_____ _____ ______ _____ ______ / ____| __ \| ____| /\ / ____| ____|_ | | | |__) | |__ / \ | (___ | |__ _| |_ | | | _ /| __| / /\ \ \___ \| __|_ _| | |____| | \ \| |____ / ____ \ ____) | |____|_| \_____|_| \_\______/_/ \_\_____/|______| This version of CreasePlus is rewritten entirely in python cmds(maya) and API's. thus there is no longer support for MayaLT. And the run-in lang is Python. install : extract, then just place icon and main folders in documents/maya/(maya_version)/scripts/ restart maya if opened. # # attach it as python script / runtime command to hotkey: import maya.cmds as cmds from CreasePlus import CreasePlusMain CreasePlusMain.start() if not cmds.pluginInfo("CreasePlusNodes", q=True, loaded=True): cmds.loadPlugin("CreasePlusNodes.py") # attach it as python script / runtime command to hotkey, for attribute iteration in context (optional): from CreasePlus import CreasePlusMain CreasePlusMain.crepcore.creasePlusLastCtx() # attach it as python script / runtime command to hotkey, for edge soft/hard toggle (optional): from CreasePlus import CreasePlusMain CreasePlusMain.crepcore.creasePlusToggleEdgeSmooth() # attach it as python script / runtime command to hotkey, for edge makeUV (optional): from CreasePlus import CreasePlusMain CreasePlusMain.crepcore.creasePlusMakeUv() # commands / defs for bindings / scripts can be found in def_sheet file # thank you