 0: return if value == 1: return AngleUnit.radian raise DNAViewerError(f"Unknown angle unit set in DNA file! value {value}")