452 lines
15 KiB
452 lines
15 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from maya import cmds
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
import maya.mel as mel
#creating a class for global variables used in different functions.
class globalVar:
def __init__(self):
self.new_mesh = None
self.ogmesh = None
self.newmesh = None
self.bone_List = None
self.rig_root = None
self.namespace_flag = None
self.sel1 = None
self.selection_list = None
self.dag_path = None
self.mfn_mesh1 = None
self.pp = None
self.length = None
self.Q = None
self.selected = None
self.b = None
self.bx = None
self.by = None
self.bz = None
self.BonePoint = None
self.R = None
self.distList = None
self.distance = None
self.minDist = None
self.minDistID = None
self.pointMin = None
self.M1X = None
self.M1Z = None
self.M1Y = None
self.sel2 = None
self.mfn_mesh2 = None
self.points2 = None
self.M2X = None
self.M2Z = None
self.M2Y = None
self.offsetX = None
self.offsetY = None
self.offsetZ = None
class MyGlobalVar:
def __init__(self):
self.verticeDict = None
#Class to get geo Information from selection to pass along during weight transfer using dictionary
class DictClass:
def geoInfo(self, vtx=0, geo=0, shape=0, skinC=0): # Returns a list of requested object strings
returnValues = []
selVTX = [x for x in cmds.ls(sl=1, fl=1) if ".vtx" in x]
if len(selVTX) == 0:
# geo can be of bool/int type or of string type.
if type(geo) == int or type(geo) == bool:
selGEO = cmds.ls(sl=1, objectsOnly=1)[0]
elif type(geo) == str or type(geo) == str:
selGEO = geo
geoShape = cmds.listRelatives(selGEO, shapes=1)[0]
# Deformed shapes occur when reference geometry has a deformer applied to it that is then cached
# the additional section will take out the namespace of the shapefile (if it exists) and try to
# apply the deform syntax on it.
if ":" in geoShape: # the colon : deliminates namespace references
deformShape = geoShape.partition(":")[2] + "Deformed"
if len(cmds.ls(deformShape)) != 0:
geoShape = deformShape
print("deformed shape found: " + geoShape)
geoShape = selVTX[0].partition(".")[0] + "Shape"
deformTest = geoShape.partition(":")[2] + "Deformed"
if len(deformTest) != 0:
geoShape = deformTest
print("deformed shape found on selected vertices: " + geoShape)
for x in range( len(selVTX) ):
selVTX[x] = ( selVTX[x].replace(".","ShapeDeformed.") ).partition(":")[2]
selGEO = cmds.listRelatives(geoShape, p=1)[0]
print(geoShape + " | " + selGEO)
if vtx == 1:
if len(selVTX) != 0: # if vertices are already selected, then we can take that list whole-sale.
vtxIndexList = ["{0}.vtx[{1}]".format(geoShape, x) for x in cmds.getAttr ( geoShape + ".vrts", multiIndices=True)]
if geo == 1 or geo == True or type(geo) == str or type(geo) == str:
if shape == 1:
if skinC == 1:
skinClusterNM = [x for x in cmds.listHistory(geoShape) if cmds.nodeType(x) == "skinCluster" ][0]
return returnValues
def getVertexWeights(self, vertexList=[], skinCluster="", thresholdValue=0.001):
if len(vertexList) != 0 and skinCluster != "":
mgv.verticeDict = {}
for vtx in vertexList:
influenceVals = cmds.skinPercent(skinCluster, vtx, q=1, v=1, ib=thresholdValue)
influenceNames = cmds.skinPercent(skinCluster, vtx, transform=None, q=1, ib=thresholdValue)
mgv.verticeDict[vtx] = list(zip(influenceNames, influenceVals))
return mgv.verticeDict
cmds.error("No Vertices or SkinCluster passed.")
#instancing this class name into an variable to call variables inside of functions
mgv = MyGlobalVar()
utils = DictClass()
gv = globalVar()
#creating a wrapper to store UI values and pass it to the corresponding feilds
def button_wrapper(fn, *args, **kwargs):
def wrapped(_):
fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
#passing arguments as values to the variables from UI
def store_og(txt_field):
ui_sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
cmds.textField(txt_field, edit=True, text= ui_sel[0])
gv.ogmesh= ui_sel[0]
return gv.ogmesh
#passing arguments as values to the variables from UI
def store_new(txt_field):
ui_sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
cmds.textField(txt_field, edit=True, text= ui_sel[0])
gv.new_mesh = ui_sel[0]
return gv.new_mesh
#passing arguments as values to the variables from UI
def store_joint(txt_field):
ui_sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
cmds.textField(txt_field, edit=True, text= ui_sel[0])
gv.rig_root = ui_sel[0]
return gv.rig_root
gv.namespace_flag = "True"
#Main function to align the skeleton
def toolkit(_):
#setting skin cluster node to 0 before everything
history = cmds.listHistory(gv.ogmesh)
skinCluster_node = None
for node in history:
node_type = cmds.nodeType(node)
if node_type == "skinCluster":
skinCluster_node = node
if skinCluster_node:
cmds.setAttr("{}.envelope".format(skinCluster_node), 0)
#Alright lets go
cmds.select( clear=True )
def OG_Mesh_func():
gv.sel1 = cmds.ls(gv.ogmesh)
# get the dag path
gv.selection_list = om.MSelectionList()
gv.dag_path = gv.selection_list.getDagPath(0)
# creating Mfn Mesh
gv.mfn_mesh1 = om.MFnMesh(gv.dag_path)
#get the full number of vertex in mesh for loop
gv.pp = gv.mfn_mesh1.getPoints()
gv.length = len(gv.pp)
#looping to get vertex coordinates of all points in first mesh
gv.Q = 0
while gv.Q < gv.length:
gv.points1 = gv.mfn_mesh1.getPoint(gv.Q, space=om.MSpace.kWorld)
gv.Q = gv.Q+1
def Get_Bone_Data_func():
gv.selected = cmds.select(gv.bone)
gv.b = cmds.xform(gv.selected,q=1,ws=1,t=1)
gv.bx = gv.b[0]
gv.by = gv.b[1]
gv.bz = gv.b[2]
gv.BonePoint = om.MPoint(gv.b)
#loop to get distances of each verts from the selected bone
gv.R = 0
gv.distList = []
while gv.R < gv.length:
gv.distance = gv.BonePoint.distanceTo(gv.mfn_mesh1.getPoint(gv.R, space=om.MSpace.kWorld))
gv.R = gv.R + 1
#find the min distance vertex ID
gv.minDist = (min(gv.distList))
gv.minDistID = (gv.distList.index(min(gv.distList)))
#giving the M1 variables the coordinates of the closest vertex to the bone
gv.pointMin = gv.mfn_mesh1.getPoint(gv.minDistID, space=om.MSpace.kWorld)
gv.M1X = gv.pointMin.x
gv.M1Z = gv.pointMin.z
gv.M1Y = gv.pointMin.y
def New_mesh_func():
# get the mesh vertex position
gv.sel2 = cmds.ls(gv.newmesh)
# get the dag path
gv.selection_list = om.MSelectionList()
gv.dag_path = gv.selection_list.getDagPath(0)
# creating Mfn Mesh
gv.mfn_mesh2 = om.MFnMesh(gv.dag_path)
#creating M2 variables to store coordinate of the closest vertex in the new mesh
gv.points2 = gv.mfn_mesh2.getPoint(gv.minDistID, space=om.MSpace.kWorld)
gv.M2X = gv.points2.x
gv.M2Z = gv.points2.z
gv.M2Y = gv.points2.y
def vertex_offset_func():
gv.offsetX = gv.M2X - (gv.M1X - gv.bx)
gv.offsetY = gv.M2Y - (gv.M1Y - gv.by)
gv.offsetZ = gv.M2Z - (gv.M1Z - gv.bz)
def Set_Bone_Data_func():
selected = cmds.select(gv.bone)
#cmds.xform(selected,ws=1,t=(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ))
cmds.move(gv.offsetX, gv.offsetY, gv.offsetZ, absolute=True, ws=True, pcp=True)
def select_loop_bones():
gv.newmesh = cmds.ls( selection=True )
#selecting the bone
cmds.select(gv.rig_root, hierarchy=False)
children_joints = cmds.listRelatives(allDescendents=True, type='joint')
cmds.select(children_joints, add=True)
gv.bone_List = cmds.ls( selection=True )
cmds.select( clear=True )
#Starting bone loop
gv.boneID = 0
while gv.boneID < len(gv.bone_List):
gv.bone = gv.bone_List[gv.boneID]
#run OG_Mesh file
#run Get_Bone_Data file
#run New_Mesh file
#run Vertex_Offset file
#run Set_Bone_data file
gv.boneID = gv.boneID+1
#Bind New skin
cmds.select( clear=True )
cmds.select(gv.rig_root, hierarchy=True)
root_heirarchy = cmds.ls(sl=True)
for node in root_heirarchy:
node_type = cmds.nodeType(node)
if node_type == "joint":
rootjoint_node = node
#now bind skinning
cmds.select( clear=True )
cmds.select(gv.new_mesh, add=True)
#cmds.bindSkin(toAll=True, byClosestPoint=True, colorJoints=True)
mel.eval('newSkinCluster " -bindMethod 0 -normalizeWeights 1 -weightDistribution 0 -mi 3 -dr 4 -rui false , multipleBindPose, 1";')
cmds.select( clear=True )
cmds.confirmDialog( title='Skeleton Fitted', message='Skeleton has been moved', button=['Alright'] )
#Function to copy skin weights using maya inbuilt UV space
def copySkinWeightsUV(_):
# transferring skin weights using UV space
cmds.select(gv.new_mesh, add=True)
mel.eval('copySkinWeights -noMirror -surfaceAssociation closestPoint -uvSpace UVChannel_1 UVChannel_1 -influenceAssociation closestJoint -influenceAssociation oneToOne -influenceAssociation oneToOne;')
cmds.select( clear=True )
cmds.confirmDialog( title='Skin Weights Copied', message='Skin Weights Copied', button=['Dismiss'] )
#Copying skin weights using vertex ID
def exportWeightsdiceat(*args):
geoData = utils.geoInfo(vtx=1, geo=1, skinC=1)
selVTX = geoData[0]
skinClusterNM = geoData[2]
thV = 0.001
# dictionary to hold all the vertice & relationships
mgv.verticeDict = utils.getVertexWeights(vertexList=selVTX, skinCluster=skinClusterNM, thresholdValue=thV)
selectGeoData = utils.geoInfo(geo=1, skinC=1)
geoName = selectGeoData[0]
skinClusterNM = selectGeoData[1]
if len(mgv.verticeDict) > 0:
for key in list(mgv.verticeDict.keys()):
newKey = str(gv.new_mesh)+"."+key.split("Shape.")[1]
cmds.skinPercent(skinClusterNM, newKey, tv=mgv.verticeDict[key], zri=1)
cmds.error("Something went wrong with the skinning")
print("{0} vertices were set to specificed values.".format(len(list(mgv.verticeDict.keys())))) ##
cmds.error("Dict was empty ")
cmds.confirmDialog( title='Skin Weights Copied', message='Skin Weights Copied Using Dictionary', button=['Dismiss'] )
#Creating UI
def run(*args):
if cmds.window("RevBS", q=1, exists=1) == True:
#main Window
cmds.window("RevBS", title="Rev's Rig Tool v2.0", width=450, height=650, sizeable=False)
cmds.columnLayout("AllLayout", width=450, height=650, parent="RevBS")
#first column - Title
cmds.columnLayout("TitleColumn", width=450, height=50, parent="AllLayout")
cmds.text(label="TRANSFER RIGGED SKELETON TO SCALED OR MODIFIED MESH", width=450, height=50, align="center", fn="boldLabelFont")
#selecting the mesh UI
cmds.columnLayout("col_selectmesh", parent="AllLayout")
cmds.text(label="PART I", width=450, height=30, backgroundColor=[0.274, 0.619, 0.920], align="center")
cmds.text(label="Select and click corresponding buttons.", width=450, height=30, align="left")
#each of the select mesh rows
cmds.rowLayout("row_selectmesh1", numberOfColumns=2, parent="col_selectmesh")
headmeshTXT = cmds.textField("headmeshTXT", backgroundColor=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], editable=False, width=300, height=28, p="row_selectmesh1")
cmds.button("selectHeadBtn", label="<< Original Mesh", width = 150, height=26, command=button_wrapper(store_og, headmeshTXT))
#each of the select mesh rows
cmds.rowLayout("row_selectmesh2", numberOfColumns=2, parent="col_selectmesh")
teethmeshTXT= cmds.textField("teethmeshTXT",backgroundColor=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], editable=False, width=300, height=28, p="row_selectmesh2")
cmds.button("selectTeethBtn", label="<< Modified Mesh", width = 150, height=26, command=button_wrapper(store_new, teethmeshTXT))
#each of the select mesh rows
cmds.rowLayout("row_selectmesh3", numberOfColumns=2, parent="col_selectmesh")
teethmeshTXT= cmds.textField("jointTXT",backgroundColor=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], editable=False, width=300, height=28, p="row_selectmesh3")
cmds.button("selectJointBtn", label="<< Root Joint", width = 150, height=26, command=button_wrapper(store_joint, teethmeshTXT))
#Fit skeleton button
cmds.columnLayout("col_getbs", parent="AllLayout")
cmds.text(label="IF ALL IS SELECTED, THEN RUN THIS", width=450, height=30, align="center")
cmds.rowLayout("row_get_bs", numberOfColumns=3, width=450, height=30, parent="col_getbs")
cmds.text(label=" ", width=112, height=5, align="center") #empty space to align the button in middle
cmds.button(width=225, label="FIT THE SKELETON", backgroundColor=[0.80, 0.65, 0.0], align="center", command= toolkit)
cmds.text(label=" ", width=112, height=5, align="center") #empty space to align the button in middle
#Part II
cmds.columnLayout("col_skin", parent="AllLayout")
cmds.text(label="PART II", width=450, height=30, backgroundColor=[0.274, 0.619, 0.920], align="center")
cmds.text(label="ONCE FITTED, SKIN USING EITHER BUTTON", width=450, height=30, align="center")
cmds.rowLayout("row_skin", numberOfColumns=2, width=450, height=50, parent="col_skin")
cmds.button(label="UV Method", backgroundColor=[0.80, 0.65, 0.0], align="left", width = 225, height=26, command= copySkinWeightsUV)
cmds.button(label="Dictionary Method (Slow)", backgroundColor=[0.80, 0.65, 0.0], align="center", width = 225, height=26, command= exportWeightsdiceat)
cmds.columnLayout("col_note", parent="AllLayout")
cmds.text(label=" ", width=450, height=30, align="left")
cmds.text(label=" NOTE: The old mesh and new mesh should have the same topology and vertex ID", width=450, height=30, align="left", bgc=[0.79, 0.45, 0.45])
cmds.text(label=" ", width=450, height=5, align="left")
cmds.text(label=" UV METHOD: Quick but needs same UV (same sets as well) without overlap", width=450, height=30, align="left", bgc=[0.79, 0.45, 0.45])
cmds.text(label=" ", width=450, height=5, align="left")
cmds.text(label=" DICTIONARY METHOD: Very SLOW but accurate, independent of UV (RECOMMENDED)", width=450, height=30, align="left", bgc=[0.79, 0.45, 0.45])
cmds.text(label=" ", width=450, height=5, align="left")
cmds.text(label="Written by Rev O'Conner | Go to www.revoconner.com", width=450, height=50, align="center")
cmds.text(label="Non Commercial Use Only", width=450, height=15, align="center", fn="boldLabelFont")
if __name__ == "__main__":