# // # // AUTHOR # .-. .-.-..--.-..-..-..-..-.-..--.-. .-.-..-..-.-. .-.-..-. .-..--. # | | | | | ~~| | ~.-~ | | ~| | ~~| | | |~ | | ~| | | | | ~.-| | ~~ # | | | | | _ | |.-.~ | | | | _ `-'..`-' | | | | | | |.-.~| | _ # | | | | |`-'| | ~.-. | | | |`-'.-.`'.-. | | | | | | | ~.-| |`-' # `-' _ `-| | __| | | | | | | | __| | | | | | | | _ | | | | | | __ # `-' `-'`--`-' `-' `-' `-'`--`-' `-' `-' `-'`-'`-`-' `-`-'`--' # // (contact@vertexture.org) # // www.vertexture.org # // Please read on the website terms of use and licensing. # // Tutorials can be found also # // # // DATE # // 25/02/2020 # // # // DESCRIPTION # // Change mesh surface properties mesh display within the vertexture viewport # // # .-----|__| .--.--.--|__.----.-----.' _.----.---.-.--------.-----. # |-- __| | | | | | | _| -__| _| _| _ | | -__| # |_____|_______|________|__|__| |_____|__| |__| |___._|__|__|__|_____| # |______| # # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui import zi_Widget.zi_Windows import zi_UI.ziRessources_rc import maya.cmds as cmds from maya.mel import eval help = """

ziWireframeViewport displays custom wireframe attributes.

Surface Color - change the rgb color of the surface (rgb.a)

Point Color - The color of the selected vertices and soft rich selection (rgb.a).

Backface Color- displayed rgb color of the backfacing surface polygons (rgb.a)

Line Color -This stands for wireframe color itself (rgb.a).

Surface Alpha - so you can specify the alpha component of the Surface color (rgb.a).

Depth Priority - Actually the Zdeph test for surface and wireframe display. Increasing this value would draw the wireframe ontop of the rest of scene.

Line Width- The thickness of the wireframe.

Point Size - The draw size of the selected vertices.

Backface Colour - Enable the backfacing polygons display.

Backface Culling - If checked. the polygons facing away the camera won't be displayed.

Override Shading- if checked, the selected mesh geometry will display its polygon surface.

Force Refresh - Permanently calculate the datas. If not checked, the calcul will happen durin the idle state.

Add Mesh - Set the mesh to take in consideration.


for more informations and video tutorials, please visit


""" __version__ = 0.97 __tool__ = "ziWireframe" __author = "VERTEXTURE" kDoublesWire = {"Surface Alpha": 'ziCutSa', "Line Width": 'ziCutLw', "Depth Priority": 'ziCutDp', "Point Size": 'ziCutPs', "Mesh Display Limit": "ziCutLimit", } kDoublesCut = { # -- ziCut options got removed, it has its own properties.mel # "Split Threshold": 'ziSplitThres', # "Angle Limit": 'ziAngleLimit' } kDoubles = dict(kDoublesWire) kDoubles.update(kDoublesCut) kColors = {"Surface Color": ['ziCutSurfCr', 'ziCutSurfCg', 'ziCutSurfCb'], "Line Color": ["ziCutLineCr", "ziCutLineCg", "ziCutLineCb"], "Point Color": ["ziCutPtCr", "ziCutPtCg", "ziCutPtCb"], "Backface Color": ["ziCutBackCr", "ziCutBackCg", "ziCutBackCb"] } kChecks = {"Override Shading": 'ziCutShading', "Backface Culling": 'ziCutBackf', "Force Refresh": 'ziCutUpdate', "Backface Colour": 'ziCutBackfc', } attrContinuity = "ziCutContinuity" NAMEPLUGS = ["ziWireframeViewport", "ziCut"] kIncrement = 100 DEBUG = False class OptVar(object): def __init__(self): pass def load(self, obj): """Description """ for suffix, typ in zip(["_line", "_slider"], [str, float]): for name in kDoubles.keys(): widget = obj.findWidget(name, suffix) if not widget: continue obj.setVar(widget, typ, name) for key, values in kColors.items(): if key == "Backface Color": widget = obj.findWidget(key, "_color") obj.setColor(widget, self.backfColor) if key == "Surface Color": widget = obj.findWidget(key, "_color") obj.setColor(widget, self.surfColor) if key == "Line Color": widget = obj.findWidget(key, "_color") obj.setColor(widget, self.lineColor) if key == "Point Color": widget = obj.findWidget(key, "_color") obj.setColor(widget, self.pointColor) for key, value in kChecks.items(): widget = obj.findWidget(key, "_check") outputState = self.getValue(kChecks[key], False) widget.setChecked(outputState) def getValue(self, value, default): """Description """ result = default if cmds.optionVar(exists=value): result = cmds.optionVar(q=value) return result @property def lineContinuity(self): return self.getValue(attrContinuity, 0) @property def lineWidth(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Line Width"], 2.0) @property def surfaceAlpha(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Surface Alpha"], 0.3) @property def pointSize(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Point Size"], 5.0) @property def refresh(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Point Size"], 5.0) @property def backface(self): attr = kChecks["Backface Culling"] return cmds.optionVar(q=attr) if cmds.optionVar(ex=attr) else True @property def depth(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Depth Priority"], 900) @property def spiltT(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Split Threshold"], 0.02) @property def angleL(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Angle Limit"], 150) @property def vertL(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Vertices Limit"], 50000) @property def dispLimit(self): return self.getValue(kDoubles["Mesh Display Limit"], 150000) @property def surfColor(self): return (self.getValue('ziCutSurfCr', 0.014), self.getValue('ziCutSurfCg', 0.014), self.getValue('ziCutSurfCb', 0.17) ) @property def backfColor(self): return (self.getValue('ziCutBackCr', 0.17), self.getValue('ziCutBackCg', 0.014), self.getValue('ziCutBackCb', 0.017) ) @property def lineColor(self): return (self.getValue('ziCutLineCr', 0.08), self.getValue('ziCutLineCg', 0.06), self.getValue('ziCutLineCb', 0.17) ) @property def pointColor(self): return (self.getValue('ziCutPtCr', 0.61), self.getValue('ziCutPtCg', 0.61), self.getValue('ziCutPtCb', 0.13) ) @property def meshName(self): varname = "ziCutMeshName" return cmds.optionVar(q=varname) if cmds.optionVar(ex=varname) else "" def clear(self): for var in kDoubles.items() + kChecks.items(): cmds.optionVar(remove=var) for vars in kColors.items(): for var in vars: cmds.optionVar(remove=var) class Win(zi_Widget.zi_Windows.Frameless): def __init__(self, display=True): super(Win, self).__init__() self.var = OptVar() self.loadPlugin() self.setWinLayout() self.setConnections() self.setWin() self.var.load(self) self.reloadSet() if display: self.show() self.butTheme.clicked.emit() def setWin(self): """Description """ self.addBar(help, __tool__) title = "%s %s" % (__name__, __version__) self.setWindowTitle(title) self.setMaximumSize(600, 900) self.setMinimumSize(100, 100) self.setGeometry(600, 300, 260, 590) geo = self.geometry() x, y = [geo.x(), geo.y()] x = 0 if x < 0 else x y = 0 if y < 0 else y self.setGeometry(x, y, geo.width(), geo.height()) if not cmds.objExists(self.var.meshName): self.findWidget("Backface Culling", "_check").setChecked(True) return attr = "%s.overrideShading" % self.var.meshName self.findWidget("Override Shading", "_check").setChecked( cmds.getAttr(attr)) attr = "%s.backfaceCulling" % self.var.meshName if self.isMesh(): value = True if cmds.getAttr(attr) == 3 else False self.findWidget("Backface Culling", "_check").setChecked(value) self.restoreGeo() def setConnections(self): """Description """ for k in kDoubles.keys(): self.findWidget(k, "_slider").valueChanged.connect(self.slid2Line) for k in kDoubles.keys(): self.findWidget(k, "_line").editingFinished.connect(self.line2Slid) for k in kColors.keys(): self.findWidget(k, "_color").clicked.connect(self.defineColor) for k in kChecks.keys(): self.findWidget(k, "_check").clicked.connect(self.setCheck) self.ziUnlock.changedValue.connect(self.unlock) def loadPlugin(self): """Description """ version = cmds.about(v=True) for plug in NAMEPLUGS: name = "{name}_{ver}".format(name=plug, ver=version) if not cmds.pluginInfo(name, q=True, loaded=True): try: cmds.loadPlugin(name) except: pass def unlock(self): """Description """ panels = cmds.getPanel(type="modelPanel") for panel in panels or []: if self.ziUnlock.value == "ON": cmd = "setRendererAndOverrideInModelPanel $gViewport2 %s %s" eval(cmd % ("VertextureViewport", panel)) if self.ziUnlock.value == "OFF": cmd = "setRendererInModelPanel $gViewport2 %s" eval(cmd % (panel)) def setWidgetCheck(self, name, value): self.findWidget(name, "_check").setChecked(value) def setWidgetLine(self, name, value): self.findWidget(name, "_slider").setValue(value * kIncrement) self.findWidget(name, "_line").setText(str(value)) def setWidgetcolor(self, name, value): """Description :Param name: :Type name: :Param value: :Type value: """ obj = self.findWidget(name, '_color') self.setColor(obj, value) for i in list(range(3)): cmds.optionVar(fv=(kColors[name][i], value[i])) def allViews(self): """Description """ state = True if self.sender().isChecked() else False cmds.optionVar(iv=("ziAView", state)) cmds.refresh() def addItems(self): items = self.getItems() for sel in self.getSelMeshes(): if sel in items: continue item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([sel]) self.tree.addTopLevelItem(item) self.updateSet() def reloadSet(self): """Description """ attr = "zisetnode" for node in cmds.ls(typ="objectSet"): if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, ex=True, node=node): for member in cmds.sets(node, q=True) or []: item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem([member]) self.tree.addTopLevelItem(item) def removeItems(self): """Description """ # -- get rid of selected item mesh for item in self.tree.selectedItems(): index = self.tree.indexFromItem(item).row() self.tree.takeTopLevelItem(index) self.clearGeoAttributes(item.text(0)) self.updateSet() def clearItems(self): list(map(lambda item: self.clearGeoAttributes(item), self.getItems())) self.tree.clear() self.updateSet() def updateSet(self): """Description """ itemsNames = self.getItems() msg = self.tree.setHeaderLabel amount = itemsNames.__len__() token = "Meshes" if amount > 1 else "Mesh" if itemsNames: setName = self.createSet() self.populateSet(setName, itemsNames) msg("FX applied on {} {}".format(amount, token)) else: if cmds.objExists("ziSet"): cmds.delete("ziSet") msg("FX applied on Selected Mesh") cmds.refresh() def populateSet(self, setname, itemsNames): """Description """ cmds.sets(edit=True, clear=setname) for item in itemsNames: cmds.sets(item, edit=True, forceElement=setname) self.tree.setHeaderLabel("Meshes Display") def createSet(self): """Description """ attr = "zisetnode" setname = "" for node in cmds.ls(typ="objectSet"): if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, ex=True, node=node): setname = node break if not setname: setname = cmds.createNode("objectSet", n="ziSet") if not cmds.attributeQuery(attr, ex=True, node=setname): cmds.addAttr(setname, shortName="zsn", longName=attr) return setname def reset(self): """Description """ self.setWidgetcolor("Surface Color", [0.014, 0.014, 0.17]) self.setWidgetcolor("Backface Color", [0.17, 0.014, 0.014]) self.setWidgetcolor("Line Color", [0.005, 0.005, 0.01]) self.setWidgetcolor("Point Color", [0.61, 0.61, 0.13]) self.setWidgetLine("Depth Priority", 990.0) self.setWidgetLine("Surface Alpha", 0.5) self.setWidgetLine("Line Width", 2.0) self.setWidgetLine("Point Size", 5) self.setWidgetLine("Mesh Display Limit", 150000) self.setWidgetCheck("Backface Culling", True) self.setWidgetCheck("Backface Colour", False) self.setWidgetCheck("Force Refresh", True) for geo in self.shapeToProcess(): if not cmds.objExists(geo): continue self.findWidget("Backface Culling", "_check").setChecked(True) cmds.setAttr("%s.backfaceCulling" % geo, 3) self.findWidget("Override Shading", "_check").setChecked(False) cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideShading" % geo, False) cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideEnabled" % geo, True) cmds.refresh(cv=True, f=True) def setCheck(self): """Description """ geos = self.shapeToProcess() if not geos: return checked = self.sender().isChecked() for geo in geos: if "Shading" in self.sender().objectName(): attr = "%s.overrideEnabled" % geo cmds.setAttr(attr, 1) attr = "%s.overrideShading" % geo cmds.setAttr(attr, checked) if "culling" in self.sender().objectName().lower(): cmds.optionVar(iv=("ziCutBackf", checked)) attr = "%s.backfaceCulling" % geo bfState = 3 if checked else 0 cmds.setAttr(attr, bfState) if "refresh" in self.sender().objectName().lower(): cmds.optionVar(iv=("ziCutUpdate", checked)) if "colour" in self.sender().objectName().lower(): cmds.optionVar(iv=("ziCutBackfc", checked)) cmds.refresh(cv=True, f=True) def defineColor(self): """Description """ sender = self.sender() colors = self.getColor(sender) self.setColor(sender, colors) name = sender.objectName().split("_") for i in list(range(3)): cmds.optionVar(fv=(kColors[name[0]][i], colors[i])) cmds.refresh(cv=True, f=True) def getColor(self, widget): """Description """ butColor = self.butColor(widget) color = QtWidgets.QColorDialog().getColor(butColor) if not color.isValid(): color = butColor r, g, b, a = color.getRgbF() return (r, g, b) def setColor(self, widget, colors): """Description :Param colors: :Type colors: """ # pow(x , 1/2.2) widget.setColor(list(map(lambda x: x * 255, colors))) cmds.refresh(cv=True, f=True) def butColor(self, widget): """Description :Param widget: :Type widget: """ color = widget.color return QtGui.QColor(*color) def slid2Line(self): """Description """ target = self.sender().objectName().split("_") value = float(self.sender().value()) / kIncrement self.findWidget(target[0], "_line").setText(str(value)) cmds.optionVar(fv=(kDoubles[target[0]], value)) cmds.refresh(cv=True, f=True) def line2Slid(self): """Description """ target = self.sender().objectName().split("_") value = float(self.sender().text()) * kIncrement self.findWidget(target[0], "_slider").setValue(value) def createTitle(self, mainLayout, txt): """Description :Param txt: :Type txt: """ title = QtWidgets.QLabel(txt.title()) title.setMinimumHeight(20) title.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(title) mainLayout.addLayout(hlayout) def createButton(self, mainlayout, layout, label, func, checkable=False): """Description :Param layout: :Type layout: :Param label: :Type label: :Param func: :Type func: """ butt = QtWidgets.QPushButton(label.title()) butt.setMinimumHeight(20) layout.addWidget(butt) if mainlayout: mainlayout.addLayout(layout) butt.clicked.connect(func) if checkable: butt.setCheckable(True) def createLabel(self, txt): """Description :Param txt: :Type txt: """ label = QtWidgets.QLabel(txt.title()) label.setFixedWidth(100) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) label.setObjectName("%s_label" % txt) return label def createColor(self, txt): """Description :Param txt: :Type txt: """ color = ColorButt() color.setObjectName("%s_color" % txt) color.setMaximumWidth(80) color.setMinimumHeight(18) color.setTxt(txt) return color def createSlider(self, txt): """Description :Param txt: :Type txt: """ slider = QtWidgets.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) slider.setObjectName("%s_slider" % txt) if txt == "Surface Alpha": slider.setMaximum(1.0 * kIncrement) if txt == "Line Width": slider.setMaximum(6.0 * kIncrement) if txt == "Depth Priority": slider.setMaximum(2000 * kIncrement) if txt == "Split Threshold": slider.setMaximum(0.4 * kIncrement) if txt == "Angle Limit": slider.setMaximum(200 * kIncrement) if txt == "Point Size": slider.setMaximum(20 * kIncrement) if txt == "Mesh Display Limit": slider.setMaximum(500000 * kIncrement) return slider def createCheckBox(self, txt): """Description :Param txt: :Type txt: """ box = QtWidgets.QCheckBox("") box.setObjectName("%s_check" % txt) return box def createLine(self, txt): """Description """ line = QtWidgets.QLineEdit("-0") line.setMaximumWidth(60) line.setObjectName("%s_line" % txt) return line def setVar(self, widget, typ, name): """Description :Param name: :Type name: """ func = None if typ == str: func = widget.setText if typ == float: func = widget.setValue if "Point Size" in name: func(typ(self.var.pointSize * kIncrement)) if "Surface Alpha" in name: func(typ(self.var.surfaceAlpha * kIncrement)) if "Line Width" in name: func(typ(self.var.lineWidth * kIncrement)) if "Depth Priority" in name: func(typ(self.var.depth * kIncrement)) if "Split Threshold" in name: func(typ(self.var.spiltT * kIncrement)) if "Angle Limit" in name: func(typ(self.var.angleL * kIncrement)) if "Mesh Display Limit" in name: func(typ(self.var.dispLimit * kIncrement)) def findWidget(self, name, suffix): """Description """ reg = QtCore.QRegExp(r'%s%s' % (name, suffix)) widget = self.findChildren(QtWidgets.QWidget, reg) return widget[0] or None def createSeparator(self, layout): """Description """ line = QtWidgets.QFrame() line.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.HLine) line.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Sunken) layout.addWidget(line) def createSplitter(self, layout): """Description """ splitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter() layout.addWidget(splitter) def shapeToProcess(self): out = [] items = self.getItems() if not items: out = [self.var.meshName] else: for item in items: shapes = cmds.listRelatives(item, shapes=True) if shapes: out.append(shapes[0]) return out def isMesh(self, unknown=None): currentMesh = self.var.meshName if not currentMesh and not unknown: return False if unknown: currentMesh = unknown if cmds.nodeType(currentMesh) == "objectSet": return False shapes = cmds.listRelatives(currentMesh, shapes=True) if not shapes: return False if cmds.nodeType(shapes[0]) == "mesh": return True return False def getItems(self): out = [] for x in list(range(self.tree.topLevelItemCount())): out.append(self.tree.topLevelItem(x).text(0)) return out def getSelMeshes(self): """Description """ out = [] # -- get rid of selected scene mesh for sel in cmds.ls(sl=True, o=True): if self.isMesh(sel): out.append(sel) return out def lineStyle(self, value): """Description """ cmds.optionVar(iv=["ziCutContinuity", value]) cmds.refresh() def clearGeoAttributes(self, meshTransform): """Change display attributes on the shape :Param meshTransform(str): could be shape or a transform :Return (None): desc. """ shapes =[] if not cmds.nodeType(meshTransform) == "mesh": shapes = cmds.listRelatives(meshTransform, shapes=True) else: shapes = [meshTransform] if shapes: cmds.setAttr("%s.backfaceCulling" % shapes[0], 3) cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideShading" % shapes[0], True) cmds.setAttr("%s.overrideEnabled" % shapes[0], False) def updateSelection(self): """No script job for now, can be quite consuming """ sels = cmds.ls(sl=True, o=True) if not sels: return shapes = cmds.listRelatives(sels[0], shapes=True) if shapes: if cmds.nodeType(shapes[0]) == "mesh": value = cmds.getAttr("%s.overrideShading" % shapes[0]) self.findWidget("Override Shading", "_check").setChecked(value) value = cmds.getAttr("%s.backfaceCulling" % self.shapes[0]) value = True if value == 3 else False self.findWidget("Backface Culling", "_check").setChecked(value) def setWinLayout(self): """Description """ self.mainWin = self self.mainWin.setObjectName("ziWireframe") wid = QtWidgets.QScrollArea(self.mainWin) wid.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea.AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow) wid.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded) wid.setWidgetResizable(True) mLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(wid) self.createSeparator(mLayout) self.ziUnlock = ZiUnlockSlider("ON", "OFF", "VIEWPORT") hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() hlayout.addWidget(self.ziUnlock) mLayout.addLayout(hlayout) self.createSeparator(mLayout) for label in kColors.keys(): widgets = [] hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() widgets.append(self.createLabel(label)) widgets.append(self.createColor(label)) for widget in widgets: hlayout.addWidget(widget) mLayout.addLayout(hlayout) self.createSeparator(mLayout) self.createTitle(mLayout, "Wireframe Properties") for label in kDoublesWire.keys(): widgets = [] hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() widgets.append(self.createLabel(label)) widgets.append(self.createLine(label)) widgets.append(self.createSlider(label)) for widget in widgets: hlayout.addWidget(widget) mLayout.addLayout(hlayout) hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() lineLab = QtWidgets.QLabel("Line Style ") lineslid = QtWidgets.QSlider() lineslid.setMaximum(19) lineslid.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) hlay.addWidget(lineLab) hlay.addWidget(lineslid) lineslid.valueChanged.connect(self.lineStyle) mLayout.addLayout(hlay) self.createSeparator(mLayout) for label in kChecks: widgets = [] hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() widgets.append(self.createLabel(label)) widgets.append(self.createCheckBox(label)) for widget in widgets: hlayout.addWidget(widget) mLayout.addLayout(hlayout) self.createButton(mLayout, mLayout, "all views display", self.allViews, 1) self.createSeparator(mLayout) # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # treeFrame = QtWidgets.QFrame() treeFrame.setMinimumHeight(50) treeFrame.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) self.tree = QtWidgets.QTreeWidget(treeFrame) self.tree.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) self.tree.setHeaderLabel("Meshes Display") # self.tree = QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea(treeFrame) # self.tree.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) # self.tree.setHeaderLabel("Meshes Display") Vlayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(treeFrame) Vlayout.addWidget(self.tree) Vlayout.setMargin(1) hlayoutTree = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.createButton(None, hlayoutTree, "add", self.addItems) self.createButton(None, hlayoutTree, "remove", self.removeItems) self.createButton(None, hlayoutTree, "clear", self.clearItems) Vlayout.addLayout(hlayoutTree) mLayout.addWidget(treeFrame) hlayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.createButton(mLayout, hlayout, "reset", self.reset) wid.setLayout(mLayout) self.mainWin.setCentralWidget(wid) class ZiUnlockSlider(QtWidgets.QWidget, QtCore.QObject): """Display a iphone's slider like """ try: changedValue = QtCore.Signal(str) except: changedValue = QtCore.Signal(str) def __init__(self, text1='ON', text2='OFF', text3='', parent=None): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.cur = self.cursor() self.textValue = text1 self.textL = text1 self.textR = text2 self.textM = text3 self.position = QtCore.QPointF() self.height = 20 self.buttGrad = QtGui.QLinearGradient() self.textGrad = QtGui.QLinearGradient() self.backgGrad = QtGui.QLinearGradient() self.colorR = QtGui.QColor(190, 190, 190, 205) self.colorL = QtGui.QColor(60, 60, 60, 205) self.poly = QtGui.QPolygonF() self.setMinimumHeight(self.height) self.hover = False @property def value(self): return self.textValue def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: # -- pixmap.contains added if self.buttPath.contains(event.pos()): self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor) event.accept() def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): self.hover = False if event.buttons() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.position = event.pos() self.update() def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): # -- left if self.position.x() > self.size().width() * .5: self.position = QtCore.QPoint(self.size().width(), 0) self.colorL = QtGui.QColor(190, 190, 190, 205) self.colorR = QtGui.QColor(60, 60, 60, 205) self.textValue = self.textL self.changedValue.emit(self.textL) # -- right else: self.colorR = QtGui.QColor(190, 190, 190, 205) self.colorL = QtGui.QColor(60, 60, 60, 205) self.textValue = self.textR self.changedValue.emit(self.textR) self.position = QtCore.QPoint(0, 0) self.setCursor(self.cur) self.update() def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.HighQualityAntialiasing) buttsize = self.size().width() * .5 self.buttPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() circlePath = QtGui.QPainterPath() textMPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() textPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() backPath = QtGui.QPainterPath() buttpos = self.position.x() - (buttsize * .5) # -- clamping values, so the button does not go outside the boundaries if buttpos < 0: buttpos = 0 if buttpos > self.size().width() - buttsize: buttpos = self.size().width() - buttsize # -- background backPath.addRoundedRect(QtCore.QRectF( 0, 0, self.size().width(), self.height), 3, 3) self.backgGrad.setColorAt(0.00, QtGui.QColor(20, 20, 20, 205)) self.backgGrad.setColorAt(0.45, QtGui.QColor(25, 25, 25, 205)) self.backgGrad.setColorAt(0.5, QtGui.QColor(10, 10, 10, 205)) self.backgGrad.setColorAt(1.0, QtGui.QColor(35, 35, 35, 205)) self.backgGrad.setStart(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)) self.backgGrad.setFinalStop(QtCore.QPointF(0, self.height)) painter.setBrush(self.backgGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(20, 20, 20, 255))) painter.drawPath(backPath) # -- texts font = QtGui.QFont('Lato', self.height * .5) textPath.addText(QtCore.QPointF(len(self.textL) * self.size().width() * .1, self.height * .75), font, self.textL) textPath.addText(QtCore.QPointF(len(self.textR) * self.size().width() * .23, self.height * .75), font, self.textR) self.textGrad.setStart(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)) self.textGrad.setFinalStop(QtCore.QPointF(buttsize * 2, 0)) self.textGrad.setColorAt(0.48, self.colorL) self.textGrad.setColorAt(0.50, QtGui.QColor(80, 80, 80, 255)) # -- mid self.textGrad.setColorAt(0.52, self.colorR) # -- right painter.setBrush(self.textGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.textGrad, 0)) painter.drawPath(textPath) # -- circle painter.setBrush(self.backgGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.backgGrad, 0)) # -- butt baseColor = QtGui.QColor(128, 129, 138, 255) self.buttGrad.setColorAt(0.00, baseColor.lighter(40)) self.buttGrad.setColorAt(0.45, baseColor.lighter(45)) self.buttGrad.setColorAt(0.50, baseColor.lighter(30)) self.buttGrad.setColorAt(1.00, baseColor.lighter(55)) self.buttGrad.setStart(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)) self.buttGrad.setFinalStop(QtCore.QPointF(0, self.height)) self.buttPath.addRoundedRect(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, buttsize, self.height), 3, 3) self.buttPath.translate(buttpos, 0) painter.setBrush(self.buttGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QColor(20, 20, 20, 255))) painter.drawPath(self.buttPath) # -- if mouse over the button if self.hover: hoverGrad = QtGui.QRadialGradient( QtCore.QPointF(buttpos + (buttsize * .5), self.height * .5), self.height * .7) hoverGrad.setColorAt(.81, QtGui.QColor(170, 170, 170, 255)) hoverGrad.setColorAt(1, QtGui.QColor(160, 160, 160, 255)) painter.setBrush(hoverGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(hoverGrad, 1)) else: painter.setBrush(self.backgGrad) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(self.backgGrad, 1)) # -- circle if not self.textM: circlePath.addEllipse(QtCore.QPointF(buttpos + (buttsize * .5), self.height * .5), self.height * .4, self.height * .4) painter.drawPath(circlePath) # -- specified text if self.textM: textMPath.addText(QtCore.QPointF(0, 0), font, self.textM) bound = textMPath.boundingRect() textMPath.translate( buttpos + (buttsize * .5) - (bound.right() * .5), self.height * .75) painter.drawPath(textMPath) def console(*txt): """Description """ if not DEBUG: return txt = list(map(str, txt)) print("ziCutDebug{:_>20}".format(' '.join(txt))) def main(display=True): global ziCutOptions try: ziCutOptions.deleteLater() except: pass ziCutOptions = Win(display) return ziCutOptions class ColorButt(QtWidgets.QWidget, QtCore.QObject): clicked = QtCore.Signal() def __init__(self, parent=None): QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setMouseTracking(True) self._color = [0, 0, 0] self.hover = False self._text = "" self._darkness = 90 # self.setMinimumSize(75, 12) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if not QtCore.QRect(self.width() * .25, self.height() * .25, self.width() * .5, self.height() * .5).contains(event.pos()): self.hover = False else: self.hover = True self.update() return True def setColor(self, color): self._color = color self.update() @property def color(self): return self._color def setTxt(self, text, darkness=70): self._text = text self._darkness = darkness @property def text(self): if int(cmds.about(version=True)) < 2020: return unicode(self._text) return self._text def mousePressEvent(self, event): if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton: self.clicked.emit() def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setRenderHint(QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing, True) # -- convert to 2.2 gammma color = QtGui.QColor(pow(self._color[0] / float(255), .454545) * 255, pow(self._color[1] / float(255), .454545) * 255, pow(self._color[2] / float(255), .454545) * 255) if self.hover: color = color.lighter(150) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(color)) painter.setPen(color.darker(self._darkness)) painter.drawRoundedRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), 2, 2) painter.drawText(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()), QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter, self.text) painter.end() # -- Vtx python version 3