2025-02-19 01:56:32 +08:00

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Gaussian Haircut: Human Hair Reconstruction with Strand-Aligned 3D Gaussians

中文 | English

This repository contains the official implementation of Gaussian Haircut, a strand-based human hair reconstruction method from monocular video.

Paper | Project Page


The reconstruction process includes the following main stages:

  1. Preprocessing Stage

    • Video frame extraction and organization
    • COLMAP camera reconstruction
    • Hair and body segmentation
    • Image quality assessment and filtering
    • Orientation map calculation
    • Facial keypoint detection
    • FLAME head model fitting
  2. Reconstruction Stage

    • 3D Gaussian reconstruction
    • FLAME mesh fitting
    • Scene cropping and optimization
    • Hair strand reconstruction
  3. Visualization Stage

    • Export reconstructed strands
    • Blender rendering visualization
    • Generate result video

Expected output:

├── raw.mp4                    # Input video
├── 3d_gaussian_splatting/     # 3D Gaussian reconstruction results
├── flame_fitting/             # FLAME head model fitting results
├── strands_reconstruction/    # Hair strand reconstruction intermediate results
├── curves_reconstruction/     # Final hair strand results
└── visualization/            # Rendering results and video

Directory Structure

├── cache/                      # Cache directory
│   ├── gdown/                 # gdown cache
│   ├── torch/                 # PyTorch cache
│   └── huggingface/          # Hugging Face cache
├── ext/                       # External dependencies
│   ├── NeuralHaircut/        # NeuralHaircut repository
│   ├── Matte-Anything/       # Matte-Anything repository
│   ├── openpose/             # OpenPose repository
│   ├── pytorch3d/            # PyTorch3D repository
│   ├── simple-knn/           # Simple KNN repository
│   ├── kaolin/               # Kaolin repository
│   └── hyperIQA/             # HyperIQA repository
├── resource/                  # Resource files
│   ├── NeuralHaircut/        # NeuralHaircut models
│   ├── Matte-Anything/       # Matte-Anything models
│   ├── openpose/             # OpenPose models
│   ├── PIXIE/                # PIXIE models
│   └── hyperIQA/             # HyperIQA models
├── src/                      # Source code
├── micromamba/               # Micromamba installation
├── micromamba.exe           # Micromamba executable
├── install.bat              # Installation script
├── download_resource.bat    # Resource download script
└── run.bat                  # Execution script

Environment Variables

Required environment variables:

set "PROJECT_DIR=C:\path\to\project"              # Project root directory
set "CUDA_HOME=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.8"
set "BLENDER_DIR=C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.6"
set "VS_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools"

Getting Started

Linux Platform

  1. Install CUDA 11.8

    Follow instructions at

    Make sure:

    • PATH includes <CUDA_DIR>/bin
    • LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes <CUDA_DIR>/lib64

    The environment was tested only with this CUDA version.

  2. Install Blender 3.6 for strand visualization

    Follow instructions at

  3. Clone repository and run installation script

    git clone
    cd GaussianHaircut
    chmod +x ./

Windows Platform

  1. Install CUDA 11.8

  2. Install Blender 3.6

  3. Install Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools

  4. Install COLMAP

    • Download from
    • Download CUDA version of COLMAP (e.g.,
    • Extract to a path without spaces (e.g., C:\COLMAP)
    • Add COLMAP directory to system PATH:
      1. Open "System Properties" > "Environment Variables"
      2. Under "System Variables", find "Path"
      3. Click "Edit" > "New"
      4. Add COLMAP directory path
      5. Click "OK" to save
    • Restart terminal for PATH changes to take effect
  5. Install 7-Zip

    • Download and install from
    • Add 7-Zip installation directory to system PATH:
      1. Open "System Properties" > "Environment Variables"
      2. Under "System Variables", find "Path"
      3. Click "Edit" > "New"
      4. Add 7-Zip installation directory (default: C:\Program Files\7-Zip)
      5. Click "OK" to save
    • Restart terminal for PATH changes to take effect
  6. Download pre-trained models and resources

    git clone
    cd GaussianHairCut
    # Run in PowerShell:
    # The script will automatically install gdown and download required resources


    • Download time varies from minutes to tens of minutes depending on network speed
    • If download fails, you can rerun the script
    • Ensure stable network connection


  1. Record Monocular Video

    • Reference example videos on the project page
    • Recording requirements:
      • Subject should rotate head slowly to capture all angles
      • Keep hair and face clearly visible
      • Avoid motion blur from fast movements
      • Maintain stable lighting conditions
      • Recommended length: 10-20 seconds
      • Recommended resolution: 1920x1080 or higher Note:
    • DATA_PATH should point to directory containing raw.mp4
    • Directory paths should not contain spaces or special characters
    • Ensure sufficient disk space (at least 20GB recommended)
  2. Setup Scene Directory

    • Create a new folder, e.g., C:\path\to\scene\folder
    • Place raw.mp4 in this folder
  3. Run Installation and Reconstruction Scripts

    • Set environment variables PROJECT_DIR and DATA_PATH in install.bat and run.bat
    • For example:
    set "PROJECT_DIR=C:\path\to\project"
    set "DATA_PATH=C:\path\to\scene\folder"
    • Modify environment variables CUDA_HOME, BLENDER_DIR, VS_DIR in install.bat and run.bat
    set "CUDA_HOME=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.8"
    set "BLENDER_DIR=C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.6"
    set "VS_DIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools"
    • Run installation script
    • Run reconstruction script


This code is based on the 3D Gaussian Splatting project. See LICENSE_3DGS for terms and conditions. The rest of the code is distributed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


If you find this code helpful for your research, please cite our paper:

   title = {Human Hair Reconstruction with Strand-Aligned 3D Gaussians},
   author = {Zakharov, Egor and Sklyarova, Vanessa and Black, Michael J and Nam, Giljoo and Thies, Justus and Hilliges, Otmar},
   booktitle = {European Conference of Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   year = {2024}