237 lines
8.0 KiB
237 lines
8.0 KiB
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.OpenMayaAnim as oma
import collections
util = om.MScriptUtil()
dummy = {}
dummy['mob'] = om.MObject()
dummy['intPtr'] = util.asIntPtr()
dummy['omp'] = om.MPoint()
class MDagPath(om.MDagPath):
def __init__(self, node=None):
super(MDagPath, self).__init__()
if node is not None:
sel = om.MSelectionList()
sel.getDagPath(0, self, dummy['mob'])
def __str__(self):
return self.fullPathName()
class MeshData(object):
def __init__(self, mfnMesh):
self.mesh = mfnMesh
def minmax(self, minA, maxA, pos):
for i in range(3):
if minA[i] > pos[i]:
minA[i] = pos[i]
if maxA[i] <= pos[i]:
maxA[i] = pos[i]
def createBlock(self, minA, maxA):
functions = []
split = 8
for i in range(3):
reach = (maxA[i] - minA[i]) / split
code = "lambda x: "
for j in range(split - 1):
characters = {'min': minA[i], 'reach': reach, 'i': j}
if j == 0:
code += "(((%(min)s - 10000000 <= x < (%(min)s + %(reach)s * (%(i)s+2)))) * (%(i)s+2) or " % characters
elif j == split - 2:
code += "(((%(min)s + %(reach)s * (%(i)s+1)) <= x < (%(min)s + 100000000))) * (%(i)s+2) or 0) - 1" % characters
code += "(((%(min)s + %(reach)s * (%(i)s+1)) <= x < (%(min)s + %(reach)s * (%(i)s+2)))) * (%(i)s+2) or " % characters
getBlockKeyFunc = lambda x, y, z: (functions[0](x), functions[1](y), functions[2](z))
indexDict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for x in range(1, split):
reachX = (maxA[0] - minA[0]) / split
for y in range(1, split):
reachY = (maxA[1] - minA[1]) / split
for z in range(1, split):
reachZ = (maxA[2] - minA[2]) / split
# Use a tuple of coordinates instead of MPoint
p = (reachX * x + minA[0], reachY * y + minA[1], reachZ * z + minA[2])
a = indexDict[p]
for xx in range(2):
for yy in range(2):
for zz in range(2):
a.append((x - xx, y - yy, z - zz))
return getBlockKeyFunc, indexDict
def getPoints(self):
posA = om.MPointArray()
self.mesh.getPoints(posA, om.MSpace.kWorld)
return posA
def regist(self):
posA = self.getPoints()
length = posA.length()
self.posA = posA
minXYZ = [100000, 100000, 100000]
maxXYZ = [-100000, -100000, -100000]
for i in range(length):
pos = posA[i]
self.minmax(minXYZ, maxXYZ, pos)
getBlockKeyFunc, indexDict = self.createBlock(minXYZ, maxXYZ)
pointsDict = collections.defaultdict(list)
for i in range(length):
pos = posA[i]
key = getBlockKeyFunc(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])
pointsDict[key].append((pos, i))
for points, keys in indexDict.items():
if not any(pointsDict[k] for k in keys):
indexDict[points] = False
self.point_boxIndex = indexDict
self.boxIndex_points = pointsDict
def getColosetVertexId(self, point):
minLength = 10000000000
colosetBox = None
# Convert back to MPoint for distance calculation
for k, v in self.point_boxIndex.items():
if v:
k_point = om.MPoint(k[0], k[1], k[2]) # Convert tuple back to MPoint
length = k_point.distanceTo(point)
if length < minLength:
minLength = length
colosetBox = k
if colosetBox is None:
return -1
minLength = 10000000000
result = -1
for k in self.point_boxIndex[colosetBox]:
points = self.boxIndex_points[k]
for _point, idx in points:
length = _point.distanceTo(point)
if length < minLength:
minLength = length
result = idx
return result
class LatticeData(MeshData):
def __init__(self, mfnLattice):
super(LatticeData, self).__init__(mfnLattice)
def getPoints(self):
mfnLattice = self.mesh
divisions = cmds.lattice(mfnLattice.fullPathName(), q=True, divisions=True)
points = om.MPointArray()
for u in range(divisions[2]):
for t in range(divisions[1]):
for s in range(divisions[0]):
trans = cmds.pointPosition(mfnLattice.fullPathName() + '.pt[%s][%s][%s]' % (s, t, u), world=True)
points.append(om.MPoint(trans[0], trans[1], trans[2]))
return points
def progress(**kwargs):
if cmds.about(b=True):
return False
if kwargs.get('maxValue', False) is not False and kwargs['maxValue'] == 0:
return False
def isLttice(targetMesh):
return True
return False
def applySnapOnClosetVertex(targetMesh, moveVertexList):
if isLttice(targetMesh):
target = oma.MFnLattice(MDagPath(targetMesh))
tgtMesh = LatticeData(target)
target = om.MFnMesh(MDagPath(targetMesh))
tgtMesh = MeshData(target)
tgtPoints = tgtMesh.getPoints()
moveNode = moveVertexList[0].split('.')[0]
if isLttice(moveNode):
compName = 'pt'
movTarget = oma.MFnLattice(MDagPath(moveNode))
movMesh = LatticeData(movTarget)
compName = 'vtx'
movTarget = om.MFnMesh(MDagPath(moveNode))
movMesh = MeshData(movTarget)
movPoints = movMesh.getPoints()
length = movPoints.length()
vtx = cmds.ls(moveVertexList, fl=True)
if compName == 'pt':
divisions = cmds.lattice(moveNode, divisions=True, q=True)
vertexIndex = [
for v in vtx
vertexIndex = tuple((s + divisions[0] * t + (divisions[0] * divisions[1]) * u) for s, t, u in vertexIndex)
vertexIndex = tuple(int(v.split('[')[-1].split(']')[0]) for v in vtx)
progress(title='rsSnapOnClosestVertex', progress=0, maxValue=length, status='', isInterruptable=True)
for i in range(length):
if i in vertexIndex:
if i % 50 == 0:
progress(e=True, progress=i, status=f'{i}/{length}')
num = tgtMesh.getColosetVertexId(movPoints[i])
point = tgtPoints[num]
cmds.move(point.x, point.y, point.z, f'{moveNode}.{compName}[{i}]', a=True, ws=True)
def cmd():
companyName = cmds.displayString('rsCompany', q=True, value=True)
if companyName == 'square-enix':
mel.eval('RsDccTpc ("rsSnapOnClosestVertex", "2015/10", "kimutoru@rstool", "cmd", "功能描述","");')
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
if len(sel) > 1:
if isLttice(sel[0].split('.')[0]):
vtx = cmds.ls('*.pt[*][*][*]', sl=True, fl=True)
if not vtx:
moveNode = sel[0].split('.')[0]
vtx = cmds.ls(moveNode + '.pt[*]')
vtx = cmds.ls('*.vtx[*]', sl=True, fl=True)
if not vtx:
moveNode = sel[0].split('.')[0]
vtx = cmds.ls(moveNode + '.vtx[*]')
applySnapOnClosetVertex(sel[-1], vtx)
cmds.error('[rsSnapOnClosestVertex] 请至少选择两个对象,一个是目标对象,另一个是要移动的顶点列表。')
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# cmd()