703 lines
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703 lines
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This Module:
- Handles the material setup for each renderer (Redshift, Vray, Arnold)
import maya.cmds as mc
import maya.mel as melc
from Megascans.ImporterSetup import importerSetup
instance = importerSetup.getInstance()
"""Redshift25_Setup creates a Redshift material setup. """
class Redshift():
def __init__(self):
self.shaderList = instance.defaultShaderList
if instance.isMultiMat:
for index,shader in enumerate(self.shaderList):
if instance.MultiMaterial[index].lower() == 'glass':
def OpaqueSetup(self,shader):
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1:
# Create the material and shading group.
rs_mat = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftMaterial', asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_brdf", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_fresnel_mode", 2)
#mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_metalness", 0.5)
if not shader == None:
rs_sg = shader
rs_sg = mc.sets(r=True, nss=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=rs_mat, destination=rs_sg)
# Get a list of all available texture maps. item[1] returns the map type (albedo, normal, etc...).
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
# Create the normal map setup for Redshift.
if "normal" in maps_:
rs_normal = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftBumpMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Normal"))
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".inputType", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".scale", 1)
mc.connectAttr((normal_+".outColor"), (rs_normal+".input"))
# The normal map is only connected the Redshift material if no displacement is available
# or if the asset is a 3d plant.
mc.connectAttr((rs_normal+".out"), (rs_mat+".bump_input"))
if "displacement" in maps_:
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".scale", 1)
# If no normal map was found in our texture list we try to find a bump map instead.
elif "bump" in maps_:
rs_bump = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftBumpMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_BumpNormal"))
mc.connectAttr((rs_bump+".out"), (rs_mat+".bump_input"))
mc.setAttr(rs_bump+".scale", 0.05)
mc.setAttr(rs_bump+".factorInObjScale", 0)
bump_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "bump"][0]
# Create the albedo setup.
if "albedo" in maps_:
albedo_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "albedo"][0]
if "ao" in maps_:
ao_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "ao"][0]
md = mc.shadingNode('layeredTexture', asUtility=True, name='layeredTexture')
mc.connectAttr((ao_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[1].color"))
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].isVisible", 0)
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].blendMode", 6)
mc.connectAttr((albedo_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[2].color"))
mc.connectAttr((md+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".diffuse_color"))
mc.connectAttr((albedo_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".diffuse_color"))
# Create the specular setup
if "metalness" in maps_:
metalness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "metalness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((metalness_+".outAlpha"), (rs_mat+".refl_metalness"))
if "specular" in maps_:
specular_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "specular"][0]
mc.connectAttr((specular_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".refl_reflectivity"))
elif "specular" in maps_:
specular_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "specular"][0]
mc.connectAttr((specular_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".refl_color"))
# Create the roughness setup.
if "roughness" in maps_:
roughness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((roughness_+".outAlpha"), (rs_mat+".refl_roughness"))
mc.setAttr(roughness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
elif "gloss" in maps_:
reverse_ = mc.shadingNode('reverse', asShader=True, name= 'invert')
gloss_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.connectAttr((gloss_+".outColor"), (reverse_+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((reverse_+".outputX"), (rs_mat+".refl_roughness"))
mc.setAttr(gloss_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
# Create the displacement setup.
if "displacement" in maps_:
displacement_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "displacement"][0]
rs_disp = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftDisplacement', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Displacement"))
mc.connectAttr((rs_disp+".out"), (rs_sg+".displacementShader"))
mc.connectAttr((displacement_+".outColor"), (rs_disp+".texMap"))
disp_ext = [item[0] for item in instance.TexturesList if item[1] == "displacement"]
# if len(disp_ext) >= 1 and disp_ext[0].lower() == "exr":
# mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".newrange_min", -0.5)
# mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".newrange_max", 0.5)
# else:
mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".newrange_min", -1)
mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".newrange_max", 1)
# 3D objects have a displacement scale value of 0.5 while others have a 0.05 value.
if instance.Type in ["3dplant"]:
mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".scale", 1)
if instance.Type in ["3d"]:
mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".scale", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_disp+".scale", 1)
# # Create the metalness setup
# if "metalness" in maps_:
# metalness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "metalness"][0]
# mc.connectAttr((metalness_+".outAlpha"), (rs_mat+".refl_metalness"))
# Create the translucency setup.
if "translucency" in maps_:
translucency_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "translucency"][0]
mc.connectAttr((translucency_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".transl_color"))
mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".transl_weight", 0.5)
# Create the transmission setup
elif "transmission" in maps_:
transmission_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "transmission"][0]
# mc.connectAttr((transmission_+".outColor.outColorR"), (rs_mat+".transl_weight"))
# mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".transl_colorR",1)
# mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".transl_colorG",1)
# mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".transl_colorB",1)
mc.connectAttr((transmission_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".refr_transmittance"))
mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".ss_amount", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_mat + ".ss_scatter_coeff", 0.4,0.4,0.4)
# Create the opacity setup
if "opacity" in maps_:
opacity_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "opacity"][0]
mc.connectAttr((opacity_+".outColor"), (rs_mat+".opacity_color"))
mc.setAttr(opacity_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
# Go through the list of meshes imported/saved and apply the displacement properties
# of Redshift on them, then apply the material itinstance.
if len(instance.mesh_transforms) >= 1:
for mesh_ in instance.mesh_transforms:
if instance.Type in ["3dplant", "3d"]:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsDisplacementScale", 1)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsMaxDisplacement", 1)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsDisplacementScale", 10)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsMaxDisplacement", 10)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsEnableSubdivision", 1)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsEnableDisplacement", 1)
if "normal" not in maps_:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".rsAutoBumpMap", 1)
melc.eval('sets -e -forceElement '+rs_sg)
def GlassSetup(self,shader):
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1:
# Create the material and shading group.
rs_mat = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftMaterial', asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_brdf", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_fresnel_mode", 2)
#mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refl_metalness", 0.5)
if not shader == None:
rs_sg = shader
rs_sg = mc.sets(r=True, nss=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=rs_mat, destination=rs_sg)
# Get a list of all available texture maps. item[1] returns the map type (albedo, normal, etc...).
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
# Create the normal map setup for Redshift.
if "normal" in maps_:
rs_normal = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftBumpMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Normal"))
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".inputType", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".scale", 1)
mc.connectAttr((normal_+".outColor"), (rs_normal+".input"))
# The normal map is only connected the Redshift material if no displacement is available
# or if the asset is a 3d plant.
mc.connectAttr((rs_normal+".out"), (rs_mat+".bump_input"))
if "displacement" in maps_:
mc.setAttr(rs_normal+".scale", 1)
# If no normal map was found in our texture list we try to find a bump map instead.
elif "bump" in maps_:
rs_bump = mc.shadingNode('RedshiftBumpMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_BumpNormal"))
mc.connectAttr((rs_bump+".out"), (rs_mat+".bump_input"))
mc.setAttr(rs_bump+".scale", 0.05)
mc.setAttr(rs_bump+".factorInObjScale", 0)
bump_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "bump"][0]
# Create the roughness setup.
if "roughness" in maps_:
roughness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((roughness_+".outAlpha"), (rs_mat+".refl_roughness"))
mc.setAttr(roughness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
elif "gloss" in maps_:
reverse_ = mc.shadingNode('reverse', asShader=True, name= 'invert')
gloss_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.connectAttr((gloss_+".outColor"), (reverse_+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((reverse_+".outputX"), (rs_mat+".refl_roughness"))
mc.setAttr(gloss_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.setAttr(rs_mat+".refr_weight", 0.85)
"""Vray36_Setup creates a Redshift material setup. """
class Vray():
def __init__(self):
self.shaderList = instance.defaultShaderList
if instance.isMultiMat:
for index,shader in enumerate(self.shaderList):
if instance.MultiMaterial[index].lower() == 'glass':
def OpaqueSetup(self,shader):
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1:
# Set the material and shading group
mtl_node = mc.shadingNode('VRayMtl', asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
if not shader == None:
mtl_sg = shader
mtl_sg = mc.sets(renderable=True,noSurfaceShader=True,empty=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=mtl_node, destination=mtl_sg)
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
if "normal" in maps_:
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=normal_, destination=mtl_node + ".bumpMap")
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".bumpMapType", 1)
if "albedo" in maps_:
albedo_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "albedo"][0]
if "ao" in maps_:
ao_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "ao"][0]
#md = mc.shadingNode('multiplyDivide', asUtility=True, name='multiplyDivideAO')
md = mc.shadingNode('layeredTexture', asUtility=True, name='layeredTexture')
mc.connectAttr((ao_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[1].color"))
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].isVisible", 0)
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].blendMode", 6)
mc.connectAttr((albedo_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[2].color"))
mc.connectAttr((md+".outColor"), (mtl_node+".color"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=albedo_, destination=mtl_node + ".color")
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", albedo_, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if "roughness" in maps_:
microSurface = None
microSurface = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.setAttr(microSurface+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", microSurface, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if microSurface.lower().endswith("roughness"):
mc.connectAttr((microSurface+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".reflectionGlossiness"))
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorAmount", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".useRoughness", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorR", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorG", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorB", 1.0 )
elif "gloss" in maps_:
microSurface = None
microSurface = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.setAttr(microSurface+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", microSurface, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if microSurface.lower().endswith("gloss"):
mc.connectAttr((microSurface+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".reflectionGlossiness"))
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorAmount", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorR", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorG", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorB", 1.0 )
if "specular" in maps_:
specular_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "specular"][0]
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=specular_, destination=mtl_node + ".reflectionColor")
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", specular_, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if "metalness" in maps_:
metalness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "metalness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((metalness_+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".metalness"))
mc.setAttr(metalness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
if "displacement" in maps_:
displacement_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "displacement"][0]
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=displacement_, destination=mtl_sg + ".displacementShader")
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", displacement_, "vray_file_allow_neg_colors", 1)
# if "metalness" in maps_:
# metalness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "metalness"][0]
# mc.connectAttr((metalness_+".outAlpha"), (mtl_node+".refl_metalness"))
if "translucency" in maps_:
translucency_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "translucency"][0]
mc.connectAttr((translucency_+".outColor"), (mtl_node+".translucencyColor"))
if "transmission" in maps_:
transmission_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "transmission"][0]
mc.connectAttr((transmission_+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".translucencyColorR"))
if "opacity" in maps_:
opacity_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "opacity"][0]
mc.setAttr(mtl_node+".opacityMode", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node+".doubleSided", 1)
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=opacity_, destination=mtl_node + ".opacityMap")
if len(instance.mesh_transforms) >= 1:
# mesh_ = instance.mesh_transforms[0]
for mesh_ in instance.mesh_transforms:
shapeNode = mc.ls(sl=True, dag=True, lf=True, o=True, fl=True)
if len(shapeNode) >= 1:
shape = shapeNode[0]
melc.eval('vray addAttributesFromGroup "' + shape + '" "vray_displacement" 1;')
melc.eval('vray addAttributesFromGroup "' + shape + '" "vray_subdivision" 1;')
melc.eval('vray addAttributesFromGroup "' + shape + '" "vray_subquality" 1;')
if instance.Type in ["3dplant", "3d"]:
melc.eval('setAttr "' + shape + '.vrayDisplacementAmount" 1;')
melc.eval('setAttr "' + shape + '.vrayDisplacementShift" 0.5;')
melc.eval('setAttr "' + shape + '.vrayDisplacementAmount" 10;')
melc.eval('setAttr "' + shape + '.vrayDisplacementShift" -5;')
melc.eval('setAttr "' + shape + '.vrayDisplacementKeepContinuity" 1;')
melc.eval('sets -e -forceElement '+mtl_sg)
def GlassSetup(self,shader):
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1:
# Set the material and shading group
mtl_node = mc.shadingNode('VRayMtl', asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
if not shader == None:
mtl_sg = shader
mtl_sg = mc.sets(renderable=True,noSurfaceShader=True,empty=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=mtl_node, destination=mtl_sg)
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
if "normal" in maps_:
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=normal_, destination=mtl_node + ".bumpMap")
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".bumpMapType", 1)
if "roughness" in maps_:
microSurface = None
microSurface = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.setAttr(microSurface+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", microSurface, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if microSurface.lower().endswith("roughness"):
mc.connectAttr((microSurface+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".reflectionGlossiness"))
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorAmount", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".useRoughness", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorR", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorG", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorB", 1.0 )
elif "gloss" in maps_:
microSurface = None
microSurface = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.setAttr(microSurface+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.vray("addAttributesFromGroup", microSurface, "vray_file_gamma", 1)
if microSurface.lower().endswith("gloss"):
mc.connectAttr((microSurface+".outColor.outColorR"), (mtl_node+".reflectionGlossiness"))
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorAmount", 1)
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorR", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorG", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".reflectionColorB", 1.0 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".refractionColorR", 0.9 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".refractionColorG", 0.9 )
mc.setAttr(mtl_node + ".refractionColorB", 0.9 )
"""Arnold3_Setup creates a Redshift material setup. """
class Arnold():
def __init__(self):
self.shaderList = instance.defaultShaderList
self.ShaderName = ""
if instance.isMultiMat:
for index,shader in enumerate(self.shaderList):
if instance.MultiMaterial[index].lower() == 'glass':
def OpaqueSetup(self, shader):
nodes_ = mc.allNodeTypes()
#Standard Surface is not available in 2019 and 2018
if "standardSurface" in nodes_:
self.ShaderName = "standardSurface"
self.ShaderName = "aiStandardSurface"
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1 and self.ShaderName in nodes_:
# Set the material and shading group
arn_mat = mc.shadingNode(self.ShaderName, asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
if not shader == None:
arn_sg = shader
arn_sg = mc.sets(r=True, nss=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=arn_mat, destination=arn_sg)
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
used_maps = []
if "normal" in maps_:
arn_normal = mc.shadingNode('aiNormalMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Normal"))
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.connectAttr((arn_normal+".outValue"), (arn_mat+".normalCamera"))
mc.connectAttr((normal_+".outColor"), (arn_normal+".input"))
if "albedo" in maps_:
albedo_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "albedo"][0]
if "ao" in maps_:
ao_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "ao"][0]
#md = mc.shadingNode('multiplyDivide', asUtility=True, name='multiplyDivideAO')
md = mc.shadingNode('layeredTexture', asUtility=True, name='layeredTexture')
mc.connectAttr((ao_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[1].color"))
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].isVisible", 0)
mc.setAttr(md+".inputs[1].blendMode", 6)
mc.connectAttr((albedo_+".outColor"), (md+".inputs[2].color"))
mc.connectAttr((md+".outColor"), (arn_mat+".baseColor"))
mc.connectAttr((albedo_+".outColor"), (arn_mat+".baseColor"))
# Create the specular setup
if "specular" in maps_:
specular_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "specular"][0]
mc.connectAttr((specular_+".outColor"), (arn_mat+".specularColor"))
mc.setAttr(arn_mat + ".specular",0.5)
if "roughness" in maps_:
arn_rough_range = mc.shadingNode('aiRange', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Rough_Range"))
roughness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((roughness_+".outColor"), (arn_rough_range+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((arn_rough_range+".outColor.outColorR"), (arn_mat+".specularRoughness"))
mc.setAttr(roughness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
elif "gloss" in maps_:
arn_rough_range = mc.shadingNode('aiRange', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Rough_Range"))
reverse_ = mc.shadingNode('reverse', asShader=True, name= 'invert')
gloss_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.connectAttr((gloss_+".outColor"), (reverse_+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((reverse_+".output"), (arn_rough_range+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((arn_rough_range+".outColor.outColorR"), (arn_mat+".specularRoughness"))
mc.setAttr(gloss_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
if "displacement" in maps_:
displacement_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "displacement"][0]
mc.connectAttr((displacement_+".outColor"), (arn_sg+".displacementShader"))
mc.setAttr(displacement_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
if "metalness" in maps_:
metalness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "metalness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((metalness_+".outAlpha"), (arn_mat+".metalness"))
mc.setAttr(metalness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
if "translucency" in maps_:
translucency_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "translucency"][0]
mc.connectAttr((translucency_+".outColor"), (arn_mat+".subsurfaceColor"))
mc.setAttr(arn_mat+".subsurface", 1)
mc.setAttr(arn_mat+".thinWalled", 1)
elif "transmission" in maps_:
transmission_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "transmission"][0]
mc.connectAttr((transmission_+".outColor.outColorR"), (arn_mat+".transmission"))
if "opacity" in maps_:
opacity_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "opacity"][0]
mc.connectAttr((opacity_+".outColor"), (arn_mat+".opacity"))
mc.setAttr(opacity_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.setAttr(arn_mat+".thinWalled", 1)
if len(instance.mesh_transforms) >= 1:
for mesh_ in instance.mesh_transforms:
if "displacement" in maps_:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiSubdivType", 1)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiSubdivIterations", 3)
if instance.Type in ["3dplant", "3d"]:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispHeight", 1)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispZeroValue", 0.5)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispZeroValue", 0.5)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispHeight", 10)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispZeroValue", 5)
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispZeroValue", 0.5)
if "opacity" in maps_:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiOpaque", 0)
if "normal" not in maps_:
mc.setAttr(mesh_+".aiDispAutobump", 1)
melc.eval('sets -e -forceElement '+arn_sg)
print("Please make sure you have the latest version of Arnold installed. Go to SolidAngle.com to get it.")
def GlassSetup(self, shader):
nodes_ = mc.allNodeTypes()
if "standardSurface" in nodes_:
self.ShaderName = "standardSurface"
self.ShaderName = "aiStandardSurface"
if len(instance.tex_nodes) >= 1 and self.ShaderName in nodes_:
# Set the material and shading group
arn_mat = mc.shadingNode(self.ShaderName, asShader=True, name=(instance.Name + "_Mat"))
if not shader == None:
arn_sg = shader
arn_sg = mc.sets(r=True, nss=True, name=(instance.Name + "_SG"))
mc.defaultNavigation(connectToExisting=True, source=arn_mat, destination=arn_sg)
maps_ = [item[1] for item in instance.tex_nodes]
used_maps = []
if "normal" in maps_:
arn_normal = mc.shadingNode('aiNormalMap', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Normal"))
normal_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "normal"][0]
mc.connectAttr((arn_normal+".outValue"), (arn_mat+".normalCamera"))
mc.connectAttr((normal_+".outColor"), (arn_normal+".input"))
if "roughness" in maps_:
arn_rough_range = mc.shadingNode('aiRange', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Rough_Range"))
roughness_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "roughness"][0]
mc.connectAttr((roughness_+".outColor"), (arn_rough_range+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((arn_rough_range+".outColor.outColorR"), (arn_mat+".specularRoughness"))
mc.setAttr(roughness_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
elif "gloss" in maps_:
arn_rough_range = mc.shadingNode('aiRange', asShader=True, name=(instance.ID + "_Rough_Range"))
reverse_ = mc.shadingNode('reverse', asShader=True, name= 'invert')
gloss_ = [item[0] for item in instance.tex_nodes if item[1] == "gloss"][0]
mc.connectAttr((gloss_+".outColor"), (reverse_+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((reverse_+".output"), (arn_rough_range+".input"))
mc.connectAttr((arn_rough_range+".outColor.outColorR"), (arn_mat+".specularRoughness"))
mc.setAttr(gloss_+".alphaIsLuminance", 1)
mc.setAttr(arn_mat+".transmission", 0.85)
print("Please make sure you have the latest version of Arnold installed. Go to SolidAngle.com to get it.")