diff --git a/run.bat b/run.bat index 9582b83..d6891f8 100644 --- a/run.bat +++ b/run.bat @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ -@echo off - -@CALL "%~dp0micromamba.exe" shell init --shell cmd.exe --prefix "%~dp0\" +@CALL "%~dp0micromamba.exe" shell init --shell cmd.exe --prefix "%~dp0\" @CALL SET PROJECT_DIR=%~dp0 @CALL SET MICROMAMBA_EXE=%PROJECT_DIR%\micromamba.exe @CALL SET CUDA_HOME="C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v11.8\" @@ -9,310 +7,233 @@ @CALL SET VS_VCVARS="%VS_DIR%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" @CALL SET PATH=%CUDA_HOME%\bin;%PROJECT_DIR%\condabin;%PATH% -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL SET GPU="0" +@CALL SET CAMERA="PINHOLE" +@CALL SET EXP_NAME_1="stage1" +@CALL SET EXP_NAME_2="stage2" +@CALL SET EXP_NAME_3="stage3" REM 确保以下环境变量可用: REM PROJECT_DIR 和 DATA_PATH -REM 检查必要的环境变量 -IF "%PROJECT_DIR%"=="" ( - echo ERROR: PROJECT_DIR environment variable is not set - @exit /b 1 -) -IF "%DATA_PATH%"=="" ( - echo ERROR: DATA_PATH environment variable is not set - @exit /b 1 -) -IF NOT EXIST "%BLENDER_DIR%" ( - echo ERROR: BLENDER_DIR path does not exist: %BLENDER_DIR% - @exit /b 1 -) -IF NOT EXIST "%MICROMAMBA_EXE%" ( - echo ERROR: micromamba not found at %MICROMAMBA_EXE% - @echo Please install micromamba from https://mamba.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html - @exit /b 1 -) - REM ################## REM # 预处理阶段 # REM ################## REM 将原始图像整理成3D Gaussian Splatting格式 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python preprocess_raw_images.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python preprocess_raw_images.py ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% REM 运行COLMAP重建并去畸变图像和相机 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python convert.py -s %DATA_PATH% --camera %CAMERA% --max_size 1024 -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python convert.py -s %DATA_PATH% ^ + --camera %CAMERA% --max_size 1024 REM 运行Matte-Anything -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate matte_anything +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate matte_anything @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python calc_masks.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% --image_format png --max_size 2048 -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python calc_masks.py ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% --image_format png --max_size 2048 REM 使用IQA分数过滤图像 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python filter_extra_images.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% --max_imgs 128 -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python filter_extra_images.py ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% --max_imgs 128 REM 调整图像大小 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python resize_images.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python resize_images.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% REM 计算方向图 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python calc_orientation_maps.py --img_path %DATA_PATH%\images_2 --mask_path %DATA_PATH%\masks_2\hair --orient_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\angles --conf_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\vars --filtered_img_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\filtered_imgs --vis_img_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\vis_imgs -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python calc_orientation_maps.py ^ + --img_path %DATA_PATH%\images_2 ^ + --mask_path %DATA_PATH%\masks_2\hair ^ + --orient_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\angles ^ + --conf_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\vars ^ + --filtered_img_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\filtered_imgs ^ + --vis_img_dir %DATA_PATH%\orientations_2\vis_imgs REM 运行OpenPose -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate openpose -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\openpose +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" deactivate && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\openpose +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate openpose @CALL mkdir %DATA_PATH%\openpose -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL "%PROJECT_DIR%\ext\openpose\build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe" --image_dir %DATA_PATH%\images_4 --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --face --hand --display 0 --write_json %DATA_PATH%\openpose\json --write_images %DATA_PATH%\openpose\images --write_images_format jpg -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL "%PROJECT_DIR%\ext\openpose\build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe" ^ + --image_dir %DATA_PATH%\images_4 ^ + --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --face --hand --display 0 ^ + --write_json %DATA_PATH%\openpose\json ^ + --write_images %DATA_PATH%\openpose\images --write_images_format jpg REM 运行Face-Alignment -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python calc_face_alignment.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% --image_dir "images_4" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python calc_face_alignment.py ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% --image_dir "images_4" REM 运行PIXIE -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate pixie-env +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate pixie-env @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\PIXIE -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python demos\demo_fit_face.py -i %DATA_PATH%\images_4 -s %DATA_PATH%\pixie --saveParam True --lightTex False --useTex False --rasterizer_type pytorch3d -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python demos\demo_fit_face.py ^ + -i %DATA_PATH%\images_4 -s %DATA_PATH%\pixie ^ + --saveParam True --lightTex False --useTex False ^ + --rasterizer_type pytorch3d REM 合并所有PIXIE预测到单个文件 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python merge_smplx_predictions.py --data_path %DATA_PATH% -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python merge_smplx_predictions.py ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% REM 将COLMAP相机转换为txt -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL mkdir %DATA_PATH%\sparse_txt -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL colmap model_converter --input_path %DATA_PATH%\sparse\0 --output_path %DATA_PATH%\sparse_txt --output_type TXT -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL colmap model_converter ^ + --input_path %DATA_PATH%\sparse\0 ^ + --output_path %DATA_PATH%\sparse_txt --output_type TXT REM 将COLMAP相机转换为H3DS格式 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python colmap_parsing.py --path_to_scene %DATA_PATH% -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python colmap_parsing.py ^ + --path_to_scene %DATA_PATH% REM 删除原始文件以节省磁盘空间 @CALL rmdir /s /q %DATA_PATH%\input %DATA_PATH%\images %DATA_PATH%\masks %DATA_PATH%\iqa* -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) - -REM 清理临时文件 -@CALL del /f /s /q %DATA_PATH%\*.tmp >nul 2>&1 REM ################## REM # 重建阶段 # REM ################## -set EXP_PATH_1=%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1% +@CALL SET EXP_PATH_1=%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1% REM 运行3D Gaussian Splatting重建 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python train_gaussians.py -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%EXP_PATH_1%" -r 1 --port "888%GPU%" --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf --lambda_dorient 0.1 -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python train_gaussians.py ^ + -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%EXP_PATH_1%" -r 1 --port "888%GPU%" ^ + --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf ^ + --lambda_dorient 0.1 REM 运行FLAME网格拟合 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair @CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\NeuralHaircut\src\multiview_optimization -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1.conf --batch_size 1 --train_rotation True --fixed_images True --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_1 --data_path %DATA_PATH% --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1.conf ^ + --batch_size 1 --train_rotation True --fixed_images True ^ + --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_1 ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% ^ + --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -@CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1.conf --batch_size 4 --train_rotation True --fixed_images True --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_2 --checkpoint_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_1\opt_params_final --data_path %DATA_PATH% --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1.conf ^ + --batch_size 4 --train_rotation True --fixed_images True ^ + --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_2 ^ + --checkpoint_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_1\opt_params_final ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% ^ + --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -@CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1_.conf --batch_size 32 --train_rotation True --train_shape True --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_3 --checkpoint_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_2\opt_params_final --data_path %DATA_PATH% --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python fit.py --conf confs\train_person_1_.conf ^ + --batch_size 32 --train_rotation True --train_shape True ^ + --save_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_3 ^ + --checkpoint_path %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_2\opt_params_final ^ + --data_path %DATA_PATH% ^ + --fitted_camera_path %EXP_PATH_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl REM 裁剪重建的场景 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python scale_scene_into_sphere.py --path_to_data %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iter 30000 -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python scale_scene_into_sphere.py ^ + --path_to_data %DATA_PATH% ^ + -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iter 30000 REM 移除与FLAME头部网格相交的头发高斯体 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python filter_flame_intersections.py --flame_mesh_dir %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iter 30000 --project_dir %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\NeuralHaircut -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python filter_flame_intersections.py ^ + --flame_mesh_dir %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1% ^ + -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iter 30000 ^ + --project_dir %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\NeuralHaircut REM 为训练视图运行渲染 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python render_gaussians.py -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --skip_test --scene_suffix "_cropped" --iteration 30000 --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python render_gaussians.py ^ + -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" ^ + --skip_test --scene_suffix "_cropped" --iteration 30000 ^ + --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf REM 获取FLAME网格头皮图 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python extract_non_visible_head_scalp.py --project_dir %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\NeuralHaircut --data_dir %DATA_PATH% --flame_mesh_dir %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1% --cams_path %DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python extract_non_visible_head_scalp.py ^ + --project_dir %PROJECT_DIR%\ext\NeuralHaircut --data_dir %DATA_PATH% ^ + --flame_mesh_dir %DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1% ^ + --cams_path %DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%\cameras\30000_matrices.pkl ^ + -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" REM 运行潜在头发股线重建 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python train_latent_strands.py -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" -r 1 --model_path_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%" --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud_filtered\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" --lambda_dmask 0.1 --lambda_dorient 0.1 --lambda_dsds 0.01 --load_synthetic_rgba --load_synthetic_geom --binarize_masks --iteration_data 30000 --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf --iterations 20000 --port "800%GPU%" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python train_latent_strands.py ^ + -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" -r 1 ^ + --model_path_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%" ^ + --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" ^ + --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud_filtered\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" ^ + --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" ^ + --lambda_dmask 0.1 --lambda_dorient 0.1 --lambda_dsds 0.01 ^ + --load_synthetic_rgba --load_synthetic_geom --binarize_masks --iteration_data 30000 ^ + --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf ^ + --iterations 20000 --port "800%GPU%" REM 运行头发股线重建 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python train_strands.py -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" -r 1 --model_path_curves "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%" --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud_filtered\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" --start_checkpoint_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%\checkpoints\20000.pth" --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" --lambda_dmask 0.1 --lambda_dorient 0.1 --lambda_dsds 0.01 --load_synthetic_rgba --load_synthetic_geom --binarize_masks --iteration_data 30000 --position_lr_init 0.0000016 --position_lr_max_steps 10000 --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf --iterations 10000 --port "800%GPU%" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python train_strands.py ^ + -s %DATA_PATH% -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" -r 1 ^ + --model_path_curves "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%" ^ + --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" ^ + --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud_filtered\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" ^ + --start_checkpoint_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%\checkpoints\20000.pth" ^ + --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" ^ + --lambda_dmask 0.1 --lambda_dorient 0.1 --lambda_dsds 0.01 ^ + --load_synthetic_rgba --load_synthetic_geom --binarize_masks --iteration_data 30000 ^ + --position_lr_init 0.0000016 --position_lr_max_steps 10000 ^ + --trainable_cameras --trainable_intrinsics --use_barf ^ + --iterations 10000 --port "800%GPU%" @CALL rmdir /s /q "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%\train_cropped" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) REM ################## REM # 可视化阶段 # REM ################## REM 导出结果的股线为pkl和ply格式 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python export_curves.py --data_dir %DATA_PATH% --model_name %EXP_NAME_3% --iter 10000 --flame_mesh_path "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_3\mesh_final.obj" --scalp_mesh_path "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\scalp_data\scalp.obj" --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\preprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python export_curves.py ^ + --data_dir %DATA_PATH% --model_name %EXP_NAME_3% --iter 10000 ^ + --flame_mesh_path "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\stage_3\mesh_final.obj" ^ + --scalp_mesh_path "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%\scalp_data\scalp.obj" ^ + --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" REM 渲染可视化 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\postprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python render_video.py --blender_path "%BLENDER_DIR%" --input_path "%DATA_PATH%" --exp_name_1 "%EXP_NAME_1%" --exp_name_3 "%EXP_NAME_3%" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\postprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python render_video.py ^ + --blender_path "%BLENDER_DIR%" --input_path "%DATA_PATH%" ^ + --exp_name_1 "%EXP_NAME_1%" --exp_name_3 "%EXP_NAME_3%" REM 渲染股线 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python render_strands.py -s %DATA_PATH% --data_dir "%DATA_PATH%" --data_device 'cpu' --skip_test -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iteration 30000 --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --model_hair_path "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%" --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" --checkpoint_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%\checkpoints\20000.pth" --checkpoint_curves "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%\checkpoints\10000.pth" --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" --interpolate_cameras -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python render_strands.py ^ + -s %DATA_PATH% --data_dir "%DATA_PATH%" --data_device 'cpu' --skip_test ^ + -m "%DATA_PATH%\3d_gaussian_splatting\%EXP_NAME_1%" --iteration 30000 ^ + --flame_mesh_dir "%DATA_PATH%\flame_fitting\%EXP_NAME_1%" ^ + --model_hair_path "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%" ^ + --hair_conf_path "%PROJECT_DIR%\src\arguments\hair_strands_textured.yaml" ^ + --checkpoint_hair "%DATA_PATH%\strands_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_2%\checkpoints\20000.pth" ^ + --checkpoint_curves "%DATA_PATH%\curves_reconstruction\%EXP_NAME_3%\checkpoints\10000.pth" ^ + --pointcloud_path_head "%EXP_PATH_1%\point_cloud\iteration_30000\raw_point_cloud.ply" ^ + --interpolate_cameras REM 制作视频 -@CALL condabin\micromamba.bat activate gaussian_splatting_hair -@CALL cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\postprocessing -@CALL set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% -@CALL python concat_video.py --input_path "%DATA_PATH%" --exp_name_3 "%EXP_NAME_3%" -IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( - @echo ERROR: Failed to run command - @exit /b 1 -) +@CALL "%~dp0condabin\micromamba.bat" activate gaussian_splatting_hair && cd %PROJECT_DIR%\src\postprocessing +@CALL SET CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=%GPU% && @CALL python concat_video.py ^ + --input_path "%DATA_PATH%" --exp_name_3 "%EXP_NAME_3%" +