Update for 1.3.1 release #67

marijavik merged 1 commits from release_1.3.1 into main 2024-12-20 22:27:54 +08:00
68 changed files with 26605 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -2,12 +2,17 @@
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## [1.3.1] - 2024-12-20
### Added
- example script to assemble face rig in Maya with textures `dna_viewer_build_rig_with_textures.py`
- added support for Maya 2024 in dna_calibration.mod file
## [1.3.0] - 2024-08-15 ## [1.3.0] - 2024-08-15
### Added ### Added
- support for Maya 2024 - support for Maya 2024
- support for Python 3.11 - support for Python 3.10
- added source code comments to python wrappers - added source code comments to python wrappers
### Fixed ### Fixed

View File

@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ Several Python examples are provided for reference and can be found in the **exa
- [Generates rig](/examples/dna_viewer_build_rig.py) - [Generates rig](/examples/dna_viewer_build_rig.py)
- [Export FBX per LOD](/examples/dna_viewer_export_fbx.py) - [Export FBX per LOD](/examples/dna_viewer_export_fbx.py)
- [Propagating changes from Maya scene to dna](/examples/dna_viewer_grab_changes_from_scene_and_propagate_to_dna.py) - [Propagating changes from Maya scene to dna](/examples/dna_viewer_grab_changes_from_scene_and_propagate_to_dna.py)
- [Generate face rig with textures](/examples/dna_viewer_build_rig_with_textures.py)
Note: Examples are grouped in three groups: DNA, DNACalib, and DNAViewer. These names are embedded as prefixes: dna_, dnacalib_, and dna_viewer_. Note: Examples are grouped in three groups: DNA, DNACalib, and DNAViewer. These names are embedded as prefixes: dna_, dnacalib_, and dna_viewer_.
@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ else:
``` ```
# Notes # Notes
If a user runs examples in Maya 2022, the value for `ROOT_DIR` should be changed and absolute paths must be used, If a user runs examples in Maya, the value for `ROOT_DIR` should be changed and absolute paths must be used,
e.g. `c:/MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration` in Windows or `/home/user/MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration` in Linux. Important: Use `/` (forward slash), Maya uses forward slashes in path. e.g. `c:/MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration` in Windows or `/home/user/MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration` in Linux. Important: Use `/` (forward slash), Maya uses forward slashes in path.
See the [FAQ guide](docs/faq.md) for additional specifications. See the [FAQ guide](docs/faq.md) for additional specifications.

data/lights.ma Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
//Maya ASCII 2018ff09 scene
//Name: dh_lights.ma
//Last modified: Thu, May 11, 2023 11:07:06 AM
//Codeset: 1252
requires maya "2018ff09";
requires "stereoCamera" "10.0";
currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;
fileInfo "application" "maya";
fileInfo "product" "Maya 2018";
fileInfo "version" "2018";
fileInfo "cutIdentifier" "201903222215-65bada0e52";
fileInfo "osv" "Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise Edition, 64-bit (Build 9200)\n";
createNode transform -s -n "persp";
rename -uid "7BE03783-4E24-89B6-5989-A493C66637E0";
setAttr ".v" no;
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 30.386393925746596 164.46424883057017 220.93384230676068 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" -4.5383527322844488 364.60000000001168 2.4928380793358483e-17 ;
createNode camera -s -n "perspShape" -p "persp";
rename -uid "17C4DE2D-4474-6D71-CB6F-6A8339904880";
setAttr -k off ".v" no;
setAttr ".fl" 70;
setAttr ".coi" 235.22766075984245;
setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "persp";
setAttr ".den" -type "string" "persp_depth";
setAttr ".man" -type "string" "persp_mask";
setAttr ".tp" -type "double3" 5.2474091943811381 153.18041361778683 22.081981913115726 ;
setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -p %camera";
createNode transform -s -n "top";
rename -uid "31146484-4292-2309-297F-65BEAF59D272";
setAttr ".v" no;
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 0 100.1 0 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" -89.999999999999986 0 0 ;
createNode camera -s -n "topShape" -p "top";
rename -uid "57F36015-479F-8693-E5D7-258FDB082AAA";
setAttr -k off ".v" no;
setAttr ".rnd" no;
setAttr ".coi" 100.1;
setAttr ".ow" 30;
setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "top";
setAttr ".den" -type "string" "top_depth";
setAttr ".man" -type "string" "top_mask";
setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -t %camera";
setAttr ".o" yes;
createNode transform -s -n "front";
rename -uid "D49E1F9F-45C5-21B5-FBA0-1489D48D157A";
setAttr ".v" no;
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 0 0 100.1 ;
createNode camera -s -n "frontShape" -p "front";
rename -uid "C0399F30-4794-526C-41BE-12864024BA2D";
setAttr -k off ".v" no;
setAttr ".rnd" no;
setAttr ".coi" 100.1;
setAttr ".ow" 30;
setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "front";
setAttr ".den" -type "string" "front_depth";
setAttr ".man" -type "string" "front_mask";
setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -f %camera";
setAttr ".o" yes;
createNode transform -s -n "side";
rename -uid "F8B47EFF-46B3-66B0-A1E0-928C7E024511";
setAttr ".v" no;
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 100.1 0 0 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" 0 89.999999999999986 0 ;
createNode camera -s -n "sideShape" -p "side";
rename -uid "1A18B0B0-4597-714D-E72F-DDA863A6711A";
setAttr -k off ".v" no;
setAttr ".rnd" no;
setAttr ".coi" 100.1;
setAttr ".ow" 30;
setAttr ".imn" -type "string" "side";
setAttr ".den" -type "string" "side_depth";
setAttr ".man" -type "string" "side_mask";
setAttr ".hc" -type "string" "viewSet -s %camera";
setAttr ".o" yes;
createNode transform -n "Lights";
rename -uid "BC495762-4E8D-5F2A-7844-19883889F5F0";
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" -9.1321692712715037e-15 0 0 ;
createNode transform -n "directionalLight1" -p "Lights";
rename -uid "65DA2872-436B-EDD6-1D2D-E6BFF59299BC";
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 15.486014481397302 138.81235271383406 5.2714390949948786 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" -116.515 10.116 -98.348000000000013 ;
createNode directionalLight -n "directionalLightShape1" -p "directionalLight1";
rename -uid "36B42BE7-4800-2440-AF1C-E980D1CC87BF";
setAttr -k off ".v";
setAttr ".cl" -type "float3" 0.49200001 0.74699998 0.72899997 ;
setAttr ".urs" no;
setAttr ".dms" yes;
setAttr ".dr" 1280;
createNode transform -n "directionalLight2" -p "Lights";
rename -uid "7323F264-4461-0429-2501-FAB17160A35E";
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 20.940014481397302 138.81235271383406 5.2714390949948786 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" 25.053 -21.159 -133.766 ;
createNode directionalLight -n "directionalLightShape2" -p "directionalLight2";
rename -uid "674147DA-41B9-DF32-387E-81AD128B5F70";
setAttr -k off ".v";
setAttr ".cl" -type "float3" 0.71764708 0.86666667 0.90196079 ;
setAttr ".in" 1.1449999809265137;
setAttr ".urs" no;
setAttr ".dms" yes;
setAttr ".dr" 1280;
createNode transform -n "directionalLight3" -p "Lights";
rename -uid "FEE50C1F-498A-CA90-4D71-E1BCF3CC7285";
setAttr ".t" -type "double3" 18.166014481397301 138.81235271383406 5.2714390949948786 ;
setAttr ".r" -type "double3" -136.209 46.468 55.503 ;
createNode directionalLight -n "directionalLightShape3" -p "directionalLight3";
rename -uid "0FDD36F9-46DC-9CD8-95F3-0584EE829681";
setAttr -k off ".v";
setAttr ".cl" -type "float3" 0.57647061 0.8509804 0.9137255 ;
setAttr ".in" 0.7929999828338623;
setAttr ".urs" no;
setAttr ".dms" yes;
setAttr ".dr" 1280;
createNode lightLinker -s -n "lightLinker1";
rename -uid "164B5954-4F38-1CA6-4626-8BB06933E9DC";
setAttr -s 2 ".lnk";
setAttr -s 2 ".slnk";
createNode displayLayerManager -n "layerManager";
rename -uid "F5E9D64D-4FD6-EEA8-5D5E-6B9518D7E895";
createNode displayLayer -n "defaultLayer";
rename -uid "F8BF08C2-4846-CFBF-91C2-E580763F662F";
createNode renderLayerManager -n "renderLayerManager";
rename -uid "7F55B5EA-488C-8D40-BE39-5496C9D71AF3";
createNode renderLayer -n "defaultRenderLayer";
rename -uid "48CE02BC-4D67-7414-65B5-1089007AFCE7";
setAttr ".g" yes;
createNode script -n "uiConfigurationScriptNode";
rename -uid "8418F3FA-4979-1AF9-5770-6498EFF21B86";
setAttr ".b" -type "string" (
"// Maya Mel UI Configuration File.\n//\n// This script is machine generated. Edit at your own risk.\n//\n//\n\nglobal string $gMainPane;\nif (`paneLayout -exists $gMainPane`) {\n\n\tglobal int $gUseScenePanelConfig;\n\tint $useSceneConfig = $gUseScenePanelConfig;\n\tint $nodeEditorPanelVisible = stringArrayContains(\"nodeEditorPanel1\", `getPanel -vis`);\n\tint $nodeEditorWorkspaceControlOpen = (`workspaceControl -exists nodeEditorPanel1Window` && `workspaceControl -q -visible nodeEditorPanel1Window`);\n\tint $menusOkayInPanels = `optionVar -q allowMenusInPanels`;\n\tint $nVisPanes = `paneLayout -q -nvp $gMainPane`;\n\tint $nPanes = 0;\n\tstring $editorName;\n\tstring $panelName;\n\tstring $itemFilterName;\n\tstring $panelConfig;\n\n\t//\n\t// get current state of the UI\n\t//\n\tsceneUIReplacement -update $gMainPane;\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Top View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Top View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -docTag \"RADRENDER\" \n -editorChanged \"updateModelPanelBar\" \n -camera \"top\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n"
+ " -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n"
+ " -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n"
+ " $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Side View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -docTag \"RADRENDER\" \n -editorChanged \"updateModelPanelBar\" \n -camera \"side\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n"
+ " -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n"
+ " -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n"
+ " -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Front View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -docTag \"RADRENDER\" \n -editorChanged \"updateModelPanelBar\" \n -camera \"front\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n"
+ " -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n"
+ " -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n"
+ " -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1\n -height 1\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"modelPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tmodelPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Persp View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n modelEditor -e \n -docTag \"RADRENDER\" \n -editorChanged \"updateModelPanelBar\" \n -camera \"persp\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"smoothShaded\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 0\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n"
+ " -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererName \"vp2Renderer\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 256 256 \n -bumpResolution 512 512 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 1\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n"
+ " -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n -greasePencils 1\n -shadows 0\n -captureSequenceNumber -1\n -width 1319\n -height 626\n -sceneRenderFilter 0\n $editorName;\n modelEditor -e -viewSelected 0 $editorName;\n modelEditor -e \n -pluginObjects \"gpuCacheDisplayFilter\" 1 \n"
+ " $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"outlinerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\toutlinerPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -docTag \"isolOutln_fromSeln\" \n -showShapes 0\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n"
+ " -showContainerContents 1\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -isSet 0\n -isSetMember 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n"
+ " -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -selectCommand \"<function selCom at 0x7f29c5c04aa0>\" \n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n -renderFilterIndex 0\n -selectionOrder \"chronological\" \n -expandAttribute 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"outlinerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\toutlinerPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Outliner\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\t$editorName = $panelName;\n outlinerEditor -e \n -docTag \"isolOutln_fromSeln\" \n -showShapes 0\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 1\n"
+ " -showReferenceMembers 1\n -showAttributes 0\n -showConnected 0\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 0\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 1\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 1\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 0\n -showContainerContents 1\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 0\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 0\n -highlightActive 1\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"defaultSetFilter\" \n -showSetMembers 1\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n"
+ " -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 0\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"graphEditor\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Graph Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 1\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 1\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 1\n -showCompounds 0\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n"
+ " -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 1\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 0\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 1\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 1\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n"
+ " -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"GraphEd\");\n animCurveEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 1\n -displayInfinities 0\n -displayValues 0\n -autoFit 1\n -autoFitTime 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -showResults \"off\" \n -showBufferCurves \"off\" \n -smoothness \"fine\" \n -resultSamples 1\n -resultScreenSamples 0\n -resultUpdate \"delayed\" \n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showCurveNames 0\n -showActiveCurveNames 0\n -stackedCurves 0\n -stackedCurvesMin -1\n -stackedCurvesMax 1\n -stackedCurvesSpace 0.2\n -displayNormalized 0\n -preSelectionHighlight 0\n"
+ " -constrainDrag 0\n -classicMode 1\n -valueLinesToggle 0\n -outliner \"graphEditor1OutlineEd\" \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dopeSheetPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dope Sheet\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"OutlineEd\");\n outlinerEditor -e \n -showShapes 1\n -showAssignedMaterials 0\n -showTimeEditor 1\n -showReferenceNodes 0\n -showReferenceMembers 0\n -showAttributes 1\n -showConnected 1\n -showAnimCurvesOnly 1\n -showMuteInfo 0\n -organizeByLayer 1\n -organizeByClip 1\n -showAnimLayerWeight 1\n"
+ " -autoExpandLayers 1\n -autoExpand 0\n -showDagOnly 0\n -showAssets 1\n -showContainedOnly 0\n -showPublishedAsConnected 0\n -showParentContainers 1\n -showContainerContents 0\n -ignoreDagHierarchy 0\n -expandConnections 1\n -showUpstreamCurves 1\n -showUnitlessCurves 0\n -showCompounds 1\n -showLeafs 1\n -showNumericAttrsOnly 1\n -highlightActive 0\n -autoSelectNewObjects 0\n -doNotSelectNewObjects 1\n -dropIsParent 1\n -transmitFilters 0\n -setFilter \"0\" \n -showSetMembers 0\n -allowMultiSelection 1\n -alwaysToggleSelect 0\n -directSelect 0\n -displayMode \"DAG\" \n -expandObjects 0\n -setsIgnoreFilters 1\n -containersIgnoreFilters 0\n"
+ " -editAttrName 0\n -showAttrValues 0\n -highlightSecondary 0\n -showUVAttrsOnly 0\n -showTextureNodesOnly 0\n -attrAlphaOrder \"default\" \n -animLayerFilterOptions \"allAffecting\" \n -sortOrder \"none\" \n -longNames 0\n -niceNames 1\n -showNamespace 1\n -showPinIcons 0\n -mapMotionTrails 1\n -ignoreHiddenAttribute 0\n -ignoreOutlinerColor 0\n -renderFilterVisible 0\n $editorName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"DopeSheetEd\");\n dopeSheetEditor -e \n -displayKeys 1\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -displayValues 0\n -autoFit 0\n -autoFitTime 0\n -snapTime \"integer\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n"
+ " -outliner \"dopeSheetPanel1OutlineEd\" \n -showSummary 1\n -showScene 0\n -hierarchyBelow 0\n -showTicks 1\n -selectionWindow 0 0 0 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"timeEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Time Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Time Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"clipEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Trax Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = clipEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n"
+ " -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n -displayInfinities 0\n -displayValues 0\n -autoFit 0\n -autoFitTime 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -initialized 0\n -manageSequencer 0 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"sequenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Camera Sequencer\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = sequenceEditorNameFromPanel($panelName);\n clipEditor -e \n -displayKeys 0\n -displayTangents 0\n -displayActiveKeys 0\n -displayActiveKeyTangents 0\n"
+ " -displayInfinities 0\n -displayValues 0\n -autoFit 0\n -autoFitTime 0\n -snapTime \"none\" \n -snapValue \"none\" \n -initialized 0\n -manageSequencer 1 \n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperGraphPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypergraph Hierarchy\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"HyperGraphEd\");\n hyperGraph -e \n -graphLayoutStyle \"hierarchicalLayout\" \n -orientation \"horiz\" \n -mergeConnections 0\n -zoom 1\n -animateTransition 0\n -showRelationships 1\n -showShapes 0\n -showDeformers 0\n -showExpressions 0\n"
+ " -showConstraints 0\n -showConnectionFromSelected 0\n -showConnectionToSelected 0\n -showConstraintLabels 0\n -showUnderworld 0\n -showInvisible 0\n -transitionFrames 1\n -opaqueContainers 0\n -freeform 0\n -image \"C:/work/Batman/characters/Bane/sourceimages/Bane_tpage_2048.tga\" \n -imagePosition 0 0 \n -imageScale 1\n -imageEnabled 0\n -graphType \"DAG\" \n -heatMapDisplay 0\n -updateSelection 1\n -updateNodeAdded 1\n -useDrawOverrideColor 0\n -limitGraphTraversal -1\n -range 0 0 \n -iconSize \"smallIcons\" \n -showCachedConnections 0\n $editorName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"hyperShadePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) `;\n"
+ "\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Hypershade\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"visorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Visor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"nodeEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) `;\n\tif ($nodeEditorPanelVisible || $nodeEditorWorkspaceControlOpen) {\n\t\tif (\"\" == $panelName) {\n\t\t\tif ($useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t\t$panelName = `scriptedPanel -unParent -type \"nodeEditorPanel\" -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels `;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n nodeEditor -e \n -allAttributes 0\n"
+ " -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -consistentNameSize 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -connectNodeOnCreation 0\n -connectOnDrop 0\n -copyConnectionsOnPaste 0\n -connectionStyle \"bezier\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -crosshairOnEdgeDragging 0\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -useAssets 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n -extendToShapes 1\n -editorMode \"default\" \n"
+ " $editorName;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Node Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\n\t\t\t$editorName = ($panelName+\"NodeEditorEd\");\n nodeEditor -e \n -allAttributes 0\n -allNodes 0\n -autoSizeNodes 1\n -consistentNameSize 1\n -createNodeCommand \"nodeEdCreateNodeCommand\" \n -connectNodeOnCreation 0\n -connectOnDrop 0\n -copyConnectionsOnPaste 0\n -connectionStyle \"bezier\" \n -defaultPinnedState 0\n -additiveGraphingMode 0\n -settingsChangedCallback \"nodeEdSyncControls\" \n -traversalDepthLimit -1\n -keyPressCommand \"nodeEdKeyPressCommand\" \n -nodeTitleMode \"name\" \n -gridSnap 0\n -gridVisibility 1\n -crosshairOnEdgeDragging 0\n -popupMenuScript \"nodeEdBuildPanelMenus\" \n"
+ " -showNamespace 1\n -showShapes 1\n -showSGShapes 0\n -showTransforms 1\n -useAssets 1\n -syncedSelection 1\n -extendToShapes 1\n -editorMode \"default\" \n $editorName;\n\t\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"createNodePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Create Node\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"polyTexturePlacementPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"UV Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n"
+ "\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"renderWindowPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Render View\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"shapePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Shape Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tshapePanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Shape Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextPanel \"posePanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Pose Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tposePanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Pose Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n"
+ "\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynRelEdPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Dynamic Relationships\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"relationshipPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Relationship Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"referenceEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Reference Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"componentEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Component Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Component Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"dynPaintScriptedPanelType\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Paint Effects\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"scriptEditorPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Script Editor\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"profilerPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Profiler Tool\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Profiler Tool\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"contentBrowserPanel\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Content Browser\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Content Browser\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n\t\tif (!$useSceneConfig) {\n\t\t\tpanel -e -l $label $panelName;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\n\t$panelName = `sceneUIReplacement -getNextScriptedPanel \"Stereo\" (localizedPanelLabel(\"Stereo\")) `;\n\tif (\"\" != $panelName) {\n\t\t$label = `panel -q -label $panelName`;\n\t\tscriptedPanel -edit -l (localizedPanelLabel(\"Stereo\")) -mbv $menusOkayInPanels $panelName;\n"
+ "string $editorName = ($panelName+\"Editor\");\n stereoCameraView -e \n -editorChanged \"updateModelPanelBar\" \n -camera \"persp\" \n -useInteractiveMode 0\n -displayLights \"default\" \n -displayAppearance \"wireframe\" \n -activeOnly 0\n -ignorePanZoom 0\n -wireframeOnShaded 0\n -headsUpDisplay 1\n -holdOuts 1\n -selectionHiliteDisplay 1\n -useDefaultMaterial 0\n -bufferMode \"double\" \n -twoSidedLighting 1\n -backfaceCulling 0\n -xray 0\n -jointXray 0\n -activeComponentsXray 0\n -displayTextures 0\n -smoothWireframe 0\n -lineWidth 1\n -textureAnisotropic 0\n -textureHilight 1\n -textureSampling 2\n -textureDisplay \"modulate\" \n -textureMaxSize 32768\n -fogging 0\n"
+ " -fogSource \"fragment\" \n -fogMode \"linear\" \n -fogStart 0\n -fogEnd 100\n -fogDensity 0.1\n -fogColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 \n -depthOfFieldPreview 1\n -maxConstantTransparency 1\n -rendererOverrideName \"stereoOverrideVP2\" \n -objectFilterShowInHUD 1\n -isFiltered 0\n -colorResolution 4 4 \n -bumpResolution 4 4 \n -textureCompression 0\n -transparencyAlgorithm \"frontAndBackCull\" \n -transpInShadows 0\n -cullingOverride \"none\" \n -lowQualityLighting 0\n -maximumNumHardwareLights 0\n -occlusionCulling 0\n -shadingModel 0\n -useBaseRenderer 0\n -useReducedRenderer 0\n -smallObjectCulling 0\n -smallObjectThreshold -1 \n -interactiveDisableShadows 0\n -interactiveBackFaceCull 0\n"
+ " -sortTransparent 1\n -controllers 1\n -nurbsCurves 1\n -nurbsSurfaces 1\n -polymeshes 1\n -subdivSurfaces 1\n -planes 1\n -lights 1\n -cameras 1\n -controlVertices 1\n -hulls 1\n -grid 1\n -imagePlane 1\n -joints 1\n -ikHandles 1\n -deformers 1\n -dynamics 1\n -particleInstancers 1\n -fluids 1\n -hairSystems 1\n -follicles 1\n -nCloths 1\n -nParticles 1\n -nRigids 1\n -dynamicConstraints 1\n -locators 1\n -manipulators 1\n -pluginShapes 1\n -dimensions 1\n -handles 1\n -pivots 1\n -textures 1\n -strokes 1\n -motionTrails 1\n -clipGhosts 1\n"
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setAttr -cb on ".epo";
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select -ne :initialParticleSE;
setAttr -av -k on ".cch";
setAttr -cb on ".ihi";
setAttr -av -k on ".nds";
setAttr -cb on ".bnm";
setAttr -k on ".mwc";
setAttr -cb on ".an";
setAttr -cb on ".il";
setAttr -cb on ".vo";
setAttr -cb on ".eo";
setAttr -cb on ".fo";
setAttr -cb on ".epo";
setAttr -k on ".ro" yes;
lockNode -l 0 -lu 1;
select -ne :defaultResolution;
setAttr -av -k on ".cch";
setAttr -av -k on ".ihi";
setAttr -av -k on ".nds";
setAttr -k on ".bnm";
setAttr -av -k on ".w";
setAttr -av -k on ".h";
setAttr -av -k on ".pa" 1;
setAttr -av -k on ".al";
setAttr -av -k on ".dar";
setAttr -av -k on ".ldar";
setAttr -av -k on ".dpi";
setAttr -av -k on ".off";
setAttr -av -k on ".fld";
setAttr -av -k on ".zsl";
setAttr -av -k on ".isu";
setAttr -av -k on ".pdu";
select -ne :defaultLightSet;
setAttr -k on ".cch";
setAttr -k on ".ihi";
setAttr -av -k on ".nds";
setAttr -k on ".bnm";
setAttr -s 3 ".dsm";
setAttr -k on ".mwc";
setAttr -k on ".an";
setAttr -k on ".il";
setAttr -k on ".vo";
setAttr -k on ".eo";
setAttr -k on ".fo";
setAttr -k on ".epo";
setAttr -k on ".ro";
select -ne :hardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr -av -k on ".cch";
setAttr -cb on ".ihi";
setAttr -av -k on ".nds";
setAttr -cb on ".bnm";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".ctrs" 256;
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".btrs" 512;
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".fbfm";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".ehql";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".eams";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".eeaa";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".engm";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".mes";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".emb";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".mbbf";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".mbs";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".trm";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".tshc";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".enpt";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".clmt";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".tcov";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".lith";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".sobc";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".cuth";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".hgcd";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".hgci";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".mgcs";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".twa";
setAttr -av -k off -cb on ".twz";
setAttr -cb on ".hwcc";
setAttr -cb on ".hwdp";
setAttr -cb on ".hwql";
setAttr -k on ".hwfr";
setAttr -k on ".soll";
setAttr -k on ".sosl";
setAttr -k on ".bswa";
setAttr -k on ".shml";
setAttr -k on ".hwel";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "link" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialShadingGroup.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
relationship "shadowLink" ":lightLinker1" ":initialParticleSE.message" ":defaultLightSet.message";
connectAttr "layerManager.dli[0]" "defaultLayer.id";
connectAttr "renderLayerManager.rlmi[0]" "defaultRenderLayer.rlid";
connectAttr "defaultRenderLayer.msg" ":defaultRenderingList1.r" -na;
connectAttr "directionalLightShape1.ltd" ":lightList1.l" -na;
connectAttr "directionalLightShape2.ltd" ":lightList1.l" -na;
connectAttr "directionalLightShape3.ltd" ":lightList1.l" -na;
connectAttr ":perspShape.msg" ":defaultRenderGlobals.sc";
connectAttr "directionalLight1.iog" ":defaultLightSet.dsm" -na;
connectAttr "directionalLight2.iog" ":defaultLightSet.dsm" -na;
connectAttr "directionalLight3.iog" ":defaultLightSet.dsm" -na;
// End of dh_lights.ma

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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

data/shader.ma Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -21,3 +21,15 @@ PYTHONPATH +:=
PYTHONPATH +:= lib/Maya2023/linux PYTHONPATH +:= lib/Maya2023/linux
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH +:= lib/Maya2023/linux MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH +:= lib/Maya2023/linux
+ MAYAVERSION:2024 PLATFORM:win64 MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration any .
PYTHONPATH +:= lib/Maya2024/windows
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH +:= lib/Maya2024/windows
+ MAYAVERSION:2024 PLATFORM:linux MetaHuman-DNA-Calibration any .
PYTHONPATH +:= lib/Maya2024/linux
MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH +:= lib/Maya2024/linux

View File

@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
This example demonstrates generating functional rig based on DNA file in Maya scene with applied textures.
Maps added in data folder belong to Ada preset character. User should use source data downloaded from Quixel Bridge.
IMPORTANT: You have to setup the environment before running this example. Please refer to the 'Environment setup' section in README.md.
- usage in command line:
mayapy dna_viewer_build_rig_with_textures.py
NOTE: Script cannot be called with Python, it must be called with mayapy.
- usage in Maya:
1. copy whole content of this file to Maya Script Editor
2. change value of ROOT_DIR to absolute path of dna_calibration, e.g. `c:/dna_calibration` in Windows or `/home/user/dna_calibration`. Important:
Use `/` (forward slash), because Maya uses forward slashes in path.
import time
import os
# if you use Maya, use absolute path
ROOT_DIR = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))}/..".replace("\\", "/")
DATA_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/data"
from maya import cmds, mel
from dna_viewer import (
ORIENT_Y = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
("dx11_diffuseIrradiance", 1),
("dx11_jitter", 1),
("dx11_skinLUT", 1),
("dx11_specularIrradiance", 1),
("head_color", 1),
("head_cm1_color", 0),
("head_cm2_color", 0),
("head_cm3_color", 0),
("head_normal", 1),
("head_wm1_normal", 0),
("head_wm2_normal", 0),
("head_wm3_normal", 0),
("head_specular", 1),
("head_specular_16Bits", 1),
("head_occlusion", 1),
("head_occlusion_16Bits", 1),
("head_cavity", 1),
("head_cavity_16Bits", 1),
("head_transmission", 1),
("head_transmission_16Bits", 1),
("head_curvature", 1),
("head_curvature_16Bits", 1),
("head_position", 1),
("head_position_16Bits", 1),
("head_worldspace", 1),
("head_worldspace_16Bits", 1),
("head_bentNormal", 1),
("head_bentNormal_16Bits", 1),
("teeth_color", 1),
("teeth_normal", 1),
("eyes_color", 1),
("eyeLeft_color", 1),
("eyeRight_color", 1),
("eyeLeft_normal", 1),
("eyeRight_normal", 1),
("eyes_color_16Bits", 1),
("eyes_normal", 1),
("eyes_normal_16Bits", 1),
("eyelashes_color", 1),
"head_lod": "head_shader",
"teeth_lod": "teeth_shader",
"saliva_lod": "saliva_shader",
"eyeLeft_lod": "eyeLeft_shader",
"eyeRight_lod": "eyeRight_shader",
"eyeshell_lod": "eyeshell_shader",
"eyelashes_lod": "eyelashes_shader",
"eyelashesShadow_lod": "eyelashesShadow_shader",
"eyeEdge_lod": "eyeEdge_shader",
"cartilage_lod": "eyeEdge_shader",
SHADERS = ["head_shader", "teeth_shader", "eyeLeft_shader", "eyeRight_shader"]
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_browsDown_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_00",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_browsDown_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_01",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_browsDown_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_02",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_browsDown_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_03",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_browsLateral_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_04",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_browsLateral_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_05",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_browsLateral_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_06",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_browsLateral_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_07",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_browsRaiseInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_08",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_browsRaiseInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_09",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_browsRaiseInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_10",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_browsRaiseInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_11",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_browsRaiseOuter_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_12",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_browsRaiseOuter_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_13",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_browsRaiseOuter_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_14",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_browsRaiseOuter_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_15",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_blink_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_16",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_squintInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_17",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_blink_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_18",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_squintInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_19",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_blink_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_20",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_squintInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_21",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_blink_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_22",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_squintInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_23",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_24",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseOuter_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_25",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseUpper_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_26",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseInner_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_27",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseOuter_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_28",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseUpper_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_29",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_30",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseOuter_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_31",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_cheekRaiseUpper_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_32",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseInner_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_33",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseOuter_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_34",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_cheekRaiseUpper_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_35",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_noseWrinkler_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_36",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_noseWrinkler_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_37",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_noseWrinkler_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_38",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_noseWrinkler_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_39",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_smile_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_40",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_smile_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_41",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm13_lips_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_42",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm13_lips_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_43",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm13_lips_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_44",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm13_lips_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_45",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm13_lips_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_46",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm13_lips_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_47",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm13_lips_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_48",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm13_lips_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_49",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm3_smile_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_50",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm3_smile_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_51",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm13_lips_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_52",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm13_lips_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_53",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm13_lips_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_54",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm13_lips_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_55",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm13_lips_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_56",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm3_color_head_wm13_lips_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_57",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm13_lips_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_58",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm3_normal_head_wm13_lips_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_59",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_mouthStretch_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_60",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_mouthStretch_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_61",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_mouthStretch_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_62",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_mouthStretch_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_63",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_purse_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_64",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_purse_UL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_65",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_purse_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_66",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_purse_UR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_67",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_purse_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_68",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_purse_DL": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_69",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_purse_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_70",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_purse_DR": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_71",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_chinRaise_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_72",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_chinRaise_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_73",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_chinRaise_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_74",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_chinRaise_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_75",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm1_color_head_wm1_jawOpen": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_76",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm1_normal_head_wm1_jawOpen": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_77",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_neckStretch_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_78",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_neckStretch_L": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_79",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_cm2_color_head_wm2_neckStretch_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_80",
"FRM_WMmultipliers.head_wm2_normal_head_wm2_neckStretch_R": "shader_head_shader.maskWeight_81",
# Methods
def import_head_shaders(shader_scene_path, shaders_dir_path, masks_dir_path, maps_dir_path):
import_shader(shader_scene_path, MESH_SHADER_MAPPING)
resolve_scene_shader_paths(SHADERS, shaders_dir_path)
set_mask_textures(MASKS, masks_dir_path)
set_map_textures(COMMON_MAP_INFOS, maps_dir_path)
set_map_textures(MAP_INFOS, maps_dir_path)
def import_shader(shader_scene_path, mesh_shader_mapping):
print("Shader scene imported")
cmds.file(shader_scene_path, options="v=0", type="mayaAscii", i=True)
items = mesh_shader_mapping.iteritems()
items = mesh_shader_mapping.items()
for meshName, shaderName in items:
for lodLvl in range(0, 8):
# Apply shader to all meshes based on LOD level
resolved_mesh_name = meshName + str(lodLvl) + "_mesh"
shader = "shader_" + shaderName
cmds.select(resolved_mesh_name, replace=True)
mel.eval("sets -e -forceElement " + shader + "SG")
print("Skipped adding shader for mesh %s." % meshName)
def resolve_scene_shader_paths(shaders, folder_name):
for shader in shaders:
node_name = "shader_" + shader
if not cmds.objExists(node_name):
file_shader_name = cmds.getAttr(node_name + ".shader")
shader_folder_name, shader_file_name = os.path.split(file_shader_name)
shader_folder_name = folder_name
node_name + ".shader",
shader_folder_name + "/" + shader_file_name,
def set_mask_textures(masks, folder_name):
for mask in masks:
node_name = "maskFile_" + mask
if not cmds.objExists(node_name):
file_texture_name = cmds.getAttr(node_name + ".fileTextureName")
texture_folder_name, texture_file_name = os.path.split(file_texture_name)
texture_folder_name = folder_name
node_name + ".fileTextureName",
texture_folder_name + "/" + texture_file_name,
def set_map_textures(map_infos, folder_name):
for mapInfo in map_infos:
node_name = "mapFile_" + mapInfo[0]
if mapInfo[1]:
node_name = "baseMapFile_" + mapInfo[0]
if not cmds.objExists(node_name):
file_texture_name = cmds.getAttr(node_name + ".fileTextureName")
texture_folder_name, texture_file_name = os.path.split(file_texture_name)
texture_folder_name = folder_name
node_name + ".fileTextureName",
texture_folder_name + "/" + texture_file_name,
def connect_attributes_to_shader(shader_attributes_mapping):
print("Connecting attributes to shader...")
items = shader_attributes_mapping.iteritems()
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Error: {ex}")
items = shader_attributes_mapping.items()
for frm_attribute, shaderAttribute in items:
if cmds.objExists(frm_attribute) and cmds.objExists(shaderAttribute):
cmds.connectAttr(frm_attribute, shaderAttribute, force=True)
def create_lights(lights_file_path, orient):
print("Creating lights...")
cmds.file(lights_file_path, defaultNamespace=True, i=True)
cmds.xform("Lights", ro=orient)
cmds.makeIdentity("Lights", apply=True)
# Define all paths
dna_path = f"{DATA_DIR}/mh4/dna_files/Ada.dna"
gui_path = f"{DATA_DIR}/mh4/gui.ma"
aas_path = f"{DATA_DIR}/mh4/additional_assemble_script.py"
ac_path = f"{DATA_DIR}/analog_gui.ma"
light_scene = f"{DATA_DIR}/lights.ma"
shader_scene = f"{DATA_DIR}/shader.ma"
shaders_dir = f"{DATA_DIR}/shaders"
masks_dir = f"{DATA_DIR}/masks"
maps_dir = f"{DATA_DIR}/maps"
output_scene = f"{ROOT_DIR}/output/Ada_rig.mb"
start_time = time.time()
# open new scene
cmds.file(new=True, force=True)
# import DNA data
dna = DNA(dna_path)
config = RigConfig(
build_rig(dna=dna, config=config)
import_head_shaders(shader_scene, shaders_dir, masks_dir, maps_dir)
create_lights(light_scene, ORIENT_Y)
# save scene
cmds.file(save=True, type="mayaBinary")
print("--- Import finished in %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))
except Exception as ex:
print("Error building scene", ex)