2025-01-14 03:08:55 +08:00

1223 lines
37 KiB

global string $gTheLayout;
global proc bhGhost()
if (`window -exists bhGhost`)
deleteUI bhGhost;
global string $gTheLayout;
window -toolbox 1 -rtf true -menuBar 1 bhGhost ;
menu -l "Color A" -to 1 optionsMenu;
menuItem -divider true;
$colorSel =`radioMenuItemCollection`;
menuItem -label "Black" -c bhBlackLine -radioButton off blk;
menuItem -label "White" -c bhWhiteLine -radioButton off wht;
menuItem -label "Grey" -c bhGreyLine -radioButton off gry;
menuItem -label "Red" -c bhRedLine -radioButton off red;
menuItem -label "Green" -c bhGreenLine -radioButton on grn;
menuItem -label "Blue" -c bhBlueLine -radioButton off blu;
menuItem -label "Yellow" -c bhYellowLine -radioButton off yel;
menu -l "Color B" -to 1 optionsMenu2;
menuItem -divider true;
$colorSelB =`radioMenuItemCollection`;
menuItem -label "Black" -c bhBlackLineB -radioButton off blkB;
menuItem -label "White" -c bhWhiteLineB -radioButton off whtB;
menuItem -label "Grey" -c bhGreyLineB -radioButton off gryB;
menuItem -label "Red" -c bhRedLineB -radioButton off redB;
menuItem -label "Green" -c bhGreenLineB -radioButton off grnB;
menuItem -label "Blue" -c bhBlueLineB -radioButton off bluB;
menuItem -label "Yellow" -c bhYellowLineB -radioButton on yelB;
menu -l "Mode" -to 1 aboutMenu;
int $hideDef =0;
// check if a Hide Ghosts Layer already exists and set the checkbox default state to match..
if (`objExists ("HideGhosts_L")`)
menuItem -l "Hide on Playback (2016+)" -cb $hideDef -c bhHideGhostsSetup hideMode;
menuItem -l "Replace Mode" -cb 0 repMode;
menuItem -l "Smooth (slower)" -cb 0 smoothMode;
menuItem -l "10x (outline thickness)" -cb 0 scaleUpMode;
menuItem -l "Ghost Multiples" -cb 1 ghostMults;
menu -l "Tools" -to 1 toolsMenu;
menuItem -l "Create Tracker" -c bh_addGhostTracker aboutlabel7;
menuItem -l "Delete Trackers" -c bh_deleteGhostTrackers aboutlabel8;
menuItem -l "+Shelf Button" -c bhGhostShelf aboutlabel6;
menu -l "Help" -to 1 helpMenu;
menuItem -l "Show Help" -c bhHelpWin aboutlabel5;
menuItem -l "bhGhost 1.32" -c goToG9Site aboutlabel3;
menuItem -l "By Brian Horgan" -c goToG9Site aboutlabel;
menuItem -l " " -c goToG9Site aboutlabel2;
columnLayout -adj 1 mainCol;
$gTheLayout = `frameLayout -borderStyle "in" -cc bhResizeWin -ec bhResizeWinTall -bv 1 -marginWidth 0 -collapsable 1 - collapse 1 -l "Meshes"`;
button -w 20 -label "Add Selected Meshes" -command bhGetMeshes but;
//button -w 50 -label "Add all Skinned" -command bhAddAllSkinned but10;
button -w 50 -label "Remove Highlighted" -command bhRemoveMeshes but2;
button -w 50 -label "Clear All" -command bhClearTSL but9;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 1;
textScrollList -h 120 -w 160 -allowMultiSelection 1 meshTSL;
iconTextStaticLabel -st "textOnly" -l " ";
setParent mainCol;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 3;
button -w 54 -label "Vis" -command bhToggleGhosts but6;
button -w 54 -label "Bust1" -command bhBust1 but12;
button -w 54 -label "BustAll" -command bhBustIt but5;
setParent mainCol;
floatSliderGrp -field false
-minValue 0.01 -maxValue 1.0
-fieldMinValue 0.001 -fieldMaxValue 1.0
-value .1
-step 0.001
-dc "bh_LineThickness"
-cc "bh_LineThickness"
setParent mainCol;
rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 2;
//rowColumnLayout -numberOfColumns 1;
button -w 160 -label "Ghost" -command bhGhostFrame but3;
showWindow bhGhost;
window -edit -widthHeight 168 263 bhGhost;
string $testSel[] =`ls -sl`;// if some objects are selected add them to the mesh list
if (`size $testSel` >0)
{bhGetMeshes; bhResizeWin;window -edit -widthHeight 168 110 bhGhost;}
else {frameLayout -e -collapse 0 $gTheLayout;}
// is there already a 'HideGhosts_L' layer ? if so set the checkbox to off for it in the UI.
// visit my website proc
global proc goToG9Site ()
launch -web "";
global proc bhHideGhostsSetup()
float $mayaVersion =`getApplicationVersionAsFloat`;
if ($mayaVersion<2016)
{error "Only works with Maya 2016 or newer";
int $hideMode = `menuItem -query -cb hideMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($hideMode==1)
if (!`objExists ("HideGhosts_L")`)
string $origSel[]=`ls -sl`;
select -cl;
string $ghostsLayer= `createDisplayLayer -name "HideGhosts_L"`;
// temp fix.. to be improved..
setAttr ($ghostsLayer + ".hideOnPlayback") 1;
//setDisplayLayerHideOnPlayback("HideGhosts_L", 1);
//layerEditorLayerButtonHidePlaybackChange "HideGhosts_L";
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
select -r "bhGhostNode";
editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse "HideGhosts_L" `ls -selection`; //add each object to the Render Layer
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
select -r "bhGhostNodeB";
editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse "HideGhosts_L" `ls -selection`; //add each object to the Render Layer
select -r $origSel;
if ($hideMode==0)
if (`objExists ("HideGhosts_L")`)
delete "HideGhosts_L";
// window resizing procs
global proc bhResizeWin()
window -edit -widthHeight 168 110 bhGhost;
global proc bhResizeWinTall()
window -edit -widthHeight 168 263 bhGhost;
global proc bhClearTSL ()
{// clear the list
textScrollList -e -removeAll meshTSL;
global proc bhGetMeshes ()
string $allMeshes[] =`ls -sl`;
for ($each in $allMeshes)
int $flag=0;
string $listMeshes[] =`textScrollList -q -ai meshTSL`;
for ($item in $listMeshes)
if ($each==$item)
if ($flag==0){
textScrollList -e -a $each meshTSL;
global proc bhRemoveMeshes()
string $highlighted[] =`textScrollList -q -selectItem meshTSL`;
for ($selMesh in $highlighted)
textScrollList -e -removeItem $selMesh meshTSL;
global proc bhBustIt()
{ string $origSelection[]=`ls -sl`;
// toggle visibility off first- this is a precaution to avoid crashes in Vp2.0..
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
$togVis= `getAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.visibility"`;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.visibility" 0;
// delete all toon lines from scene
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
select -r "bhGhostNode";
//select -add "bhGhosts";
//print "All Ghosts Busted From Scene";
select -r $origSelection;
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
select -r "bhGhostNodeB";
//select -add "bhGhosts";
//print "All Ghosts Busted From Scene";
select -r $origSelection;
if (`objExists ("bhGhosts")`){
select -r "bhGhosts";
print "All Ghosts Busted From Scene";
select -r $origSelection;
global proc bhBust1()
{ string $origSelection[]=`ls -sl`;
int $curTime = `currentTime -q`;
string $ghostName= ("GGhost_"+$curTime);
// delete all toon lines from scene
if (`objExists ($ghostName)`){
// little bit of a hack here to keep things simple -
// the ghost gets scaled to 0 instead of being deleted to avoid issues with other ghosts
// to be improved..
setAttr ($ghostName+".scaleZ") 0;
setAttr ($ghostName+".scaleX") 0;
setAttr ($ghostName+".scaleY") 0;
//select -r $ghostName;
print ("Deleted Ghost on Frame "+$curTime);
select -r $origSelection;
else {print "No Ghost found on this frame";}
global proc bhGhostFrame()
int $replaceMode = `menuItem -query -cb repMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($replaceMode==1)
global string $gPlayBackSlider;
float $selFrameRange[] =`timeControl -q -rangeArray $gPlayBackSlider`;
float $selStartFrame= $selFrameRange[0];
float $selEndFrame= $selFrameRange[1];
float $selFrameCnt= $selEndFrame-$selStartFrame;
float $curFrame = `currentTime -query`;
if ($selFrameCnt>1)
string $curSel[]=`ls -sl`;
if (`size $curSel`==0) // nothing selected so ghost all selected frames
for ($i=0; $i<$selFrameCnt; $i++)
currentTime -e ($selStartFrame+$i);
else // some controllers are selected, so lets get their keys in the range and just ghost those
float $keyTimes[];
string $source =$curSel[0];
string $nodes[] = `keyframe -q -name $source`;
$keyTimes = ` keyframe -time ($selStartFrame+":"+$selEndFrame) -q -tc $source`;//stores the selected key times within the range in an array
// need to figure out how many unique times there are for the keys -
float $keyList[] = `floatArrayRemoveDuplicates($keyTimes)`; // remove any duplicates from the array of keyframes
for ($each in $keyList)
currentTime -e $each;
currentTime -e $curFrame;
else {
// main ghosting proc
global proc bhGhostIt()
// set up a variable here to track whether the regular Ghost or the 'B Colour' Ghost should be used..
string $col=""; // defaults to being blank so has no effect on the standard version..
int $mods = `getModifiers`;
if ($mods / 8 % 2)// was ALT held when the command was run? - then use the B colour option for the ghost
{ $col="B";
print "using B Colour ";
int $existFlag=0; // keep track of existing ghosts
int $conValue=0; // keep track of existing ghosts connection to pfx node
string $origSelection[]=`ls -sl`; // use this at end of the script to restore the selection to whatever controllers were selected before hitting the ghost button
int $curTime = `currentTime -q`; // what frame are we on?
// is there a ghost on this frame already? Delete it if so, so that it can be updated by pressing ghost again
if (`objExists ("GGhost_"+$curTime)`)
$existFlag =1;
// need to find out which port of the pfx node the mesh is hooked up to so we can reattach the new mesh to the same one later
string $outObject = ("GGhost_"+$curTime+"Shape.outMesh");
$destinations = `connectionInfo -destinationFromSource $outObject`;
string $destPort = $destinations[0];
$conValue =`match "[0-9]+" $destPort`;
print "Destination node is ";
print $destPort;
// remove the existing mesh
select -r ("GGhost_"+$curTime);
select -r $origSelection;
string $sourceMeshes[] =`textScrollList -q -ai meshTSL`;
int $sourceSize;
/// NEW STUFF TO SEE AND ADD VISIBLE bh_multiple meshes to the ghost if they exist in the scene
// check if multiples node exists and add the visible meshes to the selection if so..
int $ghostMult = `menuItem -query -cb ghostMults`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($ghostMult==1){
if (`objExists "bh_multiples"`){
string $multMeshes[]=`listRelatives bh_multiples`;
for ($each in $multMeshes)
{int $vis=`getAttr ($each+".visibility")`;
print $vis;
if ($vis==1)
$sourceSize =`size $sourceMeshes`;
int $sourceSize =`size $sourceMeshes`;
if ($sourceSize ==0)
error "Nothing to Ghost...Please Load Some Meshes First..";
select -cl;
for ($each in $sourceMeshes)
// create a new name for the duplicate mesh
string $newName = ($each+"TempMesh");
string $dupeMesh[] = `duplicate -rc -n $newName $each`;
// is there a selectionSet in the scene called 'ghostSet' ? If so then delete the other polys from this new duplicate so that only the set gets ghosted
if (`objExists ("ghostSet")`){
string $curSelection[]=`ls -sl`;
select -r ghostSet; // select the selection set called 'Set'
string $allPolys[]=`ls -selection`; // select the polys in that set. NB this will select them on the original geo and the duplicate
// need to figure out which of the polys in that set belong to the duplicate mesh only
string $polysToSelect[];
for ($each in $allPolys)
string $buffer[];
tokenize $each "." $buffer;
$namestart = ($buffer[0]);
if ($namestart ==$newName)
int $size = size($polysToSelect);
//print $each;
$polysToSelect[$size] = $each;
print $polysToSelect;
// now we have the polys belonging to the set that are part of the current mesh
// so we select them, invert the selection and then delete the others to leave only the selection
int $sizeSel = size($polysToSelect);
if ($sizeSel>0){
select -r $polysToSelect;
//error "selected the polys";
select -r $curSelection;
// now unlock all transforms in case the mesh was constrained rather than skinned
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".tx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".ty");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".tz");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".rx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".ry");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".rz");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".sx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".sy");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMesh[0]+".sz");
select -add $dupeMesh[0] ;
// if there's only one mesh in the list we'll make an extra copy so that the poly unite function will still work
if ($sourceSize ==1)
string $dupeMeshProx[] = `duplicate -rc -n "proxTempMesh" $sourceMeshes[0]`;
// is there a selectionSet in the scene called 'ghostSet' ? If so then delete the other polys from this new duplicate so that only the set gets ghosted
if (`objExists ("ghostSet")`){
string $curSelection[]=`ls -sl`;
select -r ghostSet; // select the selection set called 'Set'
string $allPolys[]=`ls -selection`; // select the polys in that set. NB this will select them on the original geo and the duplicate
// need to figure out which of the polys in that set belong to the duplicate mesh only
string $polysToSelect[];
for ($each in $allPolys)
string $buffer[];
tokenize $each "." $buffer;
$namestart = ($buffer[0]);
if ($namestart =="proxTempMesh")
int $size = size($polysToSelect);
//print $each;
$polysToSelect[$size] = $each;
print $polysToSelect;
// now we have the polys belonging to the set that are part of the current mesh
// so we select them, invert the selection and then delete the others to leave only the selection
int $sizeSel = size($polysToSelect);
if ($sizeSel>0){
select -r $polysToSelect;
//error "selected the polys";
select -r $curSelection;
// now unlock all transforms in case the mesh was constrained rather than skinned
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".tx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".ty");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".tz");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".rx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".ry");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".rz");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".sx");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".sy");
setAttr -lock false ($dupeMeshProx[0]+".sz");
//select -r $dupeMesh;
select -add $dupeMeshProx;
// make the combined mesh
string $ghostName= ("GGhost_"+$curTime);
string $comboMeshes[]=`polyUnite -n $ghostName`;
string $newMesh=$comboMeshes[0];
// now need to delete the unneeded transform nodes created above
select -r `ls -r 1 "*TempMesh*"`; // this will find the transform nodes even if they have namespaces
// is smooth mode enabled ? - if so create a poly smooth node on the mesh before deleting history
int $smoothMode = `menuItem -query -cb smoothMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($smoothMode ==1){
string $smthNode[] =`polySmooth -mth 0 -dv 1 -bnr 0 -c 1 -kb 0 -ksb 0 -khe 0 -kt 0 -kmb 2 -suv 0 -peh 0 -sl 1 -dpe 1 -ps 0.1 -ro 1 -ch 1 $newMesh`;
// delete history on new mesh
select -r $newMesh;
// create a group to store the ghost meshes under if it doesn't alread
if (!`objExists "bhGhosts"`){
group -em -n "bhGhosts";
setAttr "bhGhosts.visibility" 0;
// add an attribute to the ghost storing it's frame number - for the Update Option code
addAttr -ln "frameNum" -at double $newMesh;
setAttr -e-keyable true ($newMesh+".frameNum");
// store the markers frame number in the attribute
setAttr ($newMesh+".frameNum") $curTime;
parent $newMesh "bhGhosts"; // keep the scene tidy
// check if the toon node exists, create it if not
if ($col==""){
if (!`objExists "bhGhostNode"`){
string $toonNode=`createNode("pfxToon")`;
string $toonParent[]= `listRelatives -parent $toonNode`;
rename $toonParent[0] "bhGhostNode";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNode.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNode.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNode.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNode.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNode.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.overrideEnabled" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.overrideDisplayType" 2;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.creaseLines" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.borderLines" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.displayPercent" 100;
float $lineVal = `floatSliderGrp -query -value "line"`;
int $scaleFactor = `menuItem -query -cb scaleUpMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($scaleFactor==1){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.lineWidth" $lineVal;
if (`objExists "HideGhosts_L"`){
editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse "HideGhosts_L" "bhGhostNode";}
// was there a ghost on this frame already?
// if no then :
if ($existFlag==0){
// next we need to count how many ghosts already exist to figure out which ports of the toon node to connect to
string $ghostsExists[] = `listRelatives "bhGhosts"`;
int $ghostCnt= `size $ghostsExists`;
$ghostCnt = $ghostCnt-1;
// connect the new ghost mesh to the existing pfxToon Node
string $ghostsShape[] = `listRelatives $newMesh`;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".outMesh") bhGhostNodeShape.inputSurface[$ghostCnt].surface;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".worldMatrix[0]") bhGhostNodeShape.inputSurface[$ghostCnt].inputWorldMatrix;
// if yes then connect the new one to the same pfx in port as the old one
if ($existFlag==1){
string $ghostsShape[] = `listRelatives $newMesh`;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".outMesh") bhGhostNodeShape.inputSurface[$conValue].surface;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".worldMatrix[0]") bhGhostNodeShape.inputSurface[$conValue].inputWorldMatrix;
//////////================ TOON NODE B //////////
if ($col=="B"){
if (!`objExists "bhGhostNodeB"`){
string $toonNode=`createNode("pfxToon")`;
string $toonParent[]= `listRelatives -parent $toonNode`;
rename $toonParent[0] "bhGhostNodeB";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNodeB.tx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNodeB.ty";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNodeB.rx";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNodeB.ry";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "bhGhostNodeB.rz";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr -lock true -keyable false -channelBox false "";
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.overrideEnabled" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.overrideDisplayType" 2;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.creaseLines" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.borderLines" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.displayPercent" 100;
float $lineVal = `floatSliderGrp -query -value "line"`;
int $scaleFactor = `menuItem -query -cb scaleUpMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($scaleFactor==1){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.lineWidth" $lineVal;
if (`objExists "HideGhosts_L"`){
editDisplayLayerMembers -noRecurse "HideGhosts_L" "bhGhostNodeB";
// was there a ghost on this frame already?
// if no then :
if ($existFlag==0){
// next we need to count how many ghosts already exist to figure out which ports of the toon node to connect to
string $ghostsExists[] = `listRelatives "bhGhosts"`;
int $ghostCnt= `size $ghostsExists`;
$ghostCnt = $ghostCnt-1;
// connect the new ghost mesh to the existing pfxToon Node
string $ghostsShape[] = `listRelatives $newMesh`;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".outMesh") bhGhostNodeBShape.inputSurface[$ghostCnt].surface;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".worldMatrix[0]") bhGhostNodeBShape.inputSurface[$ghostCnt].inputWorldMatrix;
// if yes then connect the new one to the same pfx in port as the old one
if ($existFlag==1){
string $ghostsShape[] = `listRelatives $newMesh`;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".outMesh") bhGhostNodeBShape.inputSurface[$conValue].surface;
connectAttr -f ($ghostsShape[0]+".worldMatrix[0]") bhGhostNodeBShape.inputSurface[$conValue].inputWorldMatrix;
// check what colour option is selected and run the appropriate process
if ($col==""){
int $checkMenuBlk = `menuItem -q -radioButton blk`;
if ($checkMenuBlk == 1) bhBlackLine;
int $checkMenuWht = `menuItem -q -radioButton wht`;
if ($checkMenuWht == 1) bhWhiteLine;
int $checkMenuGry = `menuItem -q -radioButton gry`;
if ($checkMenuGry == 1) bhGreyLine;
int $checkMenuRed = `menuItem -q -radioButton red`;
if ($checkMenuRed == 1) bhRedLine;
int $checkMenuGrn = `menuItem -q -radioButton grn`;
if ($checkMenuGrn == 1) bhGreenLine;
int $checkMenuBlu = `menuItem -q -radioButton blu`;
if ($checkMenuBlu == 1) bhBlueLine;
int $checkMenuYel = `menuItem -q -radioButton yel`;
if ($checkMenuYel == 1) bhYellowLine;
else {
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton blkB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhBlackLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton whtB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhWhiteLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton gryB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhGreyLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton redB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhRedLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton grnB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhGreenLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton bluB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhBlueLineB;
int $checkMenu= `menuItem -q -radioButton yelB`;
if ($checkMenu==1) bhYellowLineB;
print ("Boo!..Created Ghost on Frame "+$curTime);
select -r $origSelection; // select the controllers again
global proc bh_LineThickness()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
float $lineVal = `floatSliderGrp -query -value "line"`;
int $scaleFactor = `menuItem -query -cb scaleUpMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($scaleFactor==1){
string $toonNode = "pfxToon1";
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.lineWidth" $lineVal;
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
float $lineVal = `floatSliderGrp -query -value "line"`;
int $scaleFactor = `menuItem -query -cb scaleUpMode`;// returns 0 or 1 for off/on
if ($scaleFactor==1){
string $toonNode = "pfxToon1";
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.lineWidth" $lineVal;
global proc bhToggleGhosts()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
$togVis= `getAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.visibility"`;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.visibility" (1-$togVis);
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
$togVis= `getAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.visibility"`;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.visibility" (1-$togVis);
// change line colour procs
global proc bhBlackLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhWhiteLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhGreyLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 0.5;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 0.5;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 0.5;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhRedLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 0;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhGreenLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhBlueLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhYellowLine()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNode")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
// change line colour procs for B Node
global proc bhBlackLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhWhiteLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhGreyLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 0.5;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 0.5;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 0.5;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhRedLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 0;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhGreenLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhBlueLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhYellowLineB()
if (`objExists ("bhGhostNodeB")`){
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorB" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorR" 1;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.profileColorG" 1;
// These two lines are just in there to force a redraw of the pfxNode
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 0;
setAttr "bhGhostNodeBShape.drawAsMesh" 1;
global proc bhCloseHelpWin()
deleteUI bhGhostHelp;
global proc bhHelpWin()
if (`window -exists bhGhostHelp`)
deleteUI bhGhostHelp;
window -toolbox 1 -rtf true -menuBar 1 bhGhostHelp ;
columnLayout -adj 1 mainHelpCol;
string $helpText =("==========================================================================================="
+"bhGhost by Brian Horgan. Web - / Email -"
+"* Select some meshes and press the 'Add Meshes' button"
+"* NB these MUST be Poly objects ONLY"
+"* The 'Remove Highlighted' and 'Clear All' buttons allow you to remove meshes from the list if needed"
+"* Now click on the arrow beside the 'Meshes' tab to close the list and switch to working mode"
+"* Press the 'Ghost' button to create a ghost/onion-skin on the current frame"
+"- If you don't see the ghosts : "
+"* Make sure 'Strokes' are enabled in the viewport Show menu "
+"* Make sure you are using Default or High Quality viewport mode as Viewport 2.0 doesn't support toon lines (as of Maya 2013)"
+"* The Slider control adjusts the line thickness to suit your scene "
+"* The Colours dropdown menu allows you to change the line colour to suit your characters"
+"* The Vis button is for quickly showing/hiding the ghosts while working without deleting them"
+"* The Bust1 button will delete the ghost on the current frame"
+"* You can overwrite a ghost by simply pressing the Ghost button again"
+"* The BustAll button will delete all ghosts and related nodes from the file"
+"* NB Best to use the 'BustAll' button before saving your scene as otherwise the file will have duplicate meshes in it which will increase the file size (these are stored inside the bhGhosts group)"
+"If you'd like to set up Hotkeys for the Ghost button and BustAll button the commands to add are "
+"'bhGhostIt' and 'bhBustIt'. NB the GUI must still be used so that the tool knows which meshes to ghost."
+"I work as a freelance animator and rigger and am available for hire. Please visit to see examples of my work."
+"This script is provided 'as is' and no responsibility will be taken for any losses incurred while using it. I don't have time to provide support for this tool as it's provided for free but I do welcome comments and suggestions."
+"I hope you find this useful. Happy Animating!"
scrollField -wordWrap true -h 560 -text $helpText -ed false helpScroll;
separator -height 10 -style "singleDash";
button -w 54 -label "Close Help" -command bhCloseHelpWin b22;
separator -height 10 -style "singleDash";
showWindow bhGhostHelp;
window -edit -widthHeight 771 606 bhGhostHelp;
global proc bhGhostShelf()// create a shelf button for current character
string $sourceMeshes[] =`textScrollList -q -ai meshTSL`;
if (`size $sourceMeshes` ==0)
error "No Meshes in Mesh List - please set up the ghost manually before a shelf button can be created";
string $shelfCommand ="select -cl;\n" ;
for ($node in $sourceMeshes)
$shelfCommand = $shelfCommand +("catch (`select -add \""+$node+"\"`);\n");
$shelfCommand= $shelfCommand +"bhGhost; select -cl;";
// create the shelf button
string $label ="ghost";
global string $gShelfTopLevel;
-parent ($gShelfTopLevel + "|" + `tabLayout -q -st $gShelfTopLevel`)
-enableCommandRepeat 1
-enable 1
-width 34
-height 34
-manage 1
-visible 1
-annotation $label
-label $label
-iol $label
-image1 "bhGhostIcon2.png"
-style "iconOnly"
-command $shelfCommand;
// proc that removes keyframes that have the same times
global proc float [] floatArrayRemoveDuplicates(float $list[])
float $item, $results[];
int $index = 0, $found;
for ($item in $list)
$found = 0;
for ($result in $results)
if ($result == $item)
$found = 1;
if (!$found)
$results[$index++] = $item;
return $results;
// bh_addTracker wip
global proc bh_addGhostTracker()
//First, match an empty group to the Target...
string $selObj[] = `ls -sl`;
// make sure only one object is selected
if ((`size $selObj`) != 1)
error "Please select one object only";
//name and create the empty group, then add a parent constraint to it with the selected object as the target
string $ng = $selObj[0] + "_bhGhostTrackerGrp";
// delete any existing group nodes with this name in case the user tries to create more than one for the same controller
if (`objExists $ng`)
delete $ng;
string $grpNode=`group -em - name $ng`;
select $selObj[0];
select -add $grpNode;
// snap the empty group to the object
//doCreateParentConstraintArgList 1 { "0","0","0","0","0","0","0","1","","1" };
parentConstraint -weight 1;
// now create the poly sphere and set up the attributes in the creation node;
string $ns = $selObj[0] + "_bhGhostTracker";
string $trackerSphere[]=`polySphere -name $ns`;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[1]+".subdivisionsAxis") 6;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[1]+".subdivisionsHeight") 6;
//parent it to the grp
parent $trackerSphere[0] $grpNode;
//zero out its coords
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".translateX") 0;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".translateY") 0;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".translateZ") 0;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".rotateX") 0;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".rotateY") 0;
setAttr ($trackerSphere[0]+".rotateZ") 0;
//now with the tracker still selected run the ghost process which will add it to the list ==
// BUGFIX! NEED TO REMOVE THIS AND CLEAR THE TSL Manually and add the tracker rather than running the whole ghost process again..
ScaleTool;// set the current tool to Scale so that the tracker can be adjusted to suit needs of the shot
print "Tracker created";
global proc bh_deleteGhostTrackers()
string $allTrackers[] = `ls -r 1 "*bhGhostTrackerGrp*"`;
delete $allTrackers;
bhBustIt; // bust all ghosts too to clean things up
print "All Trackers Deleted from scene";
global proc bhAddAllSkinned()
string $skinnedGeo[];
clear $skinnedGeo;
string $skinDefs[]=`ls -type skinCluster`;
for ($each in $skinDefs)
string $meshes[] = `listConnections -d 1 $each`;
for ($everyCon in $meshes)
string $nodeTyp=`nodeType $everyCon`;
if ($nodeTyp=="transform")
int $checkVis=`getAttr ($everyCon+".visibility")`;
if ($checkVis==1)// is the mesh visible in the scene ? (simple visibility check.. may not be robust!
$skinnedGeo[`size $skinnedGeo`]=$everyCon;
select -r $skinnedGeo;
select -cl;