2025-01-14 03:08:55 +08:00

80 lines
2.2 KiB

Author: Alan Camilo
Requirements: aTools Package
To install aTools, please follow the instructions in the file how_to_install.txt
To unistall aTools, go to menu (the last button on the right), Uninstall
from maya import cmds
import os
FILE_PATH = __file__
class BaseSubUI(object):
def __init__(self, parent, buttonSizeDict):
self.btnSizeDict = buttonSizeDict
self.parentLayout = parent
#get values = self.btnSizeDict["small"][0]
self.hs = self.btnSizeDict["small"][1]
self.wb = self.btnSizeDict["big"][0]
self.hb = self.btnSizeDict["big"][1]
def getImagePath(imageName, ext="png", imageFolder="img"):
imageFile = "%s.%s"%(imageName, ext)
relativePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(FILE_PATH, os.pardir, os.pardir))
imgPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(relativePath, imageFolder, imageFile))
return imgPath
def getModulePath(filePath, moduleName):
relativePath = os.sep.join(filePath.split(os.sep)[:-1])
return relativePath + os.sep + moduleName
def getModKeyPressed():
mods = cmds.getModifiers()
if mods == 1:
return "shift"
if mods == 4:
return "ctrl"
if mods == 8:
return "alt"
if mods == 5:
return "ctrlShift"
if mods == 9:
return "altShift"
if mods == 12:
return "altCtrl"
if mods == 13:
return "altCtrlShift"
def clearMenuItems(menu):
menuItens = cmds.popupMenu(menu, query=True, itemArray=True)
if menuItens:
for loopMenu in menuItens:
if cmds.menuItem(loopMenu, query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(loopMenu)