
The dna_viewer contains all the needed classes for reading and creating a functional rig in Maya from the DNA file. It is organized in a way that allows every option to be configurable, so you can easily get the exact result you want.


Usage from code

There are two APIs:

  • assemble

  • mesh

The usage of these can be found in the dna_viewer_demo.py.

Usage in Maya

Usage in Maya is explained here

Folder structure

  • builder - Contains the builder classes, which are used for easily adding configuration options and building the scene, character, meshes, etc.

  • config - Contains classes that represent configuration options. These files are used for fine-tuning the options.

  • const - Contains constants files used in the project.

  • model - Contains the data classes used in the project.

  • reader - Contains the classes that are used for reading the contents of the DNA file.

  • ui - Contains the classes needed for the Maya UI.

  • util - Mostly contains the classes that are wrapper classes around Maya method calls.

How it works

The general flow is the following:


The flow of the scene building process is the following:


The flow of the rig building process is the following:



  • blue: builder-related.

  • green: config-related.

  • brown: model-related.

  • purple: reader-related.