54 lines
1.7 KiB
54 lines
1.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
MetaHuman Face Animation
import os, sys
import maya.cmds as cmds
import imp
def mgApplyFaceMocap():
objLs = cmds.ls(sl=1)
namespace = ''
filePath = cmds.fileDialog2(fileMode=1, caption="Import Metahuman Face Animation")[0]
if len(objLs)>0:
if ':' in objLs[0]:
namespace = objLs[0].split(':')[0] + ':'
namespace = ''
anim_keys_file = imp.load_source('', filePath)
anim_keys = anim_keys_file.anim_keys_dict
for dict_key in anim_keys:
keyframes_list = anim_keys[dict_key]
ctrl = dict_key
attr = 'translateY'
if '.' in ctrl:
ctrl_string_list = ctrl.split('.')
ctrl = ctrl_string_list[0]
if len(ctrl_string_list)>2:
attr = ctrl_string_list[1].replace('Location', 'translate').replace('Rotation', 'rotate').replace('Scale', 'scale') + ctrl_string_list[-1].upper()
attr = 'translate' + ctrl_string_list[-1].upper()
# check for numbers at the end of cntrl name
ctrl_name = ctrl
if ctrl_name.split('_')[-1].isdigit():
ctrl_name = ctrl_name.replace('_' + ctrl_name.split('_')[-1], '')
ctrl_name = namespace + ctrl_name
if cmds.objExists(ctrl_name):
for key_num in range(0,len(keyframes_list)):
key_val = keyframes_list[key_num]
cmds.setKeyframe(ctrl_name, attribute=attr, v = key_val[0], t=key_val[1] )
print('Skipping ' + ctrl_name + ' as no such object exists.')
print('Applied Animation to Face Rig.')
mgApplyFaceMocap() |