184 lines
6.9 KiB
184 lines
6.9 KiB
This example demonstrates how to subtract values from a neutral mesh and transfer those changes to its lower LOD meshes.
- usage in command line:
- call without arguments:
python dnacalib_neutral_mesh_subtract.py
mayapy dnacalib_neutral_mesh_subtract.py
Expected: Script will generate Ada_new.dna in OUTPUT_DIR from original Ada.dna.
- call with arguments:
python dnacalib_neutral_mesh_subtract.py --dna_path=<PATH TO INPUT FILE> --output_dna=<PATH TO NEW FILE>
mayapy dnacalib_neutral_mesh_subtract.py --dna_path=<PATH TO INPUT FILE> --output_dna=<PATH TO NEW FILE>
Expected: script will generate <PATH TO NEW FILE>.
NOTE: The directory referenced by the given path must exist. If the directory does not exist, the script is going to fail.
- usage in Maya:
1. copy whole content of this file to Maya Script Editor
2. delete "if __name__ == "__main__":
3. delete whole "def main" method
4. change value of ROOT_DIR to absolute path of dna_calibration, e.g. `c:/dna_calibration` in Windows or `/home/user/dna_calibration`. Important:
Use `/` (forward slash), because Maya uses forward slashes in path.
5. call method calibrate_dna(<PATH TO INPUT FILE>, <PATH TO NEW FILE>)
Expected: script will generate <PATH TO NEW FILE>.
NOTE: The directory referenced by the given path must exist. If the directory does not exist, the script is going to fail.
NOTE: If running on Linux, please make sure to append the LD_LIBRARY_PATH with absolute path to the lib/linux directory before running the example:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path-to-lib-linux-dir>
import argparse
from os import environ, makedirs
from os import path as ospath
from sys import path as syspath
from sys import platform
# if you use Maya, use absolute path
ROOT_DIR = f"{ospath.dirname(ospath.abspath(__file__))}/..".replace("\\", "/")
OUTPUT_DIR = f"{ROOT_DIR}/output"
if platform == "win32":
LIB_DIR = f"{ROOT_LIB_DIR}/windows"
elif platform == "linux":
LIB_DIR = f"{ROOT_LIB_DIR}/linux"
raise OSError(
"OS not supported, please compile dependencies and add value to LIB_DIR"
# Add bin directory to maya plugin path
if "MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH" in environ:
separator = ":" if platform == "linux" else ";"
environ["MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"] = separator.join([environ["MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH"], LIB_DIR])
# Adds directories to path
syspath.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)
syspath.insert(0, LIB_DIR)
from dna import DataLayer_All, FileStream, Status, BinaryStreamReader, BinaryStreamWriter
from dnacalib import (
from math import isclose
def load_dna(path):
stream = FileStream(path, FileStream.AccessMode_Read, FileStream.OpenMode_Binary)
reader = BinaryStreamReader(stream, DataLayer_All)
if not Status.isOk():
status = Status.get()
raise RuntimeError(f"Error loading DNA: {status.message}")
return reader
def save_dna(reader, path):
stream = FileStream(path, FileStream.AccessMode_Write, FileStream.OpenMode_Binary)
writer = BinaryStreamWriter(stream)
if not Status.isOk():
status = Status.get()
raise RuntimeError(f"Error saving DNA: {status.message}")
def calibrate_dna(input_path, output_path):
dna = load_dna(input_path)
# Copies DNA contents and will serve as input/output parameter to commands
calibrated = DNACalibDNAReader(dna)
if calibrated.getMeshCount() == 0:
print("No meshes found in DNA.")
mesh_index = 0
vtx_count_mesh0 = calibrated.getVertexPositionCount(mesh_index)
xs = calibrated.getVertexPositionXs(mesh_index)
ys = calibrated.getVertexPositionYs(mesh_index)
zs = calibrated.getVertexPositionZs(mesh_index)
# Example values to subtract from original vertex positions for mesh with index 0
ones = [1] * vtx_count_mesh0
# Command used to subtract example values from a specified neutral mesh
subtract_command = SetVertexPositionsCommand()
subtract_command.setPositions(ones, ones, ones)
# Alternatively, if you wanted to do the opposite, to subtract neutral mesh values
# from example values, you could do the following:
# xs_2 = [x * 2 for x in xs]
# ys_2 = [y * 2 for y in ys]
# zs_2 = [z * 2 for z in zs]
# subtract_command.setPositions(xs_2, ys_2, zs_2)
# # After running the command, the calibrated DNA will contain -xs, -ys, -zs
# subtract_command.run(calibrated)
# # Add the example values, which will result in:
# # ones - xs
# # ones - ys
# # ones - zs
# add_command = SetVertexPositionsCommand()
# add_command.setMeshIndex(mesh_index)
# add_command.setOperation(VectorOperation_Add) # remember to add VectorOperation_Add to the list of imports
# add_command.setPositions(ones, ones, ones)
# add_command.run(calibrated)
print(f"Subtracting values from neutral mesh \'{calibrated.getMeshName(mesh_index)}\'...")
# Modifies calibrated DNA in-place
# Command used to recalculate vertex positions of lower LOD neutral meshes of the specified neutral mesh
calculate_lower_lods_command = CalculateMeshLowerLODsCommand()
print("Recalculating values for lower LOD meshes...")
# Modifies calibrated DNA in-place
new_xs = calibrated.getVertexPositionXs(mesh_index)
new_ys = calibrated.getVertexPositionYs(mesh_index)
new_zs = calibrated.getVertexPositionZs(mesh_index)
for i in range(vtx_count_mesh0):
if (not isclose(xs[i] - 1, new_xs[i], rel_tol=1e-7) or
not isclose(ys[i] - 1, new_ys[i], rel_tol=1e-7) or
not isclose(zs[i] - 1, new_zs[i], rel_tol=1e-7)):
raise RuntimeError("Vertex positions were not changed successfully!")
print("\nSuccessfully changed vertex positions.")
print("Saving DNA...")
save_dna(calibrated, output_path)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="DNACalib neutral mesh subtract example")
"--input_dna", metavar="input_dna", help="Path to DNA file to load", default=f"{ROOT_DIR}/data/dna/Ada.dna"
help="Path where to save modified DNA file",
makedirs(OUTPUT_DIR, exist_ok=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
calibrate_dna(args.input_dna, args.output_dna)
if __name__ == "__main__":