258 lines
8.4 KiB
258 lines
8.4 KiB
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
class LinearUnit(Enum):
An enum used to represent the unit used for linear representation.
@cm: using cm as unit
@m: using m as unit
cm = 0
m = 1
class AngleUnit(Enum):
An enum used to represent the unit used for angle representation.
@degree: using degree as unit
@radian: using radian as unit
degree = 0
radian = 1
class Config:
A class used to represent the config for @Builder
@type mesh_filter: List[str]
@param mesh_filter: List of mesh names that should be filtered. Mash names can be just substrings. ["head"] will find all meshes that contins string "head" in its mash name.
@type lod_filter: List[int]
@param lod_filter: List of lods that should be filtered.
@type group_by_lod: bool
@param group_by_lod: A flag representing whether the character should be parented to a character transform node in the scene hierarchy
@type group_by_lod: bool
@param group_by_lod: A flag representing whether the character should be parented to a character transform node in rig hierarchy
@type top_level_group: str
@param top_level_group: Value that is going to be used when creating root group
@type geometry_group: str
@param geometry_group: Value that is going to be used when creating group that contains geometry
@type facial_root_joint_name: str
@param facial_root_joint_name: The name of the facial root joint
@type blend_shape_group_prefix: str
@param blend_shape_group_prefix: prefix string for blend shape group
@type blend_shape_name_postfix: str
@param blend_shape_name_postfix: postfix string for blend shape name
@type skin_cluster_suffix: str
@param skin_cluster_suffix: postfix string for skin cluster name
@type animated_map_attribute_multipliers_name: str
@param animated_map_attribute_multipliers_name: string for frame animated map attribute name
@type create_display_layers: bool
@param create_display_layers: A flag representing whether the created meshes should be assigned to a display layer
@type add_joints: bool
@param add_joints: A flag representing whether joints should be added
@type add_blend_shapes: bool
@param add_blend_shapes: A flag representing whether blend shapes should be added
@type add_skin_cluster: bool
@param add_skin_cluster: A flag representing whether skin should be added
@type add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool
@param add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: A flag representing whether control attributes should be added to the root joint
@type add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool
@param add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: A flag representing whether animated map attributes should be added to the root joint
@type add_key_frames: bool
@param add_key_frames: A flag representing whether key frames should be added
@type add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool
@param add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: A flag representing whether mesh name of blend shape channel is added to name when creating it
meshes: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
mesh_filter: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
lod_filter: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
group_by_lod: bool = field(default=True)
top_level_group: str = "head"
geometry_group: str = "geometry"
facial_root_joint_name: str = "FACIAL_C_FacialRoot"
blend_shape_group_prefix: str = "BlendshapeGroup_"
blend_shape_name_postfix: str = "_blendShapes"
skin_cluster_suffix: str = "skinCluster"
animated_map_attribute_multipliers_name = "FRM_WMmultipliers"
create_display_layers: bool = field(default=True)
add_joints: bool = field(default=True)
add_blend_shapes: bool = field(default=True)
add_skin_cluster: bool = field(default=True)
add_ctrl_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = field(default=True)
add_animated_map_attributes_on_root_joint: bool = field(default=True)
add_key_frames: bool = field(default=True)
add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name: bool = field(default=True)
def get_top_level_group(self) -> str:
return f"{self.top_level_group}_grp"
def get_geometry_group(self) -> str:
return f"{self.geometry_group}_grp"
def get_rig_group(self) -> str:
return f"{self.top_level_group}Rig_grp"
class RigConfig(Config):
A class used to represent the config for @RigBuilder
@type add_rig_logic: bool
@param add_rig_logic: A flag representing whether normals should be added
@type rig_logic_command: str
@param rig_logic_command: The command used to start creating the rig logic using the plugin
@type rig_logic_name: str
@param rig_logic_name: The name of the rig logic node
@type control_naming: str
@param control_naming: The naming pattern of controls
@type joint_naming: str
@param joint_naming: The naming pattern of joints
@type blend_shape_naming: str
@param blend_shape_naming: The naming pattern of blend shapes
@type animated_map_naming: str
@param animated_map_naming: The naming pattern of animated maps
@type gui_path: str
@param gui_path: The location of the gui file
@type left_eye_joint_name: str
@param left_eye_joint_name: The name of the left eye joint
@type eye_gui_name: str
@param eye_gui_name: The name of the control in the gui
@type gui_translate_x: float
@param gui_translate_x: Represents the value that the gui should be additionally translated on the X axis
@type analog_gui_path: str
@param analog_gui_path: The location of the analog gui file
@type left_eye_joint_name: str
@param left_eye_joint_name: The name of the left eye joint
@type right_eye_joint_name: str
@param right_eye_joint_name: The name of the right eye joint
@type central_driver_name: str
@param central_driver_name: The name of the central driver
@type left_eye_driver_name: str
@param left_eye_driver_name: The name of the left eye driver
@type right_eye_driver_name: str
@param right_eye_driver_name: The name of the right eye driver
@type central_aim: str
@param central_aim: The name of the central aim
@type le_aim: str
@param le_aim: The name of the left eye aim
@type re_aim: str
@param re_aim: The name of the right eye aim
@type aas_path: Optional[str]
@param aas_path: The location of the script file
@type aas_method: str
@param aas_method: The method that should be called
@type aas_parameter: Dict[Any, Any]
@param aas_parameter: The parameters that will be passed as the method arguments
add_rig_logic: bool = field(default=True)
rig_logic_command: str = field(default="createEmbeddedNodeRL4")
rig_logic_name: str = field(default="")
control_naming: str = field(default="<objName>.<attrName>")
joint_naming: str = field(default="<objName>.<attrName>")
blend_shape_naming: str = field(default="")
animated_map_naming: str = field(default="")
gui_path: str = field(default=None)
eye_gui_name: str = "CTRL_C_eye"
gui_translate_x: float = 10
analog_gui_path: str = field(default=None)
left_eye_joint_name: str = "FACIAL_L_Eye"
right_eye_joint_name: str = "FACIAL_R_Eye"
central_driver_name: str = "LOC_C_eyeDriver"
left_eye_driver_name: str = "LOC_L_eyeDriver"
right_eye_driver_name: str = "LOC_R_eyeDriver"
left_eye_aim_up_name: str = "LOC_L_eyeAimUp"
right_eye_aim_up_name: str = "LOC_R_eyeAimUp"
central_aim: str = "GRP_C_eyesAim"
le_aim: str = "GRP_L_eyeAim"
re_aim: str = "GRP_R_eyeAim"
aas_path: Optional[str] = field(default=None)
aas_method: str = "run_after_assemble"
aas_parameter: Dict[Any, Any] = field(default_factory=dict)
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if self.add_mesh_name_to_blend_shape_channel_name:
self.blend_shape_naming = (
self.blend_shape_naming = (
self.animated_map_naming = (