安装: 将这个文件夹的目录添加到到对应版本的maya.env文件中的MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH这一行。 例子: MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH =C:\Users\(你的用户名)\Documents\maya\2018\plug-ins\MotionCapHelper 启动maya,在maya里打开插件管理器,如果出现了这个插件的名字mocaphelper.py就说明安装 顺利,只要勾选这一个文件的加载就好,不需要勾选其他的比如mocaphelperrecore.py等等文件 勾选后maya会载入插件,之后使用mel或者python的moCapHelper_showUi -lan "CN"指令打开插件的中文界面 或者moCapHelper_showUi打开英文界面(更推荐一点,因为懒得更新汉化) 可以把这个指令新建一个工具架的工具,方面后面调用 Installation: Add the directory of this folder to the in the corresponding version of the maya.env file. Example: MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH =C:\Users\\Documents\maya\2018\plug-ins\MotionCapHelper Start Maya, open the plugin manager in Maya, you should see a list of mocaphelper.py/mocaphelperui.py..... just check the load state of "mocaphelper.py" file only, no need to check any other files such as mocaphelperrecore.py.... After checking this box, maya will load the plug-in, and then you can use "moCapHelper_showUi" command in mel or python to open the interface of this plug-in. You can create a new shelf tool with this command.