import logging from typing import Dict, List from maya import cmds from maya.api.OpenMaya import MObject from ..builder.analog_gui import AnalogGui from ..builder.gui import Gui from ..builder.joint import Joint as JointBuilder from ..builder.mesh import Mesh from ..config.character import Character from ..const.naming import ( ANALOG_GUI_HOLDER, FACIAL_ROOT_JOINT, FRM_MULTIPLIERS_NAME, GEOMETRY_HOLDER_PREFIX, GUI_HOLDER, LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX, LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX_UPPER, RIG_HOLDER_PREFIX, ) from ..model.dna import DNA from ..model.joint import Joint as JointModel from ..util.additional_assembly_script import AdditionalAssemblyScript from ..util.maya_util import Maya from ..util.rig_logic import RigLogic from ..util.shader import Shader as ShaderUtil class CharacterCreator: """ A class used for creating the character in the maya scene Attributes ---------- @type config: Character @param config: The character configuration containing build options @type dna: DNA @param dna: The DNA object read from the DNA file @type character_name: str @param character_name: The name of the character @type meshes: Dict[int, List[MObject]] @param meshes: A mapping of lod number to a list of meshes created for that lod """ def __init__(self, config: Character, dna: DNA) -> None: self.config = config self.dna = dna self.character_name = self.dna.get_character_name() self.meshes: Dict[int, List[MObject]] = {} def add_mesh_to_display_layer(self, mesh_name: str, lod: int) -> None: """ Add the mesh with the given name to an already created display layer. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The name of the mesh that should be added to a display layer. @type lod: int @param lod: The lod value, this is needed for determining the name of the display layer that the mesh should be added to. """ cmds.editDisplayLayerMembers(f"{LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX_UPPER}{lod}", mesh_name) def add_joints(self) -> List[JointModel]: """ Reads and adds the joints to the scene, also returns a list model objects of joints that were added. @rtype: List[JointModel] @returns: The list containing model objects representing the joints that were added to the scene. """ joints: List[JointModel] = self.dna.read_all_neutral_joints() builder = JointBuilder( joints, self.config.modifiers.linear_modifier, self.config.modifiers.angle_modifier, ) builder.process() return joints def add_joints_to_character(self) -> None: """ Starts adding the joints the character, if the character configuration options have add_joints set to False, this step will be skipped. """ if self.config.options.add_joints:"adding joints to character...") joints = self.add_joints() if self.config.create_character_node: cmds.parent(joints[0].name, self.character_name) def create_character_node(self) -> None: """ Creates a Maya transform which will hold the character, if the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped. """ if self.config.create_character_node:"building character node...") if not cmds.objExists(self.character_name): cmds.createNode("transform", n=self.character_name) def create_geometry_node(self) -> None: """ Creates a Maya transform which will hold the geometry of the character. If the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped. """ if self.config.create_character_node:"adding geometry node") name = f"{GEOMETRY_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}" if not cmds.objExists(name): cmds.createNode("transform", n=name) cmds.parent(name, self.character_name) def create_rig_node(self) -> None: """ Creates a Maya transform which will hold the rig of the character. If the character configuration options have create_character_node set to False, this step will be skipped. """ if self.config.create_character_node:"adding rig node") char_name = f"{RIG_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}" if not cmds.objExists(char_name): cmds.createNode("transform", n=char_name) cmds.parent(char_name, self.character_name) def create_lod_node(self, lod: int, obj_name: str) -> None: """ Creates a Maya transform which will hold the meshes of the character for a given lod. @type lod: str @param lod: The lod number. @type obj_name: str @param obj_name: The full path name of the object in the scene, if it is not found a new lod holder will be created. """ if not cmds.objExists(obj_name): parent_name = f"{GEOMETRY_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}" name = f"{LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX}{lod}" cmds.createNode("transform", n=name, p=parent_name) def attach_mesh_to_lod(self, mesh_name: str, lod: int) -> None: """ Attaches the mesh called mesh_name to a given lod. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh that needs to be attached to a lod holder object. @type lod: str @param lod: The name of the mesh that should be added to a display layer. """ parent_node = ( f"{GEOMETRY_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}|{LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX}{lod}" ) cmds.parent( self.get_mesh_node_fullpath_on_root(mesh_name=mesh_name), parent_node ) def get_mesh_node_fullpath_on_root(self, mesh_name: str) -> str: """ Gets the full path in the scene of a mesh. @type mesh_name: str @param mesh_name: The mesh thats path is needed. @rtype: str @returns: The full path of the mesh object in the scene """ return str(Maya.get_element(f"|{mesh_name}").fullPathName()) def create_ctrl_attributes(self) -> None: """ Creates and sets the raw gui control attributes. """ gui_control_names = self.dna.get_raw_control_names() for name in gui_control_names: ctrl_and_attr_names = name.split(".") cmds.addAttr( ctrl_and_attr_names[0], longName=ctrl_and_attr_names[1], keyable=True, attributeType="float", minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0, ) def create_frm_attributes(self) -> None: """ Creates and sets the animated map attributes. """ frm_names = self.dna.get_animated_map_names() for name in frm_names: cmds.addAttr( FRM_MULTIPLIERS_NAME, longName=name.replace(".", "_"), keyable=True, attributeType="float", minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0, ) def create_ctrl_attributes_on_joint(self) -> None: """ Creates control attributes on the root joint from the raw control names. """ if ( self.config.options.add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint and self.config.options.add_joints ):"adding ctrl attributes on root joint...") names = self.dna.get_raw_control_names() self.create_attribute_on_joint(names=names) def create_animated_map_attributes(self) -> None: """ Creates animated map attributes on the root joint from the animated map names. """ if ( self.config.options.add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint and self.config.options.add_joints ):"adding animated map attributes on root joint...") names = self.dna.get_animated_map_names() self.create_attribute_on_joint(names=names) def create_attribute_on_joint(self, names: List[str]) -> None: """ Create attributes from a provided list of names on the facial root joint. @type names: List[str] @param names: List of names that are added as attributes to the facial root joint. """ for name in names: cmds.addAttr( FACIAL_ROOT_JOINT, longName=name.replace(".", "_"), keyable=True, attributeType="float", minValue=0.0, maxValue=1.0, ) def add_key_frames(self) -> None: """ Adds a starting key frame to the facial root joint if joints are added and the add_key_frames option is set to True. """ if self.config.options.add_key_frames and self.config.options.add_joints:"setting keyframe on the root joint...") cmds.currentTime(0), replace=True) cmds.setKeyframe(inTangentType="linear", outTangentType="linear") def create_character_meshes(self) -> None: """ Builds the meshes of the character. If specified in the character options they get parented to a created character node transform, otherwise the meshes get put to the root level of the scene. """"building character meshes...") meshes: Dict[int, List[MObject]] = {} for lod, meshes_per_lod in enumerate( self.dna.get_meshes_by_lods(self.config.meshes) ): if self.config.create_character_node and meshes_per_lod:"building LOD for {lod}") obj_name = f"{GEOMETRY_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}|{LOD_HOLDER_PREFIX}{lod}" self.create_lod_node(lod=lod, obj_name=obj_name) meshes[lod] = self.create_meshes( lod=lod, meshes_per_lod=meshes_per_lod, ) self.meshes = meshes def create_meshes(self, lod: int, meshes_per_lod: List[int]) -> List[MObject]: """ Builds the meshes from the provided mesh ids and then attaches them to a given lod if specified in the character configuration. @type lod: int @param lod: The lod number representing the display layer the meshes to the display layer. @type meshes_per_lod: List[int] @param meshes_per_lod: List of mesh indices that are being built. @rtype: List[MObject] @returns: The list of maya objects that represent the meshes added to the scene. """ meshes: List[MObject] = [] for mesh_index in meshes_per_lod: builder = Mesh( character_config=self.config, dna=self.dna, mesh_index=mesh_index, ) mesh_name = self.dna.get_mesh_name(mesh_index=mesh_index) meshes.append(mesh_name) if self.config.create_display_layers: self.add_mesh_to_display_layer(mesh_name, lod) if self.config.create_character_node: self.attach_mesh_to_lod(mesh_name, lod) ShaderUtil.default_lambert_shader( mesh_name, self.character_name, self.config.create_character_node ) return meshes def add_gui(self) -> None: """ Adds a gui according to the specified gui options. If none is specified no gui will be added. """ if self.config.gui_options:"adding gui...") builder = Gui(self.config.gui_options) self.import_gui( gui_path=self.config.gui_options.gui_path, group_name=GUI_HOLDER ) self.create_ctrl_attributes() self.create_frm_attributes() def add_analog_gui( self, add_to_character_node: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Adds an analog gui according to the specified analog gui options. If none is specified no analog gui will be added. @type add_to_character_node: bool @param add_to_character_node: A flag that specifies if the imported analog gui should be parented to the character node transform (default value is None). """ if self.config.analog_gui_options and self.config.options.add_joints:"adding analog gui...") builder = AnalogGui(self.config.analog_gui_options) self.import_gui( gui_path=self.config.analog_gui_options.gui_path, group_name=ANALOG_GUI_HOLDER, add_to_character_node=add_to_character_node, ) def import_gui( self, gui_path: str, group_name: str, add_to_character_node: bool = False ) -> None: """ Imports a gui using the provided parameters. @type gui_path: str @param gui_path: The path of the gui file that needs to be imported. @type group_name: str @param group_name: The name of the transform that holds the imported asset. @type add_to_character_node: bool @param add_to_character_node: A flag representing if the gui holder should be attached to the character node or be on the root of the scene (default value is False) """ cmds.file(gui_path, i=True, groupReference=True, groupName=group_name) if add_to_character_node: cmds.parent(group_name, f"{RIG_HOLDER_PREFIX}{self.character_name}") def add_rig_logic_node(self) -> None: """ Creates and adds a rig logic node specified in the character configuration. """ RigLogic.add_rig_logic(config=self.config, character_name=self.character_name) def run_additional_assembly_script(self) -> None: """ Runs an additional assembly script if specified in the character configuration. """ AdditionalAssemblyScript.run_additional_assembly_script(config=self.config)