MainWindow 0 0 970 860 MainWindow 0 60 true This scene is using an out of date version of PoseWrangler. Please upgrade your scene to use the latest features and functionality. Upgrade Scene Qt::Vertical 0 0 10 75 true RBF POSE DRIVERS: 16777215 16777215 QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection RMB Pose Drivers for options Qt::AlignCenter 10 EDIT true 0 CREATE DRIVER 8 75 true DELETE DRIVER(S) 75 true REFRESH Select Driven joints then the Driver joint for Create Driver Qt::Horizontal 10 75 true POSES: QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection true 10 75 true ADD POSE true 10 75 true EDIT POSE true 10 75 true DELETE POSE true 10 75 true MIRROR POSE DRIVER TRANSFORM: 0 SELECT DRIVEN TRANSFORM(S) QAbstractItemView::ContiguousSelection 0 ADD DRIVEN TRANSFORM(S) COPY/PASTE DRIVEN TRS: 0 true 8 75 true COPY 0 0 8 75 true PASTE 35 16777215 8 75 true MULT 50 16777215 1 5.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 1.000000000000000 true 10 75 true Utilities: 2 3 3 3 3 true 8 75 true BAKE POSES TO TIMELINE true 8 75 true COPY UE4 POSE DRIVER Qt::Vertical 20 40 Connect Selected Skin Nodes Create Geometry From SkinNode true true Unbind Geometry When Saving