# Rig Assembly The assembly API is used for easy assembly of the character rig in a Maya scene from a given DNA file path. ## Importing ``` from dna_viewer import assemble_rig ``` This uses the following parameters: - `dna: DNA` - Instance of DNA got with `load_dna`. - `gui_path: str` - The GUI file path. - `analog_gui_path: str` - The analog GUI file path. - `aas_path: str` - The additional assembly script path. - `aas_fn: str` - The method name that should be called from the additional assembly script. - `with_attributes_on_root_joint: bool` - A flag representing if attributes should be added on the root joint, defaults to `False`. - `with_key_frames: bool` - A flag representing if keyframes should be added, defaults to `False` ## Example **Important**: The setup code provided above needs to be executed before running this example. ``` from dna_viewer import assemble_rig, load_dna # Sets the values that will used DNA_PATH_ADA = f"{ROOT_DIR}/da/dna/Ada.dna" dna_ada = load_dna(DNA_PATH_ADA) GUI_PATH = f"{ROOT_DIR}/data/gui.ma" ANALOG_GUI_PATH = f"{ROOT_DIR}/data/analog_gui.ma" AAS_PATH = f"{ROOT_DIR}/data/after_assembly_script.py" # Creates the rig assemble_rig( dna=dna_ada, gui_path=GUI_PATH, analog_gui_path=ANALOG_GUI_PATH, aas_path=AAS_PATH, aas_fn="run_after_assemble" ) ```