#!/bin/bash @echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion @CALL python -m pip install --upgrade pip @CALL python -m pip install py7zr gdown wget :: URL encode function :urlencode set "_str=%~1" set "_len=0" set "_res=" :_loop set "_chr=!_str:~%_len%,1!" if not defined _chr goto :_done if "!_chr!"==" " (set "_res=!_res!%%20") else ( echo !_chr!|findstr /i "[a-z0-9.~-]" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( cmd /c exit /b '!_chr!' set /a "_hex=!errorlevel!" call :_hex !_hex! set "_res=!_res!%%!_hex!" ) else set "_res=!_res!!_chr!" ) set /a "_len+=1" goto :_loop :_done echo !_res! exit /b :_hex set "_hex=0123456789ABCDEF" set /a "_d1=%1/16" set /a "_d2=%1%%16" for %%I in (!_d1!) do set "_h1=!_hex:~%%I,1!" for %%I in (!_d2!) do set "_h2=!_hex:~%%I,1!" set "_hex=!_h1!!_h2!" exit /b :: SMPL-X 2020 (neutral SMPL-X model with the FLAME 2020 expression blendshapes) echo. echo You need to register at https://smpl-x.is.tue.mpg.de set /p "username=Username (SMPL-X):" set /p "password=Password (SMPL-X):" call :urlencode !username! > smplx_username.txt set /p encoded_username= smplx_password.txt set /p encoded_password= pixie_username.txt set /p encoded_username= pixie_password.txt set /p encoded_password=