Source code for dna_viewer.builder.gui

import logging
from typing import Optional

from maya import cmds
from maya.api.OpenMaya import MVector

from ..config.gui import Gui as GuiConfig
from ..const.naming import GUI_HOLDER
from import OBJECT
from ..util.error import DNAViewerError
from ..util.maya_util import Maya

[docs]class Gui: """ A builder class used for manipulating the GuiConfig used in the character building process Attributes ---------- @type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The location of the gui file """ def __init__(self, options: Optional[GuiConfig] = None) -> None: self.options = options or GuiConfig()
[docs] def build(self) -> None: """Start building the gui""" if self.options.gui_path is None: raise DNAViewerError("Unable to import gui, must provide gui path...") self.position_gui(GUI_HOLDER)
[docs] def position_gui(self, group_name: str) -> None: """Sets the gui position to align with the character eyes""" if not cmds.objExists(self.options.eye_gui_name) or not cmds.objExists( self.options.left_eye_joint_name ): logging.warning( "could not find nodes needed for positioning the gui, leaving it at its default position..." ) return gui_y = Maya.get_transform(self.options.eye_gui_name).translation(OBJECT).y eyes_y = ( Maya.get_transform(self.options.left_eye_joint_name).translation(OBJECT).y ) delta_y = eyes_y - gui_y if isinstance(self.options.gui_translate_x, str): try: logging.warning( "gui_translate_x should be a float, trying to cast the value to float..." ) self.options.gui_translate_x = float(self.options.gui_translate_x) except ValueError: logging.error("could not cast string value to float") return Maya.get_transform(group_name).translateBy( MVector(self.options.gui_translate_x, delta_y, 0), OBJECT )