177 lines
7.2 KiB
177 lines
7.2 KiB
Author: Alan Camilo
Requirements: aTools Package
To install aTools, please follow the instructions in the file how_to_install.txt
To unistall aTools, go to menu (the last button on the right), Uninstall
from maya import cmds
from aTools.generalTools.aToolsGlobals import aToolsGlobals as G
from aTools.commonMods import utilMod
from aTools.commonMods import animMod
class Align(object):
def __init__(self):
if G.aToolsBar.align: return
G.aToolsBar.align = self
def popupMenu(self):
cmds.menuItem(label="All Keys", command=self.alignAllKeys)
cmds.menuItem( divider=True )
cmds.menuItem(label="Align Position", command=lambda *args: self.alignSelection(True, False))
cmds.menuItem(label="Align Rotation", command=lambda *args: self.alignSelection(False, True))
def alignAllKeys(self, *args):
self.alignSelection(translate=True, rotate=True, all=True)
def alignSelection(self, translate=True, rotate=True, all=False):
selection = cmds.ls(selection=True)
if len(selection) < 2:
cmds.warning("You need to select at least 2 objects.")
sourceObjs = selection[0:-1]
targetObj = selection[-1]
frames = None
currFrame = cmds.currentTime(query=True)
getCurves = animMod.getAnimCurves()
animCurves = getCurves[0]
getFrom = getCurves[1]
showProgress = all
if animCurves:
if all: keysSel = animMod.getTarget("keyTimes", animCurves, getFrom)
else: keysSel = animMod.getTarget("keysSel", animCurves, getFrom)
frames = utilMod.mergeLists(keysSel)
if frames == []:
frames = [currFrame]
frames = [currFrame]
self.align(sourceObjs, targetObj, frames, translate, rotate, showProgress, selectSorceObjs=True)
def align(self, sourceObjs, targetObj, frames=None, translate=True, rotate=True, showProgress=False, selectSorceObjs=False):
if not sourceObjs or not targetObj: return
currFrame = cmds.currentTime(query=True)
constraints = []
setValues = []
modes = []
status = "aTools - Aligning nodes..."
if translate: modes.append({"mode":"translate", "constrain":"pointConstraint"})
if rotate: modes.append({"mode":"rotate", "constrain":"orientConstraint"})
if showProgress: utilMod.startProgressBar(status)
if not frames:
getCurves = animMod.getAnimCurves()
animCurves = getCurves[0]
getFrom = getCurves[1]
if animCurves:
keysSel = animMod.getTarget("keysSel", animCurves, getFrom)
frames = utilMod.mergeLists(keysSel)
if frames == []:
frames = [currFrame]
frames = [currFrame]
if showProgress:
totalSteps = len(sourceObjs + frames)
firstStep = 0
thisStep = 0
estimatedTime = None
startChrono = None
#get values
for thisStep, loopSourceObj in enumerate(sourceObjs):
if showProgress: startChrono = utilMod.chronoStart(startChrono, firstStep, thisStep, totalSteps, estimatedTime, status)
setValues.append({"modes":[], "values":[], "skips":[]})
for loopMode in modes:
mode = loopMode["mode"]
constrainType = loopMode["constrain"]
allAttrs = cmds.listAttr(loopSourceObj, settable=True, keyable=True)
skip = [loopXyz for loopXyz in ["x", "y", "z"] if "%s%s"%(mode, loopXyz.upper()) not in allAttrs]
contrainFn = eval("cmds.%s"%constrainType)
with G.aToolsBar.createAToolsNode: constraints.append(contrainFn(targetObj, loopSourceObj, skip=skip)[0])
setValues[-1]["values"].append([cmds.getAttr("%s.%s"%(loopSourceObj, mode), time=loopKey)[0] for loopKey in frames])
if showProgress: estimatedTime = utilMod.chronoEnd(startChrono, firstStep, thisStep, totalSteps)
#del constraints
for loopConstrain in constraints: cmds.delete(loopConstrain)
for n, loopKey in enumerate(frames):
if showProgress:
thisStep = thisStep + n + 1
startChrono = utilMod.chronoStart(startChrono, firstStep, thisStep, totalSteps, estimatedTime, status)
for nn, loopSourceObj in enumerate(sourceObjs):
loopSetValue = setValues[nn]
values = loopSetValue["values"]
skips = loopSetValue["skips"]
for nnn, loopMode in enumerate(modes):
mode = loopMode["mode"]
xyz = [loopXyz for loopXyz in ["x", "y", "z"] if loopXyz not in skips[nnn]]
for nnnn, loopXyz in enumerate(xyz):
attr = "%s%s"%(mode, loopXyz.upper())
value = values[nnn][n][nnnn]
if len(frames) > 1:
cmds.setKeyframe(loopSourceObj, attribute=attr, time=(loopKey,loopKey), value=value)
if currFrame == loopKey: cmds.setAttr("%s.%s"%(loopSourceObj, attr), value)
#euler filter
if n == len(frames)-1 and rotate:
animCurves = utilMod.mergeLists([cmds.keyframe(loopSourceObj, query=True, name=True) for loopSourceObj in sourceObjs])
if showProgress: estimatedTime = utilMod.chronoEnd(startChrono, firstStep, thisStep, totalSteps)
if showProgress: utilMod.setProgressBar(endProgress=True)
if selectSorceObjs: cmds.select(sourceObjs)