304 lines
14 KiB
304 lines
14 KiB
Author: Alan Camilo
Modified: Michael Klimenko
Requirements: aTools Package
To install aTools, please follow the instructions in the file how_to_install.txt
To unistall aTools, go to menu (the last button on the right), Uninstall
from maya import cmds
from maya import mel
from aTools.commonMods import uiMod
from aTools.commonMods import utilMod
from aTools.commonMods import animMod
from aTools.commonMods import aToolsMod
class SpaceSwitch(object):
def popupMenu(self):
cmds.popupMenu(postMenuCommand=self.populateMenu, button=1)
def populateMenu(self, menu, *args):
tokenCustomDivider = False
selObjects = cmds.ls(selection=True)
if not selObjects: return
channels = animMod.getAllChannels()
channelList = {}
tokenList = []
for n, loopObjectChannel in enumerate(channels):
obj = selObjects[n]
if loopObjectChannel:
for loopChannel in loopObjectChannel:
tokens = animMod.getTokens(obj, loopChannel)
if tokens and len(tokens) > 1:
if loopChannel not in channelList: channelList[loopChannel] = {"objects":[], "tokens":[]}
for loopChannelList in channelList:
newMenu = cmds.menuItem(subMenu=True, label=utilMod.toTitle(loopChannelList), parent=menu)
objects = channelList[loopChannelList]["objects"]
tokens = channelList[loopChannelList]["tokens"]
mergedTokens = utilMod.mergeLists(tokens)
tokenDict = []
for loopMergedTokens in mergedTokens:
tokenDict.append({"token":loopMergedTokens, "objects":[]})
for n, loopObject in enumerate(objects):
t = tokens[n]
if loopMergedTokens in t:
for n, loopTokenDict in enumerate(tokenDict):
tokenCustomDivider = True
token = loopTokenDict["token"]
objects = loopTokenDict["objects"]
selectedList = [cmds.getAttr("%s.%s"%(loopObj, loopChannelList)) for loopObj in objects]
radioSelected = False
if len(set(selectedList)) == 1:
if selectedList[0] == n:
radioSelected = True
cmds.menuItem(label=utilMod.toTitle(token), radioButton=radioSelected, parent=newMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, channel=loopChannelList, token=token, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, channel, token]))
cmds.menuItem( divider=True, parent=newMenu)
newMenu = cmds.menuItem(subMenu=True, label='All Keys', parent=newMenu)
for n, loopTokenDict in enumerate(tokenDict):
token = loopTokenDict["token"]
objects = loopTokenDict["objects"]
selectedList = [cmds.getAttr("%s.%s"%(loopObj, loopChannelList)) for loopObj in objects]
radioSelected = False
if len(set(selectedList)) == 1:
if selectedList[0] == n:
radioSelected = True
cmds.menuItem(label=utilMod.toTitle(token), radioButton=radioSelected, parent=newMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, channel=loopChannelList, token=token, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, channel, token], all=True))
allCustomSwitch = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithUser("spaceSwitch", "customSwitch") or []
channelboxSelObjs = animMod.channelBoxSel()
if channelboxSelObjs:
obj = ".".join(channelboxSelObjs[0].split(".")[:-1])
selectedSwitch = [loopAttr.split(".")[-1] for loopAttr in channelboxSelObjs if utilMod.isDynamic(obj, loopAttr.split(".")[-1])]
if len(selectedSwitch) > 0 and selectedSwitch not in allCustomSwitch:
aToolsMod.saveInfoWithUser("spaceSwitch", "customSwitch", allCustomSwitch)
# populate menu
if len(allCustomSwitch) > 0:
divider = False
customSwitchesAdded = []
customSwitchesMenu = []
for loopObj in selObjects:
for loopCustomSwitch in sorted(allCustomSwitch, key=len, reverse=True):
if len(loopCustomSwitch) == 0: continue
switchName = utilMod.getNameSpace([loopObj])[1][0].split(".")[0]
exit = False
for loopAttr in loopCustomSwitch:
objAttr = "%s.%s"%(loopObj, loopAttr)
if not cmds.objExists(objAttr):
exit = True
if exit: continue
customSwitchesMenu.append({"objects":[loopObj], "switches":loopCustomSwitch})
for loopMenu in customSwitchesMenu[:-1]:
if loopObj in loopMenu["objects"] and len(loopCustomSwitch) < len(loopMenu["switches"]) and utilMod.listIntersection(loopMenu["switches"], loopCustomSwitch) == loopCustomSwitch:
if loopCustomSwitch == loopMenu["switches"]:
for loopSwitchMenu in customSwitchesMenu:
objects = loopSwitchMenu["objects"]
switches = loopSwitchMenu["switches"]
switchName = ", ".join(list(set(utilMod.getNameSpace(objects)[1])))
if not divider and tokenCustomDivider: divider = cmds.menuItem(divider=True, parent=menu)
newMenu = cmds.menuItem(subMenu=True, label=switchName, parent=menu)
radioSelected = []
for loopCustomSwitchAttr in switches:
switchAttr = loopCustomSwitchAttr.split(".")[-1]
objAttr = "%s.%s"%(objects[0], switchAttr)
minValue = cmds.addAttr(objAttr, query=True, minValue=True)
maxValue = cmds.addAttr(objAttr, query=True, maxValue=True)
currValue = cmds.getAttr(objAttr)
radioSelected.append((currValue == maxValue))
cmds.menuItem(label=switchAttr, radioButton=radioSelected[-1], parent=newMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, switchAttr=switchAttr, switches=switches, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, switchAttr, switches], mode="custom"))
switchAttr = "message"
radioSelected = (list(set(radioSelected)) == [False])
cmds.menuItem(label="None", radioButton=radioSelected, parent=newMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, switchAttr=switchAttr, switches=switches, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, switchAttr, switches], mode="custom"))
cmds.menuItem( divider=True, parent=newMenu)
allMenu = cmds.menuItem(subMenu=True, label='All Keys', parent=newMenu)
radioSelected = []
for loopCustomSwitchAttr in switches:
switchAttr = loopCustomSwitchAttr.split(".")[-1]
objAttr = "%s.%s"%(objects[0], switchAttr)
minValue = cmds.addAttr(objAttr, query=True, minValue=True)
maxValue = cmds.addAttr(objAttr, query=True, maxValue=True)
currValue = cmds.getAttr(objAttr)
radioSelected.append((currValue == maxValue))
cmds.menuItem(label=switchAttr, radioButton=radioSelected[-1], parent=allMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, switchAttr=switchAttr, switches=switches, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, switchAttr, switches], all=True, mode="custom"))
switchAttr = "message"
radioSelected = (list(set(radioSelected)) == [False])
cmds.menuItem(label="None", radioButton=radioSelected, parent=allMenu, command=lambda x, objects=objects, switchAttr=switchAttr, switches=switches, *args:self.spaceSwitch([objects, switchAttr, switches], all=True, mode="custom"))
cmds.menuItem(label="Remove", parent=newMenu, command=lambda x, switches=switches, *args:self.removeCustomSwitch(switches))
def removeCustomSwitch(self, switch):
allCustomSwitch = aToolsMod.loadInfoWithUser("spaceSwitch", "customSwitch") or []
aToolsMod.saveInfoWithUser("spaceSwitch", "customSwitch", allCustomSwitch)
def spaceSwitch(self, args, all=False, mode="token"):
if mode == "token": switch = self.spaceSwitchToken
elif mode == "custom": switch = self.spaceSwitchCustom
objects = args[0]
attr = args[1]
currSel = cmds.ls(selection=True)
currFrame = cmds.currentTime(query=True)
getCurves = animMod.getAnimCurves()
animCurves = getCurves[0]
getFrom = getCurves[1]
if animCurves:
if all: keysSel = animMod.getTarget("keyTimes", animCurves, getFrom)
else: keysSel = animMod.getTarget("keysSel", animCurves, getFrom)
keysSel = utilMod.mergeLists(keysSel)
if keysSel == []:
keysSel = [currFrame]
keysSel = [currFrame]
frames = keysSel
for loopObj in currSel:
if loopObj not in objects: continue
if not cmds.objExists("%s.%s"%(loopObj, attr)):continue
getCurves = animMod.getAnimCurves(True)
animCurves = getCurves[0]
for loopFrame in frames:
matrix = cmds.xform(loopObj, query=True, ws=True, matrix=True)
rotation = cmds.xform(loopObj, query=True, ws=True, rotation=True)
switch(loopObj, args)
cmds.xform(loopObj, ws=True, matrix=matrix)
cmds.xform(loopObj, ws=True, rotation=rotation)
def spaceSwitchCustom(self, obj, args):
objects, attr, switchAttList = args
objAttr = "%s.%s"%(obj, attr)
for loopAttr in switchAttList:
loopObjAttr = "%s.%s"%(obj, loopAttr)
minValue = cmds.addAttr(loopObjAttr, query=True, minValue=True)
maxValue = cmds.addAttr(loopObjAttr, query=True, maxValue=True)
value = minValue if objAttr != loopObjAttr else maxValue
cmds.setAttr(loopObjAttr, value)
def spaceSwitchToken(self, obj, args):
objects, attr, switchTo = args
enumTokens = animMod.getTokens(obj, attr)
value = 0
switchToNum = None
for loopToken in enumTokens:
splitValue = loopToken.split("=")
if splitValue:
if len(splitValue) > 1:
loopToken = splitValue[0]
value = eval(splitValue[1])
if switchTo == loopToken:
switchToNum = value
value += 1
if switchToNum != None:
cmds.setAttr("%s.%s"%(obj, attr), switchToNum)