
1441 lines
37 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2025-02-03 22:58:41 +08:00
global proc SGEnableJointOrient(){}
global proc SGCometJointOrient()
if (!`window -ex SuperRiggingEditor`){
global string $SG_version ;
global string $SG_date ;
string $ShowAxis = "Show Axis";
string $HideAxis = "Hide Axis";
string $AimAxis = "Aim Axis:";
string $UpAxis = "Up Axis:";
string $Reverse = "Reverse";
string $WorldUpDir = "World Up Dir:";
string $AutoGuessUpDirection = "Auto-Guess Up Direction";
string $OrientJoints = "Orient Joints";
string $Tweak = "Tweak:";
string $Zero = "Zero";
string $ManualAddRotTweak = "Manual + Rot Tweak";
string $ManualRedRotTweak = "Manual - Rot Tweak";
string $MainJointAmendAxis = "Main Joint Amend Axis";
string $SkinJointAmendAxis = "Skin Joint Amend Axis";
if(`SGDescriptor -l` == "ZH"){
$AimAxis = "Ŀ<><C4BF><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>:";
$UpAxis = "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>:";
$Reverse = "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>";
$AutoGuessUpDirection = "<22>Զ<EFBFBD>ʶ<EFBFBD><CAB6><EFBFBD>Ϸ<EFBFBD><CFB7><EFBFBD>";
$OrientJoints = "ȷ<><C8B7><EFBFBD>ؽڷ<D8BD><DAB7><EFBFBD>";
$Tweak = "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>:";
$Zero = "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>";
$ManualAddRotTweak = "<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD>ת<EFBFBD><D7AA><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>+";
$ManualRedRotTweak = "<22>ֶ<EFBFBD><D6B6><EFBFBD>ת<EFBFBD><D7AA><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>-";
if (`window -ex cometJointOrientWin`)
deleteUI -window cometJointOrientWin;
window -p SuperRiggingEditor -w 310 -h 256 -t "JointOrient" -s true -tb true cometJointOrientWin;
formLayout mainForm ;
separator -style "in" -h 3 sep0 ;
button -l $ShowAxis -al "center" -c ("ShowAxis 1;") -ann ("Show Local Axis") btnShow ;
button -l $HideAxis -al "center" -c ("ShowAxis 0;") -ann ("Hide Local Axis") btnHide ;
radioButtonGrp -l $AimAxis -nrb 3 -la3 "X" "Y" "Z" -sl 2 -cw4 80 40 40 40 rbgAim ;
radioButtonGrp -l $UpAxis -nrb 3 -la3 "X" "Y" "Z" -sl 1 -cw4 80 40 40 40 rbgUp ;
checkBox -l $Reverse -v 0 cbRevAim ;
checkBox -l $Reverse -v 0 cbRevUp ;
separator -style "in" -h 6 sep1 ;
floatFieldGrp -nf 3 -label $WorldUpDir -v1 1.0 -v2 0.0 -v3 0.0 -cw4 80 50 50 50 ffgUpDir ;
button -l "X" -w 20 -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 1.0 -v2 0.0 -v3 0.0 ffgUpDir; ") -ann ("Auto Set UpDir to X-Axis") btnX ;
button -l "Y" -w 20 -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 0.0 -v2 1.0 -v3 0.0 ffgUpDir; ") -ann ("Auto Set UpDir to Y-Axis") btnY ;
button -l "Z" -w 20 -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 0.0 -v2 0.0 -v3 1.0 ffgUpDir; ") -ann ("Auto Set UpDir to Z-Axis") btnZ ;
checkBox -l $AutoGuessUpDirection -v 0 cbAutoDir ;
button -l $OrientJoints -al "center" -c ("SGOrientUI();") -ann ("Orient selected joints based on settings above.") btnOJ;
separator -style "in" -h 6 sepBig ;
floatFieldGrp -nf 3 -label $Tweak -v1 0.0 -v2 0.0 -v3 0.0 -cw4 80 50 50 50 ffgTweak ;
button -l $Zero -w 58 -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 0.0 -v2 0.0 -v3 0.0 ffgTweak; ") -ann ("Zero's tweak values.") btnZero ;
popupMenu -p ffgTweak ;
menuItem -l "X=1" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 1.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Y=1" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v2 1.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Z=1" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v3 1.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -divider true ;
menuItem -l "X=5" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 5.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Y=5" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v2 5.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Z=5" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v3 5.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -divider true ;
menuItem -l "X=10" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v1 10.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Y=10" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v2 10.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
menuItem -l "Z=10" -c ("floatFieldGrp -e -v3 10.0 ffgTweak ; ") ;
button -l $ManualAddRotTweak -al "center" -c ("SGTweakUI(1.0);") -ann ("Manually rotates selected joints axis positive.") btnTweakP ;
button -l $ManualRedRotTweak -al "center" -c ("SGTweakUI(-1.0);") -ann ("Manually rotates selected joints axis negative.") btnTweakN ;
separator -style "in" -h 6 sep2 ;
button -l $MainJointAmendAxis -al "center" -c ("SGMainAmendAxis;") -ann ("Main Amend Axis") btnMainAmend ;
button -l $SkinJointAmendAxis -al "center" -c ("SGSkinAmendAxis;") -ann ("Other Amend Axis") btnOtherAmend ;
separator -style "in" -h 6 sep3 ;
formLayout -e
-af sep0 "left" 0
-af sep0 "right" 0
-af sep0 "top" 0
-an sep0 "bottom"
-af btnShow "left" 5
-ap btnShow "right" 0 49
-ac btnShow "top" 3 sep0
-an btnShow "bottom"
-ap btnHide "left" 0 51
-af btnHide "right" 5
-ac btnHide "top" 3 sep0
-an btnHide "bottom"
-af rbgAim "left" 0
-an rbgAim "right"
-ac rbgAim "top" 0 btnShow
-an rbgAim "bottom"
-ac cbRevAim "left" 0 rbgAim
-af cbRevAim "right" 0
-ac cbRevAim "top" 0 btnShow
-an cbRevAim "bottom"
-af rbgUp "left" 0
-an rbgUp "right"
-ac rbgUp "top" 0 rbgAim
-an rbgUp "bottom"
-ac cbRevUp "left" 0 rbgUp
-af cbRevUp "right" 0
-ac cbRevUp "top" 0 rbgAim
-an cbRevUp "bottom"
-af sep1 "left" 0
-af sep1 "right" 0
-ac sep1 "top" 0 rbgUp
-an sep1 "bottom"
-af ffgUpDir "left" 0
-an ffgUpDir "right"
-ac ffgUpDir "top" 0 sep1
-an ffgUpDir "bottom"
-ac btnX "left" 2 ffgUpDir
-an btnX "right"
-ac btnX "top" 0 sep1
-an btnX "bottom"
-ac btnY "left" 2 btnX
-an btnY "right"
-ac btnY "top" 0 sep1
-an btnY "bottom"
-ac btnZ "left" 2 btnY
-an btnZ "right"
-ac btnZ "top" 0 sep1
-an btnZ "bottom"
-af cbAutoDir "left" 20
-af cbAutoDir "right" 0
-ac cbAutoDir "top" 0 ffgUpDir
-an cbAutoDir "bottom"
-af btnOJ "left" 5
-af btnOJ "right" 5
-ac btnOJ "top" 5 cbAutoDir
-an btnOJ "bottom"
-af sepBig "left" 0
-af sepBig "right" 0
-ac sepBig "top" 5 btnOJ
-an sepBig "bottom"
-af ffgTweak "left" 0
-an ffgTweak "right"
-ac ffgTweak "top" 5 sepBig
-an ffgTweak "bottom"
-ac btnZero "left" 2 ffgTweak
-an btnZero "right"
-ac btnZero "top" 5 sepBig
-an btnZero "bottom"
-af btnTweakP "left" 5
-ap btnTweakP "right" 0 49
-ac btnTweakP "top" 5 ffgTweak
-an btnTweakP "bottom"
-ap btnTweakN "left" 0 51
-af btnTweakN "right" 5
-ac btnTweakN "top" 5 ffgTweak
-an btnTweakN "bottom"
-af sep2 "left" 0
-af sep2 "right" 0
-ac sep2 "top" 2 btnTweakP
-an sep2 "bottom"
-af btnMainAmend "left" 5
-af btnMainAmend "right" 5
-ac btnMainAmend "top" 3 sep2
-an btnMainAmend "bottom"
-af btnOtherAmend "left" 5
-af btnOtherAmend "right" 5
-ac btnOtherAmend "top" 1 btnMainAmend
-an btnOtherAmend "bottom"
-af sep3 "left" 0
-af sep3 "right" 0
-ac sep3 "top" 0 btnOtherAmend
-an sep3 "bottom"
mainForm ;
showWindow cometJointOrientWin;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SGOrientUI() - UI wrapper for starting an orient
global proc SGOrientUI()
print ("// cometJointOrient\n");
int $nAimAxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl rbgAim` ;
int $nUpAxis = `radioButtonGrp -q -sl rbgUp` ;
float $aimAxis[] = {0,0,0} ;
float $upAxis[] = {0,0,0} ;
float $revAim = 1.0 ;
if (`checkBox -q -v cbRevAim`)
$revAim = -1.0 ;
float $revUp = 1.0 ;
if (`checkBox -q -v cbRevUp`)
$revUp = -1.0 ;
if ($nAimAxis == $nUpAxis)
warning -sl 0 ("The AIM and UP axis are the same! Orientaiton probably won't work!") ;
$aimAxis[ ($nAimAxis-1) ] = $revAim ;
$upAxis[ ($nUpAxis-1) ] = $revUp ;
float $upDir[3] ;
$upDir[0] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v1 ffgUpDir` ;
$upDir[1] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v2 ffgUpDir` ;
$upDir[2] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v3 ffgUpDir` ;
int $doAuto = `checkBox -q -v cbAutoDir` ;
string $joints[] = `ls -type "joint" -sl` ;
// Now do it!
SGOrient($joints, $aimAxis, $upAxis, $upDir, $doAuto) ;
// End with same stuff selected!
select -r $joints ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SGOrient() - The real worker orient proc.
* $joints is array of joints to orient
* $aimAxis = is xyz array of what axis of joint does aim
* $upAxis = is xyz array of what axis of joint does up
* $upDir = what vector to use for up direction?
* $doAuto = If possible will try to guess the up axis otherwise
* it will use prev joint up axis or else world upDir.
global proc SGOrient(string $joints[], float $aimAxis[], float $upAxis[],
float $upDir[], int $doAuto)
int $nJnt = size($joints) ;
int $i;
vector $prevUp = <<0,0,0>>;
// Now orient each joint
for ($i=0; $i < $nJnt; ++$i)
// First we need to unparent everything and then store that,
string $childs[] = `listRelatives -children -type "transform" -type "joint" $joints[$i]` ;
if (size($childs) > 0)
$childs = `parent -w $childs` ; // unparent and get NEW names in case they changed...
// Find parent for later in case we need it.
string $parents[] = `listRelatives -parent $joints[$i]` ;
string $parent = $parents[0] ;
// Now if we have a child joint...aim to that.
string $aimTgt="" ;
string $child ;
for ($child in $childs)
if (nodeType($child) == "joint")
$aimTgt = $child ;
break ;
// print ("// DEBUG: JNT="+$joints[$i]+" Parent="+$parent+" AimTgt="+$aimTgt+" //\n") ;
if ($aimTgt != "")
float $upVec[3] = {0,0,0} ;
// First off...if $doAuto is on, we need to guess the cross axis dir.
if ($doAuto)
// Now since the first joint we want to match the second orientation
// we kind of hack the things passed in if it is the first joint
// ie: If the joint doesn't have a parent...OR if the parent it has
// has the "same" position as itself...then we use the "next" joints
// as the up cross calculations
float $posJ[3] = `xform -q -ws -rp $joints[$i]` ;
float $posP[3] = $posJ ;
if ($parent != "")
$posP = `xform -q -ws -rp $parent` ;
float $tol = 0.0001 ; // How close to we consider "same"?
if ($parent == "" || (abs($posJ[0] - $posP[0]) <= $tol && abs($posJ[1] - $posP[1]) <= $tol && abs($posJ[2] - $posP[2]) <= $tol ))
string $aimChilds[] = `listRelatives -children $aimTgt` ;
string $aimChild = "" ;
string $child ;
for ($child in $aimChilds)
if (nodeType($child) == "joint")
$aimChild = $child ;
break ;
$upVec = SGGetCrossDir($joints[$i], $aimTgt, $aimChild) ;
$upVec = SGGetCrossDir($parent, $joints[$i], $aimTgt) ;
if (!$doAuto || ($upVec[0] == 0.0 && $upVec[1] == 0.0 && $upVec[2] == 0.0))
$upVec = $upDir ; // or else use user set up Dir. if needed
string $aCons[] = `aimConstraint
-aim $aimAxis[0] $aimAxis[1] $aimAxis[2]
-upVector $upAxis[0] $upAxis[1] $upAxis[2]
-worldUpVector $upVec[0] $upVec[1] $upVec[2]
-worldUpType "vector"
-weight 1.0
$joints[$i]` ;
delete $aCons ;
// Now compare the up we used to the prev one.
vector $curUp = << $upVec[0], $upVec[1], $upVec[2] >> ;
$curUp = unit($curUp) ;
float $dot = $curUp * $prevUp ; // dot product for angle betwen...
$prevUp = << $upVec[0], $upVec[1], $upVec[2] >> ; // store for later
if ($i > 0 && $dot <= 0.0)
// Adjust the rotation axis 180 if it looks like we've flopped the wrong way!
xform -r -os -ra ($aimAxis[0]*180.0) ($aimAxis[1]*180.0) ($aimAxis[2]*180.0) $joints[$i] ;
$prevUp *= -1.0 ;
// And now finish clearing out joint axis...
joint -e -zso $joints[$i] ;
makeIdentity -apply true $joints[$i] ;
else if ($parent != "")
// Otherwise if there is no target, just dup orienation of parent...
string $oCons[] = `orientConstraint
-weight 1.0
$joints[$i]` ;
delete $oCons ;
// And now finish clearing out joint axis...
joint -e -zso $joints[$i] ;
makeIdentity -apply true $joints[$i] ;
// Now that we're done... reparent
if (size($childs) > 0)
parent $childs $joints[$i] ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SGGetCrossDir() - Given three nodes, this gets the cross product of
* the directions from B->A and B->C.
global proc float[] SGGetCrossDir(string $objA, string $objB, string $objC)
float $cross[3] = {0,0,0} ;
if ($objA == "" || $objB == "" || $objC == "" ||
objExists($objA) != true || objExists($objB) != true || objExists($objC) != true)
return $cross ;
float $posA[3] = `xform -q -ws -rp $objA` ;
float $posB[3] = `xform -q -ws -rp $objB` ;
float $posC[3] = `xform -q -ws -rp $objC` ;
vector $v1 = << $posA[0]-$posB[0], $posA[1]-$posB[1], $posA[2]-$posB[2] >> ;
vector $v2 = << $posC[0]-$posB[0], $posC[1]-$posB[1], $posC[2]-$posB[2] >> ;
vector $vC = $v1 ^ $v2 ; // Do cross product!
$vC = unit($vC) ; // normalize
$cross[0] = $vC.x ;
$cross[1] = $vC.y ;
$cross[2] = $vC.z ;
return $cross ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SGTweakUI() - UI wrapper for starting a joint tweak
global proc SGTweakUI(float $mult)
float $rot[3] ;
$rot[0] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v1 ffgTweak` * $mult ;
$rot[1] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v2 ffgTweak` * $mult ;
$rot[2] = `floatFieldGrp -q -v3 ffgTweak` * $mult ;
string $joints[] = `ls -type "joint" -sl` ;
string $jonitTmp[];
for($j=0; $j<size($joints); $j++){
if(`gmatch $joints[$j] "*_r_drv"`)
$jonitTmp[size($jonitTmp)] = `SGReplace $joints[$j] "_r_drv" "_l_drv"`;
else if(`gmatch $joints[$j] "*_l_drv"`)
$jonitTmp[size($jonitTmp)] = `SGReplace $joints[$j] "_l_drv" "_r_drv"`;
string $jointAll[] = stringArrayCatenate($joints,$jonitTmp);
// Now do it!
SGTweak($jointAll, $rot) ;
// End with same stuff selected!
select -r $joints ;
global proc string SGReplace (string $obj,string $old,string $new){
string $snC = `match "[^|]*$" $obj`;
if ($old == "") {
return $obj;
$snC = `substitute $old $snC $new`;
return $snC;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* SGTweak() - Tweaks the rotation of a joint the amount specified
* $joints is array of joints to orient
* $rot = is xyz array of how much to rotate
global proc SGTweak(string $joints[], float $rot[])
// Now tweak each joint
for ($i=0; $i < size($joints); ++$i){
// Adjust the rotation axis
xform -r -os -ra $rot[0] $rot[1] $rot[2] $joints[$i] ;
// And now finish clearing out joint axis...
joint -e -zso $joints[$i] ;
//makeIdentity -apply true $joints[$i] ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
global proc ShowAxis(int $state){
string $joints[] = `ls -type "joint" -sl` ;
toggle -state $state -localAxis;
int $nJoint[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
toggle -state $state -localAxis $drv;
string $body = "DHIbody:" + $joints[$nJoint[$j]];
if(`objExists $body`){
toggle -state $state -localAxis $body;
string $head = "DHIhead:" + $joints[$nJoint[$j]];
if(`objExists $head`){
toggle -state $state -localAxis $head;
global proc SGMainAmendAxis(){
string $axis = `upAxis -q -axis`;
int $nJoint[],$bJoint[];
float $aimAxis[],$upAxis[],$upDir[],$rot[];
int $count = 25;
SGProgressBar -sp;
SGProgressBar -max $count;
SGProgressBar -t ("Main Amend Axis...");
if($axis == "z")
$nJoint = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {228,229,240};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {10,11,22};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {241};
$rot = {70,0,-10};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {23};
$rot = {70,0,-10};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {246,249,250,283,286,287,320,323,324,357,360,361};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {357,360,361};
$rot = {30,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {320,323,324};
$rot = {20,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {283,286,287};
$rot = {10,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {57,60,61,94,97,98,131,134,135,168,171,172};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {131,134,135};
$rot = {30,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {168,171,172};
$rot = {20,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {94,97,98};
$rot = {10,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {394,395};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {28,29};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {454,455};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {497,498};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {458,460,462,464,466};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {501,503,505,507,509};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
else if($axis == "y")
$nJoint = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {228,229,240};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {10,11,22};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {241};
$rot = {70,0,-10};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {23};
$rot = {70,0,-10};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {246,249,250,283,286,287,320,323,324,357,360,361};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {357,360,361};
$rot = {30,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {320,323,324};
$rot = {20,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {283,286,287};
$rot = {10,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {57,60,61,94,97,98,131,134,135,168,171,172};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {131,134,135};
$rot = {30,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {168,171,172};
$rot = {20,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {94,97,98};
$rot = {10,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {394,395};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {28,29};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {454,455};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {497,498};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {458,460,462,464,466};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {501,503,505,507,509};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
//OtherAmendAxis<69>ؽڷ<D8BD><DAB7><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>޸<EFBFBD> ָ<><D6B8>
$nJoint = {30,37,62,65,99,102,136,139,173,176,251,254,288,291,325,328,362,365,396,403};
SGOtherAmendAxis $nJoint;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {37,48,65,76,89,102,113,126,139,150,163,176,187,200,254,265,278,291,302,315,328,339,352,365,376,389,403,414};
SGHalfAmendAxis $nJoint;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
$nJoint = {12,205,206,207,216,218,230,423,424,425,434,436,472,474,475,480,482,484,515,517,518,523,525,527};
SGCorrectiveRoot $nJoint;
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
SGProgressBar -ep;
select -cl;
global proc SGMainAmendAxisPose(){
string $axis = `upAxis -q -axis`;
int $nJoint[],$bJoint[];
float $aimAxis[],$upAxis[],$upDir[],$rot[];
if($axis == "z")
$nJoint = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {228,229,240};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {10,11,22};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {241};
$rot = {90,0,0};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
$nJoint = {23};
$rot = {90,0,0};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
$nJoint = {246,249,250,283,286,287,320,323,324,357,360,361};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
//$nJoint = {357,360,361};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {320,323,324};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {283,286,287};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {57,60,61,94,97,98,131,134,135,168,171,172};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
//$nJoint = {131,134,135};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {168,171,172};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {94,97,98};
//$rot = {0,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {394,395};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {28,29};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {454,455};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {497,498};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,1,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {458,460,462,464,466};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {501,503,505,507,509};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
else if($axis == "y")
$nJoint = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {228,229,240};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {10,11,22};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {241};
$rot = {90,0,0};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
$nJoint = {23};
$rot = {90,0,0};
SGHandAmendAxis $nJoint $rot;
$nJoint = {246,249,250,283,286,287,320,323,324,357,360,361};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
//$nJoint = {357,360,361};
//$rot = {30,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {320,323,324};
//$rot = {20,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {283,286,287};
//$rot = {10,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {57,60,61,94,97,98,131,134,135,168,171,172};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
//$nJoint = {131,134,135};
//$rot = {30,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {168,171,172};
//$rot = {20,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
//$nJoint = {94,97,98};
//$rot = {10,0,0};
//SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {394,395};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {28,29};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {1,0,0};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$rot = {-60,0,0};
SGTweak `SGIndexToName $nJoint` $rot;
$nJoint = {454,455};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,-1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {497,498};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,1,0};
$upDir = {0,0,-1};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {458,460,462,464,466};
$aimAxis = {-1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
$nJoint = {501,503,505,507,509};
$aimAxis = {1,0,0};
$upAxis = {0,0,-1};
$upDir = {1,0,0};
SGAmendOrient $nJoint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir;
//OtherAmendAxis<69>ؽڷ<D8BD><DAB7><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>޸<EFBFBD> ָ<><D6B8>
$nJoint = {30,37,62,65,99,102,136,139,173,176,251,254,288,291,325,328,362,365,396,403};
SGOtherAmendAxis $nJoint;
$nJoint = {12,205,206,207,216,218,230,423,424,425,434,436,472,474,475,480,482,484,515,517,518,523,525,527};
SGCorrectiveRoot $nJoint;
//$aJoint = {29,60,61,97, 98, 171,172,134,135,249,250,286,287,323,360,395};
$nJoint = {37,48,65,76,89,102,113,126,139,150,163,176,187,200,254,265,278,291,302,315,328,339,352,365,376,389,403,414};
SGHalfAmendAxis $nJoint;
select -cl;
global proc SGCmpntTransform(){
int $pJoint[],$nJoint[];
$pJoint = {10,228,11,229,1, 1, 497,454};
$nJoint = {11,229,22,240,497,454,498,455};
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
for($j=0; $j<size($pJoint); $j++){
string $p = $joints[$pJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
string $n = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
string $nGro = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_pm_pm_cmpnt";
string $parent = $nGro + "_parentConstraint1";
if(`objExists $parent`) {
delete $parent;
delete`parentConstraint -weight 1 $n $nGro`;
parentConstraint -mo -weight 1 $p $nGro;
global proc SGSkinAmendAxis(){
$nJoint = {37,48,65,76,89,102,113,126,139,150,163,176,187,200,254,265,278,291,302,315,328,339,352,365,376,389,403,414};
SGHalfAmendAxis $nJoint;
string $solverList[] = `ls -type "UERBFSolverNode"`;
string $transform = `createNode transform`;
//int $count;
int $count = size($solverList);
SGProgressBar -sp;
SGProgressBar -max $count;
SGProgressBar -t ("Solver Amend Axis...");
for($j=0; $j<size($solverList); $j++){
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
string $joints[] = `listConnections ($solverList[$j]+".inputs")`;
string $joint = $joints[0];
if(`objectType $joint` != "joint") {
delete`parentConstraint -weight 1 $joint $transform`;
float $poseCount[] = `getAttr ($solverList[$j]+".o")`;
float $jointMatrix[] = `getAttr ($joint+".matrix")`;
setAttr -type "matrix" ($solverList[$j]+".targets[0].tv[0]")
$jointMatrix[0] $jointMatrix[1] $jointMatrix[2] $jointMatrix[3]
$jointMatrix[4] $jointMatrix[5] $jointMatrix[6] $jointMatrix[7]
$jointMatrix[8] $jointMatrix[9] $jointMatrix[10] $jointMatrix[11]
$jointMatrix[12] $jointMatrix[13] $jointMatrix[14] $jointMatrix[15];
for($i=1; $i<size($poseCount); $i++){
float $solverMatrix[] = `getAttr ($solverList[$j]+".targets[" + $i + "].tv[0]")`;
xform -matrix
$solverMatrix[0] $solverMatrix[1] $solverMatrix[2] $solverMatrix[3]
$solverMatrix[4] $solverMatrix[5] $solverMatrix[6] $solverMatrix[7]
$solverMatrix[8] $solverMatrix[9] $solverMatrix[10] $solverMatrix[11]
$solverMatrix[12] $solverMatrix[13] $solverMatrix[14] $solverMatrix[15]
delete`parentConstraint -skipRotate x -skipRotate y -skipRotate z -weight 1 $transform $joint`;
float $jointMatrix[] = `getAttr ($joint+".matrix")`;
setAttr -type "matrix" ($solverList[$j]+".targets[" + $i + "].tv[0]")
$jointMatrix[0] $jointMatrix[1] $jointMatrix[2] $jointMatrix[3]
$jointMatrix[4] $jointMatrix[5] $jointMatrix[6] $jointMatrix[7]
$jointMatrix[8] $jointMatrix[9] $jointMatrix[10] $jointMatrix[11]
$jointMatrix[12] $jointMatrix[13] $jointMatrix[14] $jointMatrix[15];
delete`parentConstraint -weight 1 $transform $joint`;
delete $transform;
string $json =`getenv "SG_PATH"` + "files/data/BodyJoints.json";
string $object[] = `SGReadJson -f $json -t "object"`;
$count = `size($object)`;
SGProgressBar -sp;
SGProgressBar -max $count;
SGProgressBar -t ("Skin Joint Amend Axis...");
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
string $joints[] = `SGReadJson -d $object[$i] -k "joint" -t "string"`;
string $type[] = `SGReadJson -d $object[$i] -k "type" -t "string"`;
string $joint_body = "DHIbody:" + $joints[0];
string $joint_head = "DHIhead:" + $joints[0];
string $joint_drv = $joints[0] + "_drv";
if($type[0] == "twist"){
string $orientConstraint_drv = `checkOrientConstraintConnection $joint_drv`;
if(`objExists $orientConstraint_drv`){
float $pos[] = `getAttr ($joint_drv + ".rotate")`;
if($pos[0] > 0.001 || $pos[0] < -0.001 || $pos[1] > 0.001 || $pos[1] < -0.001 || $pos[2] > 0.001 || $pos[2] < -0.001)
setAttr -type float3 ($orientConstraint_drv + ".offset") ($pos[0]*-1) $pos[1] $pos[2];
string $orientConstraint_body = `checkOrientConstraintConnection $joint_body`;
if(`objExists $orientConstraint_body`){
float $pos[] = `getAttr ($joint_body + ".rotate")`;
if($pos[0] > 0.001 || $pos[0] < -0.001 || $pos[1] > 0.001 || $pos[1] < -0.001 || $pos[2] > 0.001 || $pos[2] < -0.001)
setAttr -type float3 ($orientConstraint_body + ".offset") ($pos[0]*-1) $pos[1] $pos[2];
else if($type[0] == "muscle"){
if(`objExists $joint_body`){
setAttr -type float3 ($joint_body + ".jointOrient") 0 0 0;
float $pos[] = `getAttr ($joint_body + ".rotate")`;
setAttr -type float3 ($joint_body + ".jointOrient") $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2];
if(`objExists $joint_head`){
setAttr -type float3 ($joint_head + ".jointOrient") 0 0 0;
float $pos[] = `getAttr ($joint_head + ".rotate")`;
setAttr -type float3 ($joint_head + ".jointOrient") $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2];
if(`objExists $joint_drv`){
float $drvRot[] = `getAttr ($joint_drv+".jo")`;
if(`objExists $joint_head` && $type[0] != "half" && $type[0] != "muscle")
setAttr -type "float3" ($joint_head+".jo") $drvRot[0] $drvRot[1] $drvRot[2];
if(`objExists $joint_body` && $type[0] != "half" && $type[0] != "muscle")
setAttr -type "float3" ($joint_body+".jo") $drvRot[0] $drvRot[1] $drvRot[2];
SGProgressBar -ep;
global proc SGOtherAmendAxis(int $nJoint[]){
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
string $joint[];
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
joint -e -oj none $drv;
global proc SGHalfAmendAxis(int $nJoint[]){
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
//string $joint[];
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
string $rootJoint = substituteAllString($drv, "_half", "");
float $pos[] = `getAttr ($rootJoint + ".jointOrient")`;
setAttr -type float3 ($drv+".jointOrient") $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2];
global proc SGHandAmendAxis(int $nJoint[], float $rot[]){
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
string $joint[];
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
joint -e -oj none $drv;
$joint[size($joint)] = $drv;
SGTweak $joint $rot;
global proc string[] SGIndexToName(int $nJoint[])
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
string $joint[];
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
$joint[size($joint)] = $drv;
return $joint;
global proc SGCorrectiveRoot(int $nJoint[])
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
string $parent = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv_parentConstraint1";
string $orient = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_orientConstraint1_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
setAttr -type "float3" ($drv+".jointOrient") 0 0 0;
if(`objExists $parent`){
setAttr -type "float3" ($parent+".cr") 0 0 0;
if(`objExists $orient`){
setAttr -type "float3" ($orient+".cr") 0 0 0;
global proc SGAmendOrient(int $nJoint[],float $aimAxis[],float $upAxis[],float $upDir[]){
string $joints[] = `SGBodyJoints`;
string $joint_drv[];
for($j=0; $j<size($nJoint); $j++){
string $drv = $joints[$nJoint[$j]] + "_drv";
if(`objExists $drv`){
//$joint[size($joint)] = $joints[$nJoint[$j]];
$joint_drv[size($joint_drv)] = $drv;
int $doAuto = 0;
SGOrient $joint_drv $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir $doAuto;
//SGOrient $joint $aimAxis $upAxis $upDir $doAuto;
global proc string [] SGBodyJoints(){
//string $json = `getenv "SG_PATH"` + "files/data/BodyJoints.json";
return `SGGetJoints -bj`;
global proc SGBodyJointsLocator(){
string $json =`getenv "SG_PATH"` + "files/data/BodyJoints.json";
string $object[] = `SGReadJson -f $json -t "object"`;
int $count = `size($object)`;
if($count) {
SGProgressBar -sp;
string $locator = "MetaHumanLocatorTemp";
if(!`objExists $locator`){
spaceLocator -n $locator;
SGProgressBar -max $count;
SGProgressBar -t ("Set Body Joint Translation...");
float $pos[] = `SGGetNeutralJointTranslations -b`;
if($count != size($pos)/3){
error "count error......";
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
SGProgressBar -apr 1;
string $joints[] = `SGReadJson -d $object[$i] -k "joint" -t "string"`;
string $type[] = `SGReadJson -d $object[$i] -k "type" -t "string"`;
string $joint_drv = $joints[0] + "_drv";
int $locate[] = `SGReadJson -d $object[$i] -k "locate" -t "bool"`;
if($locate[0] && `objExists $joint_drv`){
float $x = $pos[$i*3];
if($type[0] == "middle"){
$x = 0.0;
float $y = $pos[$i*3+1];
float $z = $pos[$i*3+2];
setAttr -type float3 ($locator + ".t") $x $y $z;
delete `pointConstraint -weight 1 $locator $joint_drv`;
SGProgressBar -pr 0;
SGProgressBar -ep;
delete $locator;
global proc string checkOrientConstraintConnection(string $joint)
if(!`objExists $joint`){
return "";
string $connectedNodes[] = `listConnections -s 0 -d 1 $joint`;
for ($node in $connectedNodes)
// <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>ýڵ<C3BD><DAB5>Ƿ<EFBFBD>Ϊ orientConstraint <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
if (`nodeType $node` == "orientConstraint")
return $node; // <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> true <20><>ʾ<EFBFBD>ؽ<EFBFBD><D8BD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> orientConstraint
// û<><C3BB><EFBFBD>ҵ<EFBFBD> orientConstraint
return ""; // <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> false <20><>ʾû<CABE><C3BB><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> orientConstraint