292 lines
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292 lines
6.9 KiB
import math
import pymel.core as pm
import pymel.core.datatypes as dt
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
def distance(a, b):
return (b - a).length()
def lerp_vec(a, b, t):
return (a * (1 - t)) + (b * t)
def dist_to_plane(pt, n, d):
return n.dot(pt) - (d / n.dot(n))
def dist_to_line(a, b, p):
ap = p - a
ab = b - a
result = a + ((ap.dot(ab) / ab.dot(ab)) * ab)
return distance(result, p)
def is_same_side_of_plane(pt, test_pt, n, d):
d1 = math.copysign(1, dist_to_plane(pt, n, d))
d2 = math.copysign(1, dist_to_plane(test_pt, n, d))
# print(pt, test_pt, d1, d2)
return d1 * d2 == 1.0
def proj_pt_to_plane(pt, n, d):
t = n.dot(pt) - d
return (pt - (n * t))
def pt_in_sphere(pt, c, r):
return (pt - c).length() <= r
def pt_in_cylinder(pt, p, q, r):
n = (q - p).normal()
d = n.dot(p)
if not is_same_side_of_plane(pt, (p + q) / 2.0, n, d):
return False
n = (q - p).normal()
d = n.dot(q)
if not is_same_side_of_plane(pt, (p + q) / 2.0, n, d):
return False
proj_pt = proj_pt_to_plane(pt, n, d)
# logging("proj_pt", proj_pt)
# logging("q", q)
# logging("distance(proj_pt, q)", distance(proj_pt, q))
return distance(proj_pt, q) <= r
def segment_sphere_isect(sa, sb, c, r):
NotFound = (False, None)
p = sa
d = (sb - sa).normal()
m = p - c
b = m.dot(d)
c = m.dot(m) - r * r
if c > 0.0 and b > 0.0:
return NotFound
discr = b * b - c
if discr < 0.0:
return NotFound
t = -b - math.sqrt(discr)
if t < 0.0:
return NotFound
dist = distance(sa, sb)
q = p + d * t
return ((t >= 0 and t <= dist), q)
def segment_cylinder_isect(sa, sb, p, q, r):
d = q - p
m = sa - p
n = sb - sa
md = m.dot(d)
nd = n.dot(d)
dd = d.dot(d)
NotFound = (False, None)
if md < 0 and md + nd < 0:
return NotFound
if md > dd and md + nd > dd:
return NotFound
nn = n.dot(n)
mn = m.dot(n)
a = dd * nn - nd * nd
k = m.dot(m) - r * r
c = dd * k - md * md
if abs(a) < SM_EPSILON:
if c > 0:
return NotFound
if md < 0:
t = -mn / nn
elif md > dd:
t = (nd - mn) / nn
t = 0
return (True, lerp_vec(sa, sb, t))
b = dd * mn - nd * md
discr = b * b - a * c
if discr < 0:
return NotFound
t = (-b - math.sqrt(discr)) / a
if t < 0.0 or t > 1.0:
return NotFound
if (md + t * nd < 0.0):
if nd <= 0.0:
return NotFound
t = -md / nd
return (k + 2 * t * (mn + t * nn) <= 0.0, lerp_vec(sa, sb, t))
elif md + t * nd > dd:
if nd >= 0.0:
return NotFound
t = (dd - md) / nd
return (k + dd - 2 * md + t * (2 * (mn - nd) + t * nn) <= 0.0, lerp_vec(sa, sb, t))
return (True, lerp_vec(sa, sb, t))
def pt_in_capsule(pt, p, q, r):
return pt_in_cylinder(pt, p, q, r) or pt_in_sphere(pt, p, r) or pt_in_sphere(pt, q, r)
def segment_capsule_isect(sa, sb, p, q, r):
# sa = dt.Vector()
# ray start point pos vector
# sb = dt.Vector()
# ray end point pos vector
# p = dt.Vector()
# capsle one sphere tip pos
# q = dt.Vector()
# capsle another sphere tip pos
# r = float
# radio of capsle sphere
if pt_in_capsule(sa, p, q, r):
if pt_in_capsule(sb, p, q, r):
# both inside. extend sb to get intersection
newb = sa + (sb - sa).normal() * 200.0
sa, sb = newb, sa
sb, sa = sa, sb
# d = (sb - sa).normal()
i1 = segment_sphere_isect(sa, sb, p, r)
i2 = segment_sphere_isect(sa, sb, q, r)
i3 = segment_cylinder_isect(sa, sb, p, q, r)
dist = float('inf')
closest_pt = None
hit = False
hitCylinder = False
for i in [i1, i2, i3]:
if i[0]:
hit = True
pt = i[1]
if distance(sa, pt) < dist:
closest_pt = pt
dist = min(dist, distance(sa, pt))
# draw_locator(i1[2], 'i1')
return (hit, closest_pt, hitCylinder)
def checkCollision(cur_pos, pre_pos, capsuleLst, isRevert):
# calculate collision with all the capsule in scene
if isRevert:
sa = cur_pos
sb = pre_pos
sb = cur_pos
sa = pre_pos
isHited = False
closest_pt_dict = {}
for obj in capsuleLst:
objChildren = pm.listRelatives(obj, children=1, type='transform')
p = objChildren[0].getTranslation(space='world')
q = objChildren[1].getTranslation(space='world')
r = obj.getAttr('scaleZ') * 1
hit, closest_pt, hitCylinder = segment_capsule_isect(sa, sb, p, q, r)
if hit:
isHited = True
closest_pt_dict[obj.name()] = [obj, closest_pt]
# drawDebug_box(closest_pt)
if isHited:
pt_length = 9999
closest_pt = None
col_obj = None
for pt in closest_pt_dict.keys():
lLength = (closest_pt_dict[pt][1] - pre_pos).length()
if lLength < pt_length:
pt_length = lLength
closest_pt = closest_pt_dict[pt][1]
col_obj = closest_pt_dict[pt][0]
# return col pt and col_body speed
return closest_pt, col_obj, hitCylinder
return None, None, None
def ckeckPointInTri(pos, pa, pb, pc):
ra = math.acos(((pa - pos).normal()).dot((pb - pos).normal()))
ra = dt.degrees(ra)
rb = math.acos(((pb - pos).normal()).dot((pc - pos).normal()))
rb = dt.degrees(rb)
rc = math.acos(((pc - pos).normal()).dot((pa - pos).normal()))
rc = dt.degrees(rc)
return (abs(ra + rb + rc) > 359)
def getVertexPositions(obj):
vertex_positions_list = []
for vertex in obj.vtx:
return vertex_positions_list
def checkPlaneCollision(objPos, childPos, colPlane):
v_coords = getVertexPositions(colPlane)
collision_plane_matrix = pm.xform(colPlane, worldSpace=1, matrix=1, q=1)
n = dt.Vector(collision_plane_matrix[4:7]) # Y axis direction of plane
q = v_coords[1]
d = n.dot(q)
# get obj distance to plane
toPlaneDistance = dist_to_plane(objPos, n, d)
toPlaneDistance_child = dist_to_plane(childPos, n, d)
# child projection position on plane
projectPos_child = proj_pt_to_plane(childPos, n, d)
inPlane = False
if ckeckPointInTri(projectPos_child, v_coords[0], v_coords[1], v_coords[2]):
inPlane = True
elif ckeckPointInTri(projectPos_child, v_coords[3], v_coords[1], v_coords[2]):
inPlane = True
# bone above plane and bone child under plane and child project point on plane
# means has collision with plane
if (toPlaneDistance > 0) and (toPlaneDistance_child < 0) and inPlane:
return projectPos_child
return None